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Old 06-22-2003, 03:59 PM
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Cool Speaking of Karoke.....

I've been thinking.. for once not about sex... with the MidwestFest wednesday night karoke coming up on the 25th...

For any of you Karookeholics out there, what are your "Signature Songs" You know, the one everyone wants you to sing. Also, what are your favorite songs to sing?

I'll start, I've always considered "Wanted, Dead or Alive" as my sig song, but I'm always getting requests for "Paradise by the Dashboard Light". I enjoy both of them imensely, by my favorites, by category are:
Love Songs: "You've Lost that Lovin' Feelin'" and "The Rose"
Rock: "Sweet Home Alabama" and "Sweet Emotion"
Country: "Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler)"
Humor: "The Streak" and "Uneasy Rider"
"Quando Flunkus Moritatii" (I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.) - the Red Green Show

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Old 06-22-2003, 04:09 PM
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Promise me you'll sing "You've Lost That Lovin Feelin" Wednesday, Ok??? Or Unchained Melody???

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Old 06-22-2003, 04:11 PM
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I promise Sugarsprinkles... or should that be "I Swear"...
"Quando Flunkus Moritatii" (I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.) - the Red Green Show

The best thing about taking a vacation, is all the heartfelt huggs received upon your return. - Murphy

"The more you love, the more you CAN love. There's no limit to how much you can love - or how many" Lazarus Long in "Time Enough for Love" - Robert A. Heinlein
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Old 06-22-2003, 04:18 PM
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MMmm.......that would be nice too......

Damn, it will be so difficult to think you're singing to ME while I sit with you-know-who..............
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Old 06-23-2003, 05:46 AM
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I don't sing this at karaoke because it has no music but I sing it at open mic....Janis Joplin's "Mercedes Benz".


No Doubt - Don't Speak
U2 - Mysterious Ways
INXS - Need You Tonight
Anything Janis.........

Stuff like that!
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Old 06-23-2003, 01:05 PM
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The only song I've ever sung at karaoke was Bonnie Raitt's 'Something to Talk About'. It worked!
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Old 06-23-2003, 01:09 PM
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I sometimes get a request for Loser by Beck, and Whole lotta Love by Zeppelin
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Clever? Nah, I ran out of that years ago. But if you find this, let me know, k?
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Old 06-23-2003, 03:07 PM
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Hmmmm. Here's the short list:

*Anything by Olivia Newton-John, but especially "Let Me Be There" or "I Honestly Love You." (I never really have any male help to sing any of the "Grease" duets.)

*Definitely "Dancing Queen," every time. Occasionally another ABBA song.

*I've been known to get the urge to sing, "Billy, Don't Be a Hero," (gotta love one-hit wonders), "I Think I Love You," (by that ever-famous Patridge-type family), Janet Jackson's "Again," "Close to You," by the Carpenters, Coven's "One Tin Soldier," "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" (but only the SHORT version), Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive," Pat Benatar's "Shadows of the Night," and, at my last karaoke outing, got up the nerve to sing the Divinyls' "I Touch Myself." Thinking about doing that again, and building up the nerve to sing Oleta Adams' "Get Here if You Can."

*Anything else that strikes me as I look through the karaoke book...or that I can be talked into.

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, then let it, and if you have to wait for what you really want, take the time because nobody said that life would be easy. They just promised it would be worth it." ~ Unknown author

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Old 06-23-2003, 05:39 PM
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Great Balls of Fire--Jerry Lee Lewis
Friends in Low Places --Garth Brooks
The Gambler -- Kenny Rogers
and for fun with the right female Summer Lovin John Revolting and Olivia Newton John
if it feels good do i
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Old 06-23-2003, 05:41 PM
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Originally posted by 2-4-tea
...and for fun with the right female Summer Lovin John Revolting and Olivia Newton John

2-4-tea, where have you been all my karaoke life?

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, then let it, and if you have to wait for what you really want, take the time because nobody said that life would be easy. They just promised it would be worth it." ~ Unknown author

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