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Old 08-20-2006, 12:39 AM
curious1 curious1 is offline
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Questions on male problems

OK, to preface this I would like to state that I already plan to talk to my doctor about this.

I have almost no feeling whatsoever on the head of my penis. For instance, when my wife is giving me a blowjob and swirls her tongue on the head of my penis I don't feel anything. I have a very hard time (no pun intended) maintaining an erection unless I have constant stimulation, and even then it's sometimes hard to get and maintain an erection unless I haven't had sex for about 1-2 weeks. I've had several instances lately where I'm unable to perform and that leaves me feeling very frustrated and disappointed with myself. The most recent time this happened I was able to come by masturbation, but wasn't able to get hard enough for intercourse. Needless to say this is killing my self confidence and enjoyment of sex, because I'm constantly wondering if I'll be able to perform.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy sex. Tonight for instance, I took my wife from behind and had a great time...especially since she let me play with her butt. However, I had to play with my self to get me hard enough to enter her. And even then, I wasn't as hard as I would like. I know I can get harder, because I have in the past. So why can't I get that hard regulary?

I have no medical problems that I am aware of except for acid reflux and high chlosterol. (Nexium and Crestor). I'm relatively young (30), but I've had the same problems for as long as I can remember, albeit maybe not as severe. Even when extremely horny I only get semi-hard without direct stimulation. However, I have no problems with getting a morning "woody", which is usually satisfactorally hard.

Anyway, I'm mainly wondering if other guys have a similar problem with feeling in the penis and maintaining an erection. Sorry for the long winded post, but I wanted to give the "whole picture" as it were.
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Old 08-20-2006, 08:27 AM
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Great post and not too long at all. I know someone with this exact issue ( lack of sensitivity and firmness). Upon ultrasound it was found that he (around your same age) had varicose veins which were the culprit for the blood flow problems. Checking with your Dr. is a great idea because certain medications could make things worse. In his case it was also playing a part with his fertility and the DR. gave him some advice about how to not make things worse. He learned to cope with it.

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Old 08-20-2006, 10:27 PM
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Seeing the doc is the right may be scarier being younger, but only a little...when your little buddy starts to let ya down, it's always a real challenge...
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Old 08-29-2006, 07:05 AM
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As Scotz calls him, your little buddy depends on (from PF)on you, and if seeing a doctor will keep him happy, consider it your duty to him.

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Old 08-29-2006, 03:56 PM
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/me smacks all the men in this thread with my hat

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Old 08-29-2006, 04:25 PM
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First, not to offend, but are you circumcized? And if so, were you circumcized as an infant?

You said that it was a long time desensitization on the head of your penis, that is why I ask if you were circumcized as an infant. One thing that happens with the removal of the foreskin is that the head is left to rub on your underware and the skin will grow thicker and less sensitive as you grow up.

Also, when you do masturbate, do you tend to put a lot of pressure, or rub just behind the head, on the underside? do you concentrate there rather than your penis head? That area is where (if the foreskin was removed) that the frenulum was, and it is a place where there was a high concentration of nerve endings were (and can still be). For at the moment, you could have your wife concentrate on rubbing, licking, stimulating there, and that may halp with reaching and sustaining full erection.

If any of the above is true for you, there are products and techniques that are out there that a US (if you are from the USA) doctor may not know about, such as artificial foreskins. They cover and protect the head, and after a while, the head will regain more of it's sensitivity. That may sound strange, but desesitization, and erectile problems are quite common for men without foreskins (thus the popularity of Viagra and Cialis)

If you think that it might be your problem, feel free to PM me here, and I can send you several links to places, and products that may help, with or with out being used in conjunction with Viagra or Cialis (boy that sounded like I am a sales person..eek! I am not don't worry)

I hope that helps
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