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Old 05-29-2004, 12:01 AM
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A Little of Both
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Redemption (closed)


Not a care in the world, the young girl sat between her brother and sister in the back of the family carriage. Her copper curls bounced in time with the ruts in the road. She was dressed simply. Her family was rich, but only in love. To Seraphina, that was all that mattered.

At fifteen she was the middle child but always mistaken for the youngest because she was small for her age. Her father affectionately called her ‘Pixie’. He claimed that although she was small she contained enough spunk and determination that he was sure, if she wanted to, she could fly.

Ten years later, as she sat alone in the corner of a dusty pub, reflecting back upon that day, Seraphina could barely recall the feelings of contentment and love that always seemed to surround her as a child. All of those feelings were overshadowed by bitter outrage at the strange force that had ripped her family from her forever.

They had been going to the annual Harvest Festival. A ride that usually took only half the day turned into an all day affair because of the rainstorms the night before. Mud slowed their progress and the heavy rains had washed out the bridge to the main road. Her father took the long way, claiming the day as beautiful and telling them all to enjoy the weather while it lasted.

Her heart still full of grief, Seraphina smiled ironically. Her father was always the optimist. What would he have said had he known his fate? Her smile fading, Seraphina paused in her recollection to draw a deep breath. Already she felt her blood begin to pound.

As night drew around her traveling family they chased away the chill by huddling together and singing songs. She noticed her father was a bit on edge, but attributed it to the conditions of the road. Eventually, she felt the wagon begin to slow, then stop.

“Children, hush!” her father whispered. Immediately they fell silent, listening for whatever it was their father had heard.

The horses moved restlessly, urging the carriage forward. He held them in place, whispering gentle calming words to them. They stayed put, but remained jittery.

“What is it Dear?” her mother asked.

In a hushed voice he said “The horses, they are uneasy. And I’ve seen something following us in the woods.” Smiling at his wife he laid a comforting hand on her knee. “I’m sure it’s just an animal Mama. Hand me the crossbow and I’ll see what I can find.”

Seraphina saw the man before anyone else. He seemed to appear from thin air beside the tree line she was facing. He was tall. Taller than any man she had ever seen. His skin was pale and almost seemed to glow in the moonlight. His eyes were an unnatural shade of blue that she could clearly see even from where she sat.

His eyes met hers, and for a brief moment she was engulfed in a feeling of hatred so powerful it made her sick. At first glance he appeared to be a gentleman lost in the woods, until she saw the bright red spill of blood down his shirt. Her cry of warning lodged in her throat as he smiled wickedly and bared his fangs at her, feeding on her fear.

Beside her, she felt her younger brother stiffen and gasp. As one, her family turned toward the monster by the trees. Instantly he was gone, seeming to disappear as if he was mist.

With extraordinary swiftness and strength the monster circled round the carriage and attacked from behind. She felt herself being hurled from the carriage and landing hard on her side, the screams of her family ringing in her ears. Struggling to sit up, she looked back at the overturned carriage. That thing had flipped it as if turning over a playing card.

Almost blinded by the dark, she fumbled around in search of her family. She could hear them calling out to one another. Suddenly her sister’s scream pierced the night and abruptly ceased, turning Seraphina’s blood to ice. She ran toward the sound, cradling her injured arm in her hand. Over stones and branches she moved with a cat like quickness, calling out to her sister.

Seraphina found her sister’s crumpled body at the base of a tree. She hugged her close, only to feel the warm gush of blood flowing from a mortal wound at her neck. Sobbing her anguish, she moved on, in search of anyone the Monster hadn’t killed. Her tiny feet picked their way around the carriage, holding in her sobs of fright and grief so as not to attract the attention of whatever fiend was hunting them.

It was then that she heard the voice of her father.

“Run Damn You!” he yelled.

Seraphina followed the voice, finding him standing face to face with the monster in a pool of moonlight, her mother standing behind him, refusing to leave.

As the monster walked slowly towards them, taking pleasure in the couple’s fear, her father took aim and fired arrow after arrow at him. The demon remained unhurt. In an instant he was upon them. He swiftly grasped her father by the neck and pulled him close. Viciously the fiend tore open her father’s throat and gorged himself upon his blood. Her mother screamed and fell as she tried to run from the sight.

