10-11-2005, 06:56 PM
Mod with Bite
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Vegemite....nuff said!!
Posts: 13,502
Ok...i know i shouldn't be here...but well i am *LOL*
I was a smokers for many years(50 cigs+/day), i beat my addiction,
Do not say that i do not understand the addiction........Do not tell me i feel superior...Do not asssume i want all smoking outlawed...Do not assume that i believe smokers should be segregated....Do not assume i believe you should not be able to have smoking establishments (ie bars and pubs)....Do not tell me that i have to breathe in second hand smoke and that it wont hurt me, if i choose not to...Do not assume i believe smokers to be second class people...and definately do not assume i am worst because i am a reformed smoker!
Seems to be quite a bit of stereotyping going on here...not only by the non smokers, the reformed or yes definately the still smoking
Equality for all