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Old 04-09-2006, 03:13 PM
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Lap Dance Etiquette

I was talking with a friend the other day about lap dancing, as I was looking at taking a class on the subject of erotic dancing where the "final" was a recital of sorts where you bring your SO in for a lap dance. But that's another story.

He asked me what actually happens during a lap dance. So I said I'd have to check into it. I found the information on actual lap dance etiquette, you know...
1. keep your hands to yourself,
2. keep conversation to a minimum,
3. bring a woman with you as it seemingly ensures you a better dance and
4. show the girls the cash.

But his question was more specific. I did find mention where the pole is actually raised but is it customary to ...umm... shall we say euphemistically speaking, to "salute"?

I imagine all rules go out the window for a private dance between SO's.

Any insights Pixies?

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Old 04-09-2006, 04:50 PM
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I've only given them in private.

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Old 04-09-2006, 07:17 PM
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I've been to clubs with male friends - and female friends - and several of them got lap dances, and they all either mentioned being hard or were visibly so.
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Old 04-09-2006, 07:30 PM
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So no "salute"? Just a raising of the pole?

I've never had a lap dance personally. I'm trying to remember back to when I bartended and we had dancers I don't recall "lap dances" occurring.

Where's CK when you need his advice?

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Old 04-09-2006, 08:44 PM
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My experience on lap dances....

Generally they are the don't touch kind. Keep your hands to at yourside. The dancer rubs her parts (usually breasts) on you and your upper torse. Maybe does some grinding. All things considered, lap dances at the respectable clubs are expensive and not much happens. The big thing I think is that a guy gets an absolute babe one on one for a few minutes.

As for the less respectable places. To put it bluntly, you can touch the dancers anywhere but usually "don't put your fingers inside". And if they let you go that far....then there is really no limit as long as you have the cash.

However, not sure I answered the question.
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Old 04-09-2006, 09:18 PM
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The lap dance your recieve from your mate and what you get at a club are two seperate things. Believe it or not states regulate those. In this state the girls are totaly nude but there is no touching what so ever. In California The girls wear two pairs of thongs (just in case) and thier bra tops (which normaly get pushed to the side) there is a fixed rate for a dance, usually given in a booth, how much contact you are allowed to do, such as rubbing her tits or ass is dictated by money. They on the other hand she will dance, rub, and grind on you even to completion as long as the songs paid for are still playing so yes the salute will usualy happen. Prices vary per region or state and even club to club and belief me the clubs do get their cut
Hope this helps
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Old 04-10-2006, 03:13 PM
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Well, Salacious, I think the most possible polite point of etiquette would be for you to give me one, and we'll see what happens.
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Old 04-10-2006, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Lilith
I've only given them in private.

Same here.

Is there actually etiquette to lap dancing? I mean, for real????

Are you going to be doing this is a job or just for your s/o? If just for s/o why do you need to know the rights and wrongs? Do whatever comes up and keep it fun I suppose.

I'd say just make it fun!
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Old 04-10-2006, 03:53 PM
alspals69 alspals69 is offline
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and all sorts may come up!
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Old 04-11-2006, 06:23 AM
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Originally Posted by imaginewithme
Same here.

Is there actually etiquette to lap dancing? I mean, for real????

Are you going to be doing this is a job or just for your s/o? If just for s/o why do you need to know the rights and wrongs? Do whatever comes up and keep it fun I suppose.

I'd say just make it fun!

Apparently there is real etiquette, I will not be doing this for a job as I don't think I'd ever get hired for such an event in real life.

I had talked to my SO about taking a class at one time that taught erotic dance and mediation, but he was disinterested as usual, for some stupid reason I thought the idea of the final "recital" would appeal, but no. So it stays in my dreams file.

The question came to me from a man friend that has seen exotic dancers but not had an actual lap dance and he was wondering if the point was for the lap dancee to "get off" - I personlly didn't know so posed the query here, thinking the answer could be found with wit and wisdom.

You know what? I think I was right.

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Old 04-11-2006, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Salacious
for some stupid reason I thought the idea of the final "recital" would appeal, but no. So it stays in my dreams file.
You know what? I think I was right.

Well, I wouldn't want you going to all those classes and working on technique and not get to take the final. So I'll sacrifice myself so you can bump & grind me with abandon and pass your final exam!!!

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Old 04-11-2006, 03:02 PM
Magalicious Magalicious is offline
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I danced very briefly, actually a week. I gave a few lapdances. The guys never masturbated during the dances, and I doubt that that was permitted, though I'm not sure. I danced completely nude and they could touch me anywhere but down below. Although, there was a certain guy who would always try to get away with touching the girls wherever he pleased.
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Old 04-11-2006, 05:58 PM
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I'd love to know where I can sign up to take an erotic dance class!

Sal, what's wrong with your SO? He sounds just like my almost-ex-husband. Never had a clue what he was missing because he just wasn't interested. Kick his ass for me and tell him to wise up!
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Old 04-11-2006, 09:06 PM
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Yes Virginia there is etiquette to lap dances, not that I would know mind you!

Does it really count though when your S/O does it for you as opposed to a total stranger? The anticipation with your S/O has to be totally different doesn't it? At least then you know what the boundaries are (or are not).
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Old 04-11-2006, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Coaster
Well, I wouldn't want you going to all those classes and working on technique and not get to take the final. So I'll sacrifice myself so you can bump & grind me with abandon and pass your final exam!!!

What I don't do to help out.............

I'd love to have you be my surrogate SO, not that I didn't have other volunteers when I mentioned my lament. I wanted HIM to pay for the classes and reap the benefits. Unfortunately, I think he's disinterested in any of my enticments.

You are such a trooper Coaster!

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