Tossing her beloved father’s lifeless body aside, the beast turned his attention to her mother. Rage built up inside her as she saw him stalk her mother through the dirt. As he reached for her mother’s neck, Seraphina ran. Picking up her father’s fallen arrows and letting loose a bloodcurdling scream, she flung herself onto the monster’s back. With all her strength she plunged the arrow into his back, but to no avail. He continued his grizzly feast.

At that moment Seraphina felt herself being torn from the monster’s back and tossed into the nearby grass. She watched, spellbound, as a man shrouded in a long black cloak descended upon the monster, ripping him away from her mother’s body. She watched as they struggled. The cloaked man seized the arrow from the monsters back and plunged it into his chest, killing him instantly.

In shock she watched as the man bent reverently down to her mother and placed his fingers to her neck to check for a pulse. Pent up sobs erupted from Seraphina’s throat as his hand gently passed over her mother’s eye lids, closing them forever.

Filled with grief and despair she allowed her rescuer to lift her into his arms. He allowed her cry into his shoulder, soothing her with soft words.

“What of my brother? Does he live?” she asked through her tears.

“No Dear one.” the man said in a hushed voice, holding her closer. “I am sorry I could not save you all.” He whispered into her hair.

After awhile her sobs subsided and shock ensued. She relaxed against his body and felt sleep overtake her.

“Be at rest little Pixie. I will see you to safety.” he said.

She started at his use of her father’s nick name for her and looked groggily up into his face. It was hidden in shadows. She slipped into a dreamless sleep against his chest, wondering in the back of her mind just who her mysterious hero was.

Seraphina awoke in the care of the local orphanage. After some searching she was placed in the custody of her only remaining relative, her mother’s brother. She asked the people at the orphanage about her mysterious rescuer again and again. All they were able to tell her was that a man brought her to the door late that night. He stayed long enough to advise them that her family was murdered by a highwayman and he had found her alive by the side of the road and was gone. He left her, along with a purse filled with gold, and instructed them to care for her until she was found a permanent home.

She found that home with her Uncle Thomas. He was a kind man. He kept a lot to himself but always treated her well. He lived with his sister Katheryn. Seraphina spent most of her days with her, taking care of their small cottage.

After the night her family died Seraphina’s whole demeanor changed. The carefree child she once had been was gone. Her soul had been crushed under the weight of grief and confusion. She wondered constantly at the events of that night. What was that thing? Why did it attack them and most of all, who was the man that had saved her?

About a year later, she finally received some of the answers that constantly plagued her. She was collecting water from the well when she heard noises coming from the nearby forest. She followed the sound and came across a small glade. Her uncle was there with a young man she did not know. They were armed and seemed to be engaged in combat training. By the look of grim determination, it appeared the young man was the student. Surprised to see them there, she hid behind a tree and watched as they parried. With a final grunt and jab the swordplay ceased.

“How do you expect to be ready William? The trials are a month away and still you have not finished your training!” her Uncle yelled.

The young man began to speak but her Uncle cut him off.

“No excuses! You came to me, begging to be trained. Promising you would give this your all. ‘Vampires!’ You told me. You wanted to be in the order so you could ‘kill the evil blood suckers’. You swore with such passion. Kill them! Ha! You would be dead with in the week. I can not have that William.” Her Uncle spat at the young man.

Obviously shameful the young man hung his head. “I will try harder Master.”

With a snort of disgust her uncle answered “See that you do.” as he turned to collect his things. “You better be getting on home now boy. Your Mother will be worried. And, as we know, worried mothers are nosey Mothers.”

Seraphina watched the boy go, in awe of what she had just learned. A secrete order? Vampires? Pieces of her puzzle were coming together. Lost in her thoughts she did not hear her Uncle approach.

“Sera, you should not be spying, it is impolite.” Her uncle said matter-of-factly.

“How did you know I was here?” she exclaimed.

“Do you think I got to be a Master in the Order of the Sun with out developing some skill girl?” he laughed. “Come here, we have much to discuss.”

