01-30-2003, 07:53 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: UK
Posts: 58
video - Lindsey Dawn McKensey, Kelly Brook & Mimi Rogers.
I happened to miss a show the other night that featured Lindsey Dawn Mckensey that I wanted to see. I contacted the network and they said I could get a copy easily...for £100. I thought this was excessive so do you have a copy or know of something similar I could get?
Also, A few years back I stumbled across a film starring Mimi Rogers called 'Full body massage' and I've been hunting out a copy of that too to no success. Anyone got a copy they would sell me/ anything?
Thanks for reading this, please either PM me or e-mail me.
ooh, ps. since I'm here, does anyone have anything with Kelly Brook? I think she's gorgeous.