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Old 07-29-2004, 02:52 AM
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Ok, well, as some of you may, or may not know (if somehow you stumbled on my only pic thread), I have very long hair that reaches almost to my wasit in the back. I was curious as to how people (men and women) deal with long hair when they are having sex? For me, my hair always seems to get in the damn way! Oral...mmm hair...missionary style...oh look, more hair...leaning forward...yup you guessed it :P

Usually I bring something to tie it up, but...I tend to get vigorous more than likely and *whoosh* out it springs forth. I really don't feel like cutting it (maybe like Sampson I will lose my strength and prowess! ), so tell me Pixie's: how you deal with long hair, and if you have any funny stories about long hair and the aggravations it can cause in the bedroom (or out of the bedroom )
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Old 07-29-2004, 06:36 AM
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My other half loves long hair and has encouraged me in my decision to grow mine.

However, he's starting to realise the disadvantages as everytime he comes near me, I'm screaming in pain as he's leaning on my hair!

I find the worse thing is that in a good long kissing session if I'm on my back, my hair will get really quite matted as it's very fine, but there's loads of it. Years ago my hair went well past my shoulders and I used to have to put it up to go down, if you know what I mean. My then boyfriend always new he was in for a treat when I'd lean over to the table, grab a scrunchie and start to make 'blow job hair' as we called it!

I have no idea how to stop hair getting in the way during sex....but then having wild flowing locks dancing about one's and shoulders is surely all part of the fun?
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Old 07-29-2004, 06:37 AM
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Well in most of my fantasizing, I usually have both hands wrapped up in his hair and it's not so much a problem I also have this image of his hair cascading down my body as he places tiny kisses along the trail moving southward.

I like my hair long too but I know what you mean about it being in the way...the least he can do while I suck his cock is to hold my him a false sense of control anyways. I say let it flow...It's beautiful from what I remember and may serve to be an added tool.

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Old 07-29-2004, 08:54 AM
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Wife has long very thick & full hair down to mid-back, & when she ties it back I like to refer to it as my "handle"...
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Old 07-29-2004, 09:01 AM
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Can we talk about something else?
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Old 07-29-2004, 09:28 AM
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It has never been a problem for me, but then I've only dated girls with long hair, not really long hair.
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Old 07-29-2004, 09:39 AM
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Hubby has gotten very good at gathering it all up in his hand if I go down. Or I pull it all back and secure it in a bun. I do hate being on my back and having to say "Ouch get off my hair." But it just one of the many things we have to deal with.

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Old 07-31-2004, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
Can we talk about something else?

LMAO PF....too funny!!!
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