That day, for the first time since her family had been taken from her, she was given a direction for her rage. Vampires. Her Uncle told her of the creatures. Schooled her in all their lore and taught her how to fight them and defend herself. He learned quickly how powerful the fury inside her was. Despite her size she could out fight, out track and out hunt every man in The Order by her twentieth birthday, including him.

No matter how many Vampires they slew, she never seemed to be satisfied. Her soul was consumed with hatred for the species and she had dedicated her life to The Order and all its ideals. The never ending hunt to cleanse her wounds of sorrow in the blood of the monsters that ripped her family from her life. And always in the back of her mind, she wondered at the man who had rescued her that night. Will she ever see him again? Be able to thank him?

The waiter came to her table, interrupting her thoughts and asked if she required anything further. The kitchen was about to close. She declined and paid her tab, readying herself to leave. It was then that one of them walked in. Shielding her face and locking her mind she sat and watched as he talked with the barkeep. Finishing his business he turned to leave. Silently she pursued him, pulling her sword from its sheath as she followed him down the busy street....
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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Old 05-31-2004, 11:31 PM
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It was not so long ago that I walked the night trying to curtail the evilness of my kind. I can recall one night almost a decade ago. I was wondering the countryside looking for one particular unsavory character. He had a thing for entire families. It was a chilled night, even to my kind, a storm had ended the night before it was still muddy, making it easy to hunt even my query.

I followed him for hours and then lost him. After climbing the trees I finally found him. By the time I got there, only one member of the small family was alive. A young girl that was on the back of this brutal monster, trying to save her mother. I rushed in and pulled the young girl from his back and grabbed one of the numerous arrows and slamed it into his chest. It did not kill him, but paralyzed him long enough for me to dispatch him in a more suitable fashion.

I was too late for the mother and rest of family, but I could save the young spitfire. I carefully picked her up and she cried fervently. I placed her tight against my chest and let her cry on my shoulder. I used all the energy I had left and flew us to the nearest orphange. I gave the Mother Superior a large sack of gold and informed her of your family and what happened, in detail. And then left as quickly as I could.

And then tonight as I entered an inn that I used for stay overs during the day, I caught the thoughts and memories of that self same spitfire from a decade before. And as I did, I caught the murderous rage within her for my kind. Then the sweetest of thoughts of a stranger helping her.

I hastily leave, and hope that she will follow. I am curious of how good of a hunter she has become. Can she stalk a Vampyre as old asmyself with success? Better yet, will I let her?
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 06-02-2004, 11:38 PM
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Seraphina stalked the creature into the crowded street. He moved with a barely perceptible inhuman grace. He hid it well, his monstrosity. But she knew him for what he was.

She followed him stealthily, staying far enough behind so as not to arouse his attention and locking her mind so he would not pick up her thoughts. That was a trick she had recently learned. The bastards could read minds. She was learning to control her mind, but sometimes things still slipped out.

She followed him through the town as he went into this shop and that. He talked to people here and there. Her rage seethed as he stopped to talk to a woman selling dried herbs. Her mother would be about that age.
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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Old 06-02-2004, 11:54 PM
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Vaj walked into the busy night street. It was still light enough for people returning home or going to meet for that late night business. Oh how I love this city. I can still sense her behind me, not all of her thoughts but enough to know her rage is fueling her on. I continue with my business, after all I can send to have my contacts to meet me in the streets and otehr places to protect them just in case she has a partner following.

Then he saw Ole Maggie. She was an immortal from a long lost age of magic and mayhem. Now she was reduced to selling herbs and healing those that would let her and trust her. As always I overpaid her for what I bought, but she knew it was my way of trying to help her, without her feeling likea beggar.

I knew she was still back there, when she saw Ole Maggie, her pains surfaced and he saw her mother's image blaze through her mind. That only confirmed his suspicions. He continued out of town, but only to make sure that she was alone. He would take her to an abandonded town down the road and maybe further.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 06-04-2004, 06:41 PM
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As their surroundings grew less crowded Seraphina took to the shadows. Shrouded in her cloak she continued to follow her prey, waiting for the right momesnt to strike.

