01-12-2003, 09:36 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 236
Ladies... What do you want?
Seriously now ladies... I don't understand any of you... I mean... I grew up with the notion in my head that ladies liked sensitive and caring guys... you know... the classic romantic... but damned if I know anymore... I mean.. I write poems... I am caring.. Nice.. Kind... non-confrontational... I would do almost anything for the person I am with... I am not very self-centered... I generally would do something to defend almost any lady's honor (whether what was said be true or not).... I would never cheat on anyone... I admit I do get quite emotionally attached (I would say along the lines of a new puppy... but the same with dogs... I do get better and I'm easily trained... I think... heh)... I am a very shy and quiet guy in general.... but if there is someone I can talk to and actually BE myself around then I tend to be talkative at times (not that I can out do some women I know)... I am quite bright... and I have been told I am"cute" and stuff... (Please note that I do not really "believe" half the things I am saying because of my SEVERE slf-doubt and pessimism... but I have been told it be quite a few people so its worth a mention...) when it comes to me getting involved in a relationship... it tends to not happen or end badly.. when it doesn't happen the common phrase comes up; "Oh well you're just a friend..." and its quite frustrating... I tend to study people and listen into what they are saying (because no one notices me even for being large in build).. and it seems that ladies always seem to choose one of 3 types
1) Handsome
2) Complete JERKS (often handsome but not always)
3) The Bad Boy (usually a combination of the above to but throw in illegal activities)
I don't get it.... what the hell do you want? I many I have catalouged in my mind... atleast 7 or 8 (now 9 I guess) types of women... from just talking to them as a friend (which is mainly online since in person I'd often have the fear of saying something stupid or some such thing... though I do talk to some girls in real life..)... but I don't have a clue anymore.... they all seem to be slightly different... but mostly the same... During certain times... they want someone similar to how I am (but with better looks... I have been called "cute" but I think my looks are more on the Troll side... if I EVER get my camera to work I'll take a pic I guess)... but during the other 28 days... they want the bad boy rough type who will beat the hell out of them.... I mean damn it... that is so stupid... I have a friend who says he'd "beat" his wife if he had one (he is all talk though so we all know he'd never do it.. but still I am opposed to the idea of women as just an object of any sort)... and this guy ALWAYS has some girl crushing over him even if he doesn't give a damn at that moment... I mean hell.. he calls it a game... I call it lying.... because you're being something you not.... But I guess I don't know WHAT women want... can anyone enlighten me? Because I am getting fed up being the "Knight (or troll) in shining armor" (remembers Shrek hehe)... and my "love life" (or lack there of) tends to run in circles...
Care about some, get screwed over
Care about some, get screwed over
Care and date some one, get promised to get screwed but insted get screwed over
Care about some, get screwed over
Care about some, get screwed over
Care about some, get screwed over
And ect.
So to reitterate... What on earth do ladies want anymore?