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Old 08-08-2002, 09:43 PM
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Hello and help please.

This is my first post here and I would like to say that everyone that I have read about and talked to,so far, seem really nice.
I was wondering if anyone could help me or just tell me I'm messed up in the head.My girlfriend of a year and a 1/2 broke up two monthes ago and since then I have slept with two of her best friends.It's not that i really intened to do this to hurt her or them.I just found myself in postions to sleep with them and I guess I was thinking with the little head not the big one. This has caused a big rift between me and many of my friends and also her and her friends. Any advice or even someone telling me I'm dog would come in handy.Thanks.
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Old 08-09-2002, 05:03 AM
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Welcome to Pixies Gheldon!
Interesting post.... not sure how to respond to it. WHY did you sleep with her best friends?? I think it's important for guys to remember that just because you CAN have sex with someone, doesn't mean you ought to...
And, at the same time - it's been 2 months since you broke up with your g/f - you are allowed some freedom to sleep with other people. But I think you realise that her two best friends probably weren't the best choice to exercise that freedom with!!
Can I ask why you two broke up? Did she call it off or you?

In terms of advice, well all I can really say is don't do it again!!!! You'll have to see how you can patch things up with your friends and her friends.... not sure how. Your best friends though, would stick by you anyway I'm sure.

Sorry this isn't much help Gheldon! Good luck and let us know how things go!

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Old 08-09-2002, 05:12 AM
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Thing is she broke up with me to go out with my best friend.The funny part is she did this on the day I was going to ask her to marry me.
With the people I slept with...We all wanted to still be friends and between most of us there is a under laying tension and air of sex. None of ever acted upon it because we are friends and we all had bfs of gfs at the time. I just tried staying friends with these girls and with the tension still there and nothing else in the way we just went for it.
I relize that there is no chance for me and my ex and that I have freedom now,almost forgot what that felt like,but I don't want to rip apart these friendships.
Thanks for helping.It means more than you could know.
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Old 08-09-2002, 06:52 AM
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Welcome Gheldon...

I wouldn't lose any sleep if I were you.. your GF left you for your best friend.. at that point.. all bets were off.. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't sleep with whomever you wish as long as it was consentual.. and it was. If anything, I guess I would have to ask you about the friendships you keep. It just doesn't sound like there is alot of loyalty to be found in that bunch. As a friend, I consider any man off limits that a friend has been seriously involved with (unless they tell me before hand to go for it). I would imagine that in most cases that is typical between friends and I must wonder why not only did her girlfriends not live up to that... but either did your best friend. Maybe your solution in part is to distance yourself from the lot of them and build friendships with people who put more importance on loyalty.
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Old 08-09-2002, 08:43 AM
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I think that maybe you just found the easiest, most available

sex within the existing group.

Consequence wasn't an issue compared to getting your rocks off.

The girls may not care that you slept multiply within the group now,

but they will.

It was important to you to re-establish your sexual credibility, but

the easy path was probably the wrong one.

There is life, love and sex outside the fishbowl you seem to be in.
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Old 08-10-2002, 04:17 PM
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Bit of a mess

You sure this isn't a soap opera???

She went off with your best friend? You shagged her two best friends??

Well I'd talk to the two other girls and assure them it was not just a shag, and though it was more it was a mistake. For her? If you like her talk to her and if it works out it will be something to talk about when you are older.

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Old 08-11-2002, 09:24 AM
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Don't worry. You aren't a dog, and the two girls you slept with did so of their own volition, so what? As long as you haven't lied to anyone or led them to believe that there was something more to it than sex, who cares? If they now regret it or can't handle friendship with you having seen you in the buff, that's their problem, not yours. By all means talk to them and try to reassure them that their friendship is important, but if they can't handle the situation you can't be held responsible for their lack of maturity. They should have thought of that before they bedded you.

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Old 08-12-2002, 05:25 AM
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Thanks and I really needed the help. i talked to my ex and the girls told everything outright and they hadn't even told each other yet.They seem to be pissed at me but more pissed at each other. The truely confusing part is the two I slept with tried to hook up with me later that night.I do feel like I'm in a soap opra. Don't worry all I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.I just started coaching little leauge football,made some new friends, and have been trying to broaden my accepts and life. Thanks everyone once again.
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Old 08-12-2002, 06:47 AM
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Welcome to the family Gheldon

I sure things will turn out for the best eventually

my only advise would be: If you do not feel comfortable with the decision that you have made, then it is most likely the wrong one

Enjoy yourself!
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