As she followed, she watched him move, watched him interact with the people. He seemed almost happy. Wondering at herself, she silently shook her head. What was she thinking? Those monsters did not know joy, happiness. They knew only blood, death and pain. But her gaze kept drifting to his broad powerfull shoulders. Repulsed at her straying mind, she grasped the hilt of her sword and strode forward, putting her thoughts behind her. But still, in the back of her mind, a memory stirred.
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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Old 06-04-2004, 11:51 PM
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I could still sense her behind him and I could sense that she was having onflicting thoughts. I continued long my path and made contact with those I supported. I knew that eventually she would give in to her desire and then I would have her.

As she strode from her shadows pulling her sword from her hip, I knew she had repulsed herself to react so quickly. As she came forward, I refused to grab my sword, but simply moved away from her. Taunting her to advance and attack.

"So you think you can take me do you. Well, I will not give in as do those younglings that you have slain in the past. Well, have it."
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 06-05-2004, 10:06 PM
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Drawing her sword she steped forth. She knew immedietly her mistake. Haste kills, her uncle had taught her. She had given herself away too soon.

"So you think you can take me do you? Well, I will not give in as do those younglings that you have slain in the past. Well, have it." the creature said tauntingly. His voice deep and melodical. This surprised her, and continued to stir something with in her mind.

The vampire stood back from her. As she advanced slowly, he countered her move, keeping a distance between them.

"Afraid feind?" she spat.

"Nay, I do not wish to kill you. But if you attack, I will not hesitate." he said calmly.

Rising to his challenge, her heart pounded in her chest.

"It is you who will die monster."

He laughed. "Little Pixie, you know not who you trifel with."

Her eyes widened in shock. How could he know that? Then she remembered he could read her mind. He must have pulled that from her thoughts. Enraged at his plundering of her mind she attacked. Sword raised, eyes flashing, she decended upon the vampire.
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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Old 06-05-2004, 11:04 PM
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She advanced as I knew she would, then I saw the light hesitation when she realized what she had done. I easily avoided her attacks, and did not draw my weapon.

"Afraid feind?" she spat.

"Nay, I do not wish to kill you. But if you attack, I will not hesitate." I said calmly.

I sensed her adrenaline surge through her as her pulse quickened. She was succumbing to the battle, and would shortly be beyond my ability to guide and possible control.

"It is you who will die monster."

I laughed. "Little Pixie, you know not who you trifel with." I hoped by using her father's affectionate name she might hesitate, and she did. But not in the way that I wanted or anticipated. It was now obvious that her rage and anger was much more intense then I thought posible in one so young. As she charged at me, I deftly moved aside, trying desparately to avoid using my weapon, but getting closer to the point of having to use it.

She lunged and then swiveled in mid strike and caught me off guard. As the tip of her sword burned across my chest, I knew that had to have had it made within sacntified land and under the watchful eye of the priests of this current religion.

Now my anger surfaced and I whipped out my weapon. A long sword with a slight curve and a single edge. The crossguard that of wolf claws. I stepped back and into a very low defensive position. She was surprised and not sure how to counter easily. She lunged forward again and we locked blades.

"My Seraphim Pixie, why must you try to kill me. Have you thought that maybe your uneasiness is because I am familiar to you, and not this loathsome creature you perceive. Please let us talk and I can assure you that I am not as evil as you think I am."
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 06-12-2004, 06:20 PM
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"My Seraphim Pixie, why must you try to kill me. Have you thought that maybe your uneasiness is because I am familiar to you, and not this loathsome creature you perceive. Please let us talk and I can assure you that I am not as evil as you think I am."

As he spoke she felt a wave of comfort course through her. She felt her grip on her sword begin to relax. What was she doing? One of these creatures destroyed her family. They were to be shown no mercy. Regaining her grip she spun out of their blade lock.

"All your pretty words and mind games won't work with me creature. How could you be familiar to me when all vampires who have crossed my path have met their end at my blade?" she snarled, rage consuming her. "Now prepare to meet yours."

With that she advanced. Screaming her rage she raised her sword to slash at the vampires throat. But the creature was too fast for her. On the downstroke of her blade he spun and slid his own slade into her unprotected side. Grunting, she fell to her knees. Blood ran from her side as she stared at vile creature.

"Damn you and all your kind." she whispered as she fell to the ground in a heap.
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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Old 06-12-2004, 11:39 PM
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On the downstroke of her blade I spun and slid my own blade into her unprotected side. Grunting, she fell to her knees. Blood ran from her side as she stared at me.

