04-02-2003, 11:44 AM
Dirty old man in training
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: maryland
Posts: 228
Exciting and/or strange places you have had sex
I don't know if this thread has been done before but I was wondering.........What are some of the most exciting and/or strangest places you have had sex or made out?
Being a bit of the adventurous type I have had a few experiences. Probably not much to some but they are good memories with me  . On a town beach, not like a resort town but a little quiet small community town that was on the water. A public fishing pier at night, the road to it was often patroled by police. A public park in a city. In a bathroom, with parents right outside. And once, coming back from a funeral in NJ, I made out with my wife while driving. She was almost completely naked, legs spread, her seat reclined. My right hand busy playing with her soaking pussy and her breasts. Almost a shame that for most of the trip we were only on a two lane highway and at night, would of loved to have given anyone who could see a bit of a show. 
never take life seriously or you will never get out of it alive.
You can't fool me because I'm a moron.