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Old 11-06-2011, 08:04 AM
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Chronicles of the Clans

The Chronicles of the Clans

Ok, fellow Pixies! I have read and enjoyed this forum for many years; it is time that I unleash my crazy fantasies upon you. Below will begin a tale I have spun in my head for many delicious hours of fun. I hope you enjoy.

In the beginning I do have much to set up so you understand the world you are stepping into, so be patient for the heart pounding, breath taking, erotic fun that is sure to excite you.

The Clans had been at war for centuries and frankly no one remembered what had started them. The King and Queen of the Elves wanted to end the suffering across the lands, and find a way to make peace. They discussed it with their council of advisors and even their own children, which were many. And a solution was suggested that would tie the Elves to all the Clans of the warring races in peace. The Royal couple would barter the virtue of their eldest sons and daughters in marriage and bonds eternal to the royals of the Clans. Scouts were dispatched to each realm with the offer of flesh and blood from the Royal family as a peace treaty. And weary as they all were of death and destruction, not surprisingly they all agreed. Dwarves from the mining fields, Goblins from the Hollow Mountains, Water Nymphs from the Lake Country, Fairies of the Fae Forrest, Minotaur from the flatlands, Centaurs from the Great Valley, and Giants of the Highlands were all invited to the Fall Harvest Festival of The Elves where they would be bound by marriage and blood to the royal family; forever sealing peace among the Clans. The Clans were anxious and eager to end the wars and suffering but also knew of the great beauty and grace of the fairer side of the Elven Race. It had been years since a female had been seen and they hungered for their first glimpses of the ethereal women.

Each magical folk would prepare their royal sons and daughters to join the Elven chosen in a union ceremony one for each night of the festival until all were wed. Then the final night of celebration would culminate in an erotic foray among all the festival goers to enjoy the new bond of family and lore.

Now with preparations underway the King OhnRed and Queen Brittanne sat together in their study to determine which child they would unite with each Clan. All of their children over 18 would serve the Clans. Reaching for her quill and ink the Queen penned her first daughter’s name on the parchment, “Vella should go the Dwarven Clan, she is the smallest in stature with soft curves and dark hair they prize.” “Tarvic to the Water Nymph’s Bride then, he always lingers in the waters and should adjust well.” The king added to the scroll. “Gita for the Centaur Prince, she is almost as tall as that stallion lad and besides is an expert rider.” Said the Queen with a sly smile. “But what of the Goblins? They have both a prince and princess……”she tapped the quill against her ruby lips. “Ah of course the twins Land and Lynne” she scribed them next to the Goblin names. “Rebeka for the Minotaur Lad, and Gabriella for the Fae Prince…..” But that leaves………” And they both looked up eyes meeting, “The Giants.” They said in unison. Inhaling sharply the Queen checked her list. Down the checked names she scanned until she came to the last name….. “Fraya.” King OhnRed paled. “But she is yet 17.” He sputtered. “Only for a few more days and well before the festival” her mother replied. “She will be of age in time.” “But she is so fair, so dainty, my youngling…..surely she is not of age yet!” he whined. “She is no youngling dear, and stronger than you even suspect. She will take great pride in this union. You forget it was her that championed the idea so strongly. I think Fraya when her mind is made up can be determined to do anything. She will be fine husband.” She smoothed her hand down his knee trying to sooth him. “A giant’s rod….will be more than an elf has taken.” He shuddered at the thought of the big man stretching her. His wife smiled and shushed him, murmuring something close to his ears. He straightened at it like a bolt had hit him and flushed beet red. “Very well let it be done then.” And he wrote Fraya’s name next to the Giant Prince’s. Scooting his chair back he stood and exited the room to go wait in the Throne room. The Queen knew he was distraught for Fraya was his favorite and he didn’t want her in a lifetime of servitude to pain, much less carrying and delivering the giant’s brood. But she knew Fraya to be strong in body and mind and knew a woman such as her would adjust. Dusting off her hands and smoothing her skirt she rose to join her husband in the Throne room.