"Damn you and all your kind." she whispered as she fell to the ground in a heap.

As my thin blade slid into her side I was careful to not harm anything major, but enough to look dead and produce plenty of blood. I bent down to take her in my arms and bent my head into the crook of her neck. I only kissed and licked her salty flesh and made sure that she still lived. Her pulse was strong so I knew that I sent her to sleep at the right moment. She would awaken with a slight headache and very upset, but I needed her to realize that not all Vampyres are evil.

I then used all my supernatural speed and raced away with her body before any other hunters arrived to claim her body. I knew that after taking her I would need to hide for a while, but it would all be worth it. As we approached my castle, I scanned the area and found the minds of my Gypsies and no one else. I sent out greetings to all and forewarned of hunters in the town, and that I had a hunter with me as well. I entered my castle and took her to a room, one that was hardly used but well kept in case of situations like this.

I removed her clothes and was awestruck at the mere perfection of her flawless skin. The only mark being the one I created. I quickly applied a bandage and proceeded to clean the wound. Her luscious blood flowing, and finally cannot fight the temptation. I take a small taste and stop. But not wanting to mare the beautiful flesh, I lick the wound, sealing it with my powers. I cover her with the finely woven silk sheets and leave the room, locking the door as I exit.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 06-13-2004, 08:27 PM
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Seraphina's first sign that she had not died was the powerfull pounding in her skull. Swimming up from the depths of her sleep she became aware that dispite her aching head, she felt remarkably unhurt. "How can that be?" she wondered to herself. As her eyes opened she quickly shut them against the glare of sunlight through the window. Squinting, she took in her surroundings.

She was laying in the center of a large wooden canopy bed. The drapes around the bed were drawn back so she could see the rest of the room. The room was lush to say the least. Rich velvet and silk covered the bed and furnishings. Thick rugs were laid upon the stone floor and beautiful tapistries hung on the walls.

Throwing back the covers she realized that she was naked.

"Where am I?" She asked herself aloud.

"You are in the care of the Master." said a female voice with a thick Hungarian accent as the chamber door opened. An older woman entered the room carrying a try laden with food. Seraphina rushed to cover her naked body.

"And just who is The Master?" Seraphina inquired.

"My job is not to tell you that which The Master does not wish you to know little one. My job is only to see that your desires are fullfilled untill The Master is ready to see you. My name is Gisella Miss, please do ring the bell if you need anything further." the woman said as she stepped to exit the room.

"Wait! I'd like my clothes please." Seraphina said.

"Miss your clothes were stained with blood. What could be saved is being cleaned as The Master requested. In the meantime, I am sure you will find something to your liking in the wardrobe. Master has impecible taste." With that she turned and left. With an audible click, she locked the door behind her.

"So I am to be a prisioner then." Seraphina whispered. This Master has a thing or two to learn about manners.

Wondering who on earth had saved her from that vile creature, she slid out from the cool sheets and over to the window. It appeared she was in a castle in the middle of no where.

"Now how on earth did we get so far from town?" she wondered. Searching the rest of the room she found a beautiful selection of dresses and frilly things in the wardrobe. She was not acustomed to wearing these things. But Gisella was right, The Master had inpecable taste. Everything was in jewel tones, perfect to match her copper curls and emerald eyes.

Standing in the sunlight she inspected her body. She remembered being wounded. She remembered that viscious creature stabbing her, killing her. But, there was no wound. She ran her fingers over her side where the blood had flowed so freely. Gisella had said her clothes were blood stained. Where was the wound?

Reluctantly, she dressed. With some difficulty she donned one of the simpler saphire blue morning gowns. It fit perfectly. As she slid her tiny feet in the matching slippers her stomach gave a hearthy growl. Looking at the tray Gisella brough her, she decided to eat while she awaited this "Master's" presence. He surely wouldn't keep her waiting all day.

She was half way through one of the many books in her prison when she realized night was falling.

