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Old 05-30-2004, 06:07 AM
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well not irresponsible Sharni but perhaps unwise.

The reason is to find any problems early enough to be able to deal with them before they get too far advanced.
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Old 05-30-2004, 06:19 AM
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Yeah well someone find me the time and the money to go and all will be good

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Old 05-30-2004, 10:17 PM
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The exam's important even if it's not mandatory, since it will help the doc determine any sorts of problems that might impact the type of birth control that's right for you.

Plus, cervical cancer used to be the #1 killer of women- it's not even in the top ten now, all thanks to a pap smear once a year that makes it possible to detect cancer at the pre-cancerous stage.

GO GET ONE! It sucks, and it's embarrassing, and my vagina hates me for a week before I go, but i'd rather sign on for 20 minutes of embarassment than death or chemotherapy
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Old 05-31-2004, 05:35 AM
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You don't need a physical exam in the U - just a health history check and blood pressure check. Once you're on the pill you need a smear every couple of years - which will be a nurse rather than a Doctor (they're much better at it!!)
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Old 05-31-2004, 11:08 PM
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Unles you have a family history o medical problems, or are over the age of 40, they are not nessecary yearly, just recommended. I have them about once every 3 years, give or take. I've never had an abnormal one, and am only sexually active with 1 partner, the same guy for 7 years now.

If you are sexually active with more than 1 consistant partner, it's wise to be checked for std's (condom or not!!!) once a year. Older women are encouraged to get them early as well, because as people age, more health problems crop up. If you've a family history of ovarian cancer, cysts, etc, it's wise to get one yearly.

Once you've gotten the first one over with, so long as you aren't hopping from bed to bed, and don't have an abnormal smear, I wouldn't worry about having to get them every year.
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Old 06-03-2004, 03:20 AM
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August, didn't sound like a stupid question to me. In fact, it sounded pretty smart.

Listen to these ladies. Not only are they smart, but they're truly caring!
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Old 06-05-2004, 01:09 PM
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Welcum to Pixies august! I hope you've come back to read the advice given here! It's all true and wise! Don't think that you've asked a stupid question. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask! Please keep us up to date on your feelings hun!

One thing I've noticed...

It seems to me that the Health Care system in the US, because it is an individual's responsibility to carry and not universal, is expensive but involves a more extensive exam process. Judging from the responses above...all the ladies in the US had to have an internal exam before being prescribed BC. I think that "the exam" is a necessary part of a woman's life, and whether you get it as a part of your regular appt. for birth control (initially), or just request it as a precautionary measure towards your own peace of is the wisest and most responsible thing you can do for yourself, as a woman, on a regular basis! It's only embarrassing if you let it be. Pride, not embarrassment, should follow you through the process. The "knowing", that you are doing a good thing FOR yourself...should be it's own reward.

Now...go get that exam...and hold your head high that you've done something wonderful for YOU!
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