Trumpets called everyone to court. The room filled in as the Kind and Queen patiently waited and the seer of the Elven Clan took her place in the middle of the room. The royal children were seated on the dais to the right of the Monarchs and nervous glances matched fidgety feet. Once everyone was present the King rose and held his hand up to signal quiet in the audience. Nervous whispers hushed at once. “We have chosen our young for their unions.” He boomed. He waved his hand in a flourish towards his children and the royals stood as one unit bowing to their father. The seer had a staff with a globe atop it whirling with colors and light and the King gestured to her to move forward. “Weema, if you will oblige me…” In an instant the center of the throne room opened up a mirrored portal for all to see, appearing first was the Clan of Water Nymphs and it’s Princess. She was tall and slender with skin the color of baby blue pearls. Her perky pink nippled breasts were bare as was their custom. Deep velvety blue hair fanned down the nape of her neck and trailed into the water she was standing ankle depth in. Her slim hips were covered in a golden loin cloth that clung to her wetly, barely covering her sex. Sparking green eyes the color of the ocean awaited there fated mate…. “Tarvic! Come forth you are promised to the Water Nymph Clan, may your young flourish!” There was enough time for the couple to meet each other’s gaze and appraise one another then the scene winked out. Tarvic returned to the dais with a smile on his face and an ache in his loins. His brothers clapped him on the back as he passed by, “wetdream” was heard through a chorus of laughter.

This went on for each royal heir until all had been introduced but Fraya. When the scene came to life once more a Golden haired god stood proudly upon a hilltop. Besides the obvious size difference he was perfectly proportionate. Bulging biceps, rippling abs, and powerfully strong legs all beautifully tanned and topped with a long golden crown of blonde hair. His brown eyes crinkled in a dimpled smile as he stood proudly with his hands splayed on his hips. But objects in the mirror were larger than they appeared! An elf courier dispatched to the giant realm for the announcements stepped into the frame next to the giant. And a hush went through the crowd as they took in the size difference. Elves are known to be tall but the giant stood almost two full feet above the elf. His hands easily spanning the elf’s skull if he chose. The king cringed and the Queen nudged him. Raising his chin he called, “FRAYA come forth!” The crowd sucked in a breath as one. Trembling she made her way to the mirrored scene. “Fraya you are promised the Clan of Giants, may your young flourish!” When the giant met her gaze his face softened as awe fell across his features. At once he fell to one knee and bowed. His voice rumbled like thunder rolling over the palace, “I am not worthy of such a creature, you humble me your highness.” And she smiled in warmth, her mind beginning to work out how she would conquer this mountain of a man. She still trembled just thinking of how big his cock would be just looking at his hands. But her mother was right, she was very determined!

So now all the announcements had been made, the festival was coming and the envoys would begin to arrive. What delicious delights would await the clans?
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Old 11-06-2011, 08:28 AM
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Mortagin returned to his father’s castle in a rush. The state of his britches was precarious, his rod pulsing against the fabric threatening to tear the fabric. Never had he been so instantly hard! The beauty of the elven princess was nothing short of angelic. Her dainty features haloed by her silvery blonde hair made him long to run his hands though the flaxen strands. The curves she boasted even hidden under her neck high ankle length dress promised hours of sweet plunder. He longed to see her milky white skin underneath her royal blue garments. But a crease wrinkled his forehead as he frowned, but she was so small! How would he ever mate her slight frame! He had heard tell of their magic and maybe that was the answer, but still he worried. He lusted for his betrothed but he was not a barbarian and did not want to cause her undo pain. Stealing into his private bathing chamber where the hot springs ran, he quickly stripped off his clothing and slipped into the waters. The heat soothed his muscles but his cock ached for release. Reaching down to grab his thick length he began to pump it while imagining her soft pink tongue….
He wondered what the smooth warm tongue of hers would feel like licking his length and shudders flew down his spine. Imagining he stripped her bare and held her creamy thighs above his bulge, he slowly penetrated her folds in his mind. Pumping faster his breathing sped and soon came his hot gushing release. Oh he was going to have a hard time waiting for his prize.
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:36 AM
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>>>I am starting to fall for my characters, so I apologize if I get a little more wordy in the next installments. Be warned! I am a romance girl!<<<

Fraya’s Choice or “through the looking glass”:

