04-13-2003, 05:21 PM
ThePower of Chinese Woman
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 985
I can not belive this...Can you ?
I can't hide from anyone, I must share with you what I just heard.I watched the SUnday night sex show last week
there is a guy called in, he told Sue that he can Oral himself. he asked her if this is weird to her. She said, wow! this is one in a million people can do that. i can't belive that i just heard.
how can he do that? he must be so flexible. He must started from a very young age. I mean his body is unbeliveable. I wish I can see this type of guy in my life. but too bad I don't have that type of luck. i wish one of my ex-boyfriend can do that. I just want to see it , how it looks like
In other countries like Far East Asia women are still held in LOWER esteem BUT in China, it’s a different story. Chinese women are much more aggressive and outspoken and held in Higher esteem.” I love Communist that provides males and females Equality and WOMEN’S Rights in China.