"Night time." she whispered to herself, a feeling of dread filling the pit of her stomach. Just who was this Master? And why had he not come to her yet?
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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Old 06-17-2004, 10:13 PM
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I entered my secure sleeping quarters and lay in my bed. As the sun rose, I sent out the orders of the day. I entrusted Gisella to look after my Pixie and to make sure that she had clean clothes and food. As the day took control, I slowly entered my slumber. As I did so, I sent out my thoughts to Seraphina to make sure she was alright. She slept deeply, but all was well.

Soon I felt the sun lower and lessen it hold on the world and the glorious moon, Luna, rise to take claim once again. I scanned the castle and detected my servants peparing for my rising. A hot bath drawn and fresh clothes laid out. Gisella was preparing to take Seraphina her evening meal. I sent to Gisella to remember everything about Seraphina and to let my guest know that I would be joining her shortly to explain as much as I can. I scanned Seraphina's thoughts, but was suddenly blocked as I detected that she was reading one of my collections of Shakespeare. She must have realized that since I did not visit sooner that I was a Vampyre. Oh well, I will expect anything once I arrive.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 06-26-2004, 10:20 PM
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Was it possible that she was being kept by the very abomination she sought to kill? Seraphina could not get that question out of her mind. How else could she explain the delay? She loked around the room. None of her things had been left with her. No clothes and certainly not her sword. No, of course they had taken that. But, if she was indeed being held prisioner by the vampire, she could not figure out why. She had only seen blood lust and carnage from the vile creatures. Why was this one so different? And why did this vampire ignight a spark of memory and God forbid.... warmth... in her mind?

Nightfall decended upon the castle. She could no longer concentrate on the book she had been reading. With a cry of frustration she threw the book against the wall.

"I don't really think it's necessary to take your frustrations out on Mister Shakespeare Seraphina." a velvety voice said from behind her.

Startled, she twirled round to face her captor and came face to face with the most beautiful man she had ever met. On second glance she realized her mistake. He was not a man at all.
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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Old 06-27-2004, 09:28 PM
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Nightfall decended upon the castle. She could no longer concentrate on the book she had been reading. With a cry of frustration she threw the book against the wall.

I watched her from the darkness of the corners, where the sun could no longer reach. I could sense the turmoil in her thoughts but could detect where it was directed. As the last rays of the sun set, is when the book flew at the wall. I was at first angry, but knew it was okay.

Then in the smoothiest voice I could muster I said,
"I don't really think it's necessary to take your frustrations out on Master Shakespeare Seraphina." a velvety voice said from behind her.

Startled, Seraphina twirled round to face me and we came face to face. I could see the sudden shock of pleasure, then the revulsion as she recognized who it was. I feared that she would feel that way, and was prepared for her reaction. As she flung herself at me and tried to wrestling to the ground, I quickly and gently tossed her to the bed. As she rolled and came up, her face was in a rictus of anger and hatred.

I had to do that which I dislike the most. I forced her mentally to stop and relax. Not something I like to do, but have to at times. As she physically relaxed, I could sense the anger and hatred only strengthen in her mind. And then I touched on what truly angered her. The fact that she was starting to recognize me not for what I was, but for who I was.

Her childhood savior.
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Old 06-28-2004, 05:37 PM
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Eliza Eliza is offline
A Little of Both
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Pa
Posts: 3,114
Seraphina felt the calming nudge wash over her body. Her anger flared, but her body visibly relaxed. She felt him scan her mind, gently pushing, trying to read her thoughts. Again, as she looked at him, she felt the nagging bit of memory trying to surface. Realizing he had caught her thoughts her rage built anew. How dare he intrude on her innermost thoughts? She tensed her body and rose to attack again.

As she flung her body at the creature she felt a violent force push her back onto the bed.

"Enough!" he roared, Seraphina's eyes opened wide in fright. Seeing her fear, he reigned in his anger. Voice once again velvet to her ears, he calmly continued.

"I do not wish to harm you Seraphina. Do not force my hand." He met her gaze with an amused raised brow. "I have healed you of your wounds from our previous....conversation. I would hate to mar that flawwless skin again."

He gathered hope from her carefully hidden twitching lip. He had almost made her smile.

Realization that this strange creature had actually seen her naked dawned on her. Hiding her blush with a scowl, she looked into his eyes.

"If you do not intend to kill me, what is it you want of me?" she demanded.
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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