Queen Brittanne went to Fraya’s quarters shortly after the announcements. Seating herself at the foot of her bed she reached out her hand to her fair daughter. “Come we have much to discuss.” Timidly Fraya moved to the floor before her mother, bringing her hairbrush with her so she could brush her flowing hair as they talked. Brittanne nimbly undid the tiny braids holding the hair from her face and pulled the ribbons free. Smoothing the brush down they both relaxed into the shared ritual. “Fraya, it was a tough decision for us to pair you with the giant. We do not want to cause you undue pain. But I am sure you will find a way. I know how determined you are for peace.” She kept stroking the gleaming strands. “Now I am going to give you a choice. You know part of the treaty is the virtue of our children and your virginity is expected; but in this regard I have already taken the liberty to speak with the Giant’s Queen and we both know what a difference there is between you two. It has been conceded for you to prepare yourself first.” At that Fraya turned, shock on her face, “What do you mean prepare?” Her mother stood and left her suite for just a moment to return with a heavy wooden case hinged with brass fasteners. She clicked them open to reveal a bright red velvet lining encasing several glass phallic pieces ranging in sizes from small to large for an elven man, but also two extra pieces graduated much larger. Her eyes went wide with the final selection. Surely not….. “Is that … that Mortagin’s size mother?” she gulped. “Almost, but not quite, it is still lacking an inch or so in length and girth. But it should suffice to prepare you.” Fraya blushed a rosy red color and took it into her hands. It was more than 15in long and about 4in wide. She quickly replaced it in its case. “There is a stipulation though, when you begin your “training” he gets to watch through your mirror.” Brittanne went back to stroking her hair. “You said I had a choice? What is the other option?” she asked softly. “The other option is of course you wait for your husband to claim you first, rather than the graduated glass rods. They are granting you a kindness here Fraya, I would consider it if I were you.” Fraya sat silent for several long minutes her mind still replaying the vision of him. She was very attracted to the man, and already felt a yearning for him. “Can we speak to one another through the mirror?”
“yes, the enchantment will allow you to hear one another dear.” “Then I will ask my betrothed first.” Fraya said firmly. “Very well, let me show you how this will work”…..

