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Old 10-14-2003, 07:42 AM
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OW.. soreness..

Ok, this has been weird. The past two months about a week before my period, I get really sore while we are having sex. When we are finished, if I look at my vagina there are like tiny tears that look almost like a paper cut. No, they don't bleed but it HURTS. Urine makes it burn and during sex it just hurts, like a burning pressure. What the heck is it and what causes it? I don't get it any other time but the past two months prior to my period. No, he isn't any rougher or pounding harder so it isn't from that.
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Old 10-14-2003, 08:02 AM
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Sounds like it could be a lack of lubrication...........if you're not quite wet enough you're gonna be suffering with some chafing.

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Old 10-14-2003, 08:16 AM
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Have a few questions we can get this right and help...but don't forget, a doctor is the only one who can tell for sure after an exam (my disclaimer)!

Are these tiny tears on the outer or inner lips...or a bit deeper? Have you worn tampons while you have your period? Does he wear a (latex) condom? Do you have a discharge....different than what would be the norm? Do you use douches, contraceptive jelly's or lubricants...or even spray mist? If so....have you just recently started using something or have you been using something from that category for a while....or changed brands? Is there an itch?

I don't know your age....and I don't know how long you've been having sex. If you are comfortable....these things would be helpful to know.

P.S. The body is ever changing...and especially just before your menses cycle begins. A hormone change along with any irritation (such as different panties than your norm...or no panties at all or anything I mentioned above) could exacerbate a minor problem.

Fussy's point is very valid let's see where we can go from here!
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Old 10-14-2003, 09:20 AM
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This certainly is a condition that needs immediate attention.
Any open skin is big trouble and lets in all sorts of bacteria or worse! Medicate with anti-bacterial suave, and get it seen pronto by a good gyno doc.
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Old 10-14-2003, 10:57 AM
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I am not a Doctor I just play one in the dungeon~

Sounds like mother nature doing her job to me...... I would think it would be natural to want less sex or be dryer right prior to your period, that is also when a fertilized egg would be making it's travels and no sense in knocking things about risking a missed implantation. But I have no clue so ask a Dr. not just one chasing boys with speculums

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Old 10-14-2003, 11:29 AM
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Lixy, to answer your questions, the tears are not up inside, they are near my clitoris on my inner lips. I wear tampons but my period was last month on the 23rd. so they didn't do the tearing. his penis did. lube is not a problem. when we are together i get very very wet. it's like opening a flood gate. yes he wears condoms from time to time. i am on the pill.
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Old 10-14-2003, 11:32 AM
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You could be allergic to the material the condoms are made of. Have you ever had trouble with this after condom use?

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Old 10-14-2003, 01:49 PM
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no it has just been about a week or two before my period the past two months
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Old 10-14-2003, 02:01 PM
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Really does sound like a condom irritation. Does he choose them? If so, does he flit about from brand to brand for a source of change? The latest pack could be the culprit. Dunno how big a pack he/you bought....but it might behoove you to toss um and try a brand that might not have caused this. But seriously be should really seek the advice of your OBGYN. If, after hearing all that has been said above..and nothing strikes a cord....he/she (gyno) may be the only way to assure you and/or cure you! Best of luck and please keep us posted!
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Old 10-14-2003, 02:05 PM
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I was just checking too and my lube theory is way off base as discharge increases right up til your period apparently If you are not experiencing any changes in that either then I am stumped.

The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there.~ Betty Grable

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Old 10-15-2003, 09:46 AM
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it's not condom irritation. we use and always have used the same brand. and it it was condoms it would happen all the time not 2 weeks prior to my period.
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Old 10-15-2003, 03:39 PM
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Someone needs to make a trip to the docs!!

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Old 10-15-2003, 07:22 PM
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It's very nice having so much genuine concern for one of our dear sweet ladies. I too, worry about what is causing this. I think we all would really appreciate adding the cause and treatment of this condition to our medical knowledge base. Be sure to return and tell us what your doctor told you. Just thinking about this gives me the shivers and not in a good way! hehe! Good luck, sweet one!
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Old 10-16-2003, 05:53 AM
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I'm at a loss here racevixen! I've had this (your symptons) happen after a rather heated and dramatic sex session......but was temporary and not something I could set my clock to with my menstral cycle! That you can pinpoint the time of onset might be a good thing for your OBGYN to know to determine the cause. But, I still insist that if nothing above has even attempted to help you figure this out.....this is definitely a reason you NEED to see your doctor! Don't delay.....and don't fret it's most likely something easily treated! It doesn't sound as though you are in a dire medical emergency........but just to know what and why and begin a "cure" (for lack of a better word)......will be a relief for you and your S/O! Please make that appointment ASAP....and please keep us we all care and will be holding good thoughts for you!
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Old 10-16-2003, 06:00 AM
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By the way hun........

As I said earlier......our bodies are ever changing and especially just prior to our cycle. Hormones are racing around in preparation and anticipation of possible fertilization.....and so even though we can't note it....our bodies are altered just prior to our period. It just may be a case of overactive hormones (imbalance...if you will).........and the combo of condom irritation might just now be making itself known for you!
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