After figuring out the charms involved Fraya was left alone in her suite once more. She fidgeted with her dress and kept running her fingers through her hair. Her pink tongue kept licking her lips nervously. Heart pounding she settle in her favorite soft velvet chair and summoned Mortagin. Slowly the mirror changed from a reflection to a window into his private chambers. The scene was of his fireplace with a roaring fire crackling in the hearth. A fine high backed wooden chair stood empty next to the hearth. A fluffy white animal fur stretched across floorboards. The scene looked so inviting and warm yet she frowned, where was Mortagin? Rushing into the frame he flopped onto the red cushion on his chair. His hair was wet and tiny rivulets of water trailed down his now bare chest. She caught herself thinking of what it would be like to lick those little trails… His pants were sticking to his wet skin and hastily put in place, the ties were still undone below his navel. Out of breath he bowed to the princess, “ Forgive me your highness, I was in my bathing quarters when you summoned me.” His voice still rumbled like before and it made her stomach fill with flutters. If she thought him beautiful before it was nothing compared to him like this. She had to shake herself mentally and close her mouth. He just smiled. “So to what do I owe the honor of your summons my Queen?” his smile never faltering. Had they not told him? NO! MOTHER! “Um, I wanted to speak with you. And I am not a Queen, Mortagin.” “Oh you will be my pet, you will be. And I your King.” She blushed again. “Well has your mother told you about the….the….case?” she worried her bottom lip with her tiny teeth. His eyebrows raised. What case was this? He thought. Crossing his arms, “No, do you have this unknown case? Let me see please pet.” She liked him calling her pet for some reason; it made her feel like she was already his. She returned with the oak case that was latched shut. It appeared to be rather large for her to handle. His curiosity peaked. What was his mother playing at? Clearing his throat, “Open it please” he commanded. Shock registered plainly on his face when he saw the glittering glass pieces. Fraya’s cheeks reddened even further into hot flames. “And what may I ask are THEY for Fraya?” he said a little too sternly. She slammed the case shut. “They are a CHOICE I am told. And I would not make such a choice without your agreement.” She said defiantly. Understanding dawned on him, of course, to prepare her. It was easy to forget their size difference when looking through the enchanted reflections. But why would they not tell him first? Why put this in her hands alone, and expect her to flounder her way forth untried and alone? Did they think him rough and uncouth to not be gentle with her first time? He sighed, he knew his mother and hers were only being practical he supposed. And my what wicked visions danced in his head of watching her pleasure herself with those glass rods and he felt himself begin to grow hard. He cleared his throat again, “what do you want? Will it be…better for you this way?” Bowing her head she shyly replied, “I…I have never, I don’t know, you are so….” And she buried her face in her hands. He longed to sooth her with his caress, to smooth her hair and breathe in her scent, with her warm in his arms. He knew her age and did not want to force anything on her, better that it be his gentle hands rather than her shaking ones to experience this first. His mind made up, “Fraya, it is a sacred rite for a man of my Clan to claim his bride for the first time and I would have that with you if you would trust me.”
She peeked above her slender fingers, oh what they would feel like encircling his penis…he shivered. “You…you want my virtue then.” Hope and fear mingling in her eyes. Desire burned in his as he took in his fated partner. “Yes…” he huskily rumbled. “But Fraya I have seen little of you, would you grant me a boon of your tantalizing figure?” he asked. She shivered with excitement and relief. She really didn’t want to be judged less worthy than her sisters in this treaty. Smiling she pulled her strings loose that were binding her bodice together and stepped out of her outer dress. She was still covered in her lacy corset that cinched her tiny waist tightly and her billowy pantaloons that ended in gathered lace just above her knees. And of course her legs were encased in lace stockings to her toes. While the shape of her was revealed, no skin peeked out. Mortagin growled, “You little minx! How many layers must I peel from you? If only my gaze alone could singe the offending fabric!” Giggling she sat on her velvet chair and kicked her feet in the air. “You want more?” she flirted enjoying the innocent turn of events. Slowly she peeled one lace stocking down her creamy calf rolling it over and off her dainty toes. “How is that?” she teased, wiggling her toes. Mortagin watched his tormentor with hunger in his eyes, “more…” was all he could manage to croak out. Achingly slow she inched the next stocking off, running her hands over the revealed skin in relief. “Oh lass…more” standing and turning her back to him the stays began to pop loose on the cinching corset until it fell limply to the floor, her under blouse was all she had left to cover her torso. Crossing her arms over her breasts she turned to face him. “Step close to the mirror pet… remove your hands...” he commanded. And there straining against the thin fabric were her full round breasts, her nipples beaded and plainly visible through the white close fitting blouse. The blouse ended just before her navel and he could see a thin strip of creamy white skin. A mischievous smile played on her lips and fingers plucked at the strings to her pantaloon, “More?” she queried. “More…” came his gruff reply. Lightning quick she tore the offending pants from her limbs in a flourishing show. He sucked in a breath and his cock strained against his pants. Her womanhood was still encased in linen and lace but full view of her creamy thighs and round curves met him. He sat back in his chair and groaned running his hand to adjust himself. Her eyes riveted to the bulge in his pants and she fell into her chair like someone had knocked the wind out of her. Concern painted his face, “Oh there there pet, I will take care with you. Never fear me Fraya.” He said gently. Then smiling crookedly, “might there be a slip of clothing less?” he asked hopefully. “You rascal!!” And she tossed her pantaloons at the mirror. “No more until I am 18!” He rumbled at her in mirth “Very well my little Fraya, very well. I Look forward to unwrapping my present on the day of your birth.” “YOUR present? Aren’t “I” supposed to be getting the presents here?” she giggled. “And presents you shall have pet, now unless you wish to see me unleash my passion I must excuse myself. Until I see your sweetness again….” And he stood to exit to his bed chamber. She smiled but was surprised by how quickly the giant had affected her. She missed him already she realized.

Mortagin fell onto his mattress fumbling at his britches to release his throbbing cock. Sweet Goddesses above Fraya was a wicked vision. What had their mother’s been thinking! Setting her up with tools of passion? To drive him insane with need? He ran his palm down his smooth shaft and bucked involuntarily at the thought of his female. He longed to see the rest of her. The sweet berries her nipples promised to be and beneath that linen and lace what treasure of silken curls awaited? Would she be as pink as her delicate little tongue? He groaned as he stroked the building fire in his groin. His balls grew heavy with needed release. Remembering the glass dildos he envisioned her picking one up and wetting it with her sweet hot mouth then pressing it against the outer folds of her velvet core. Swirling it around her sensitive bud moaning in pleasure. Then dipping it down into her awaiting slit. Gently pushing the glass past her lips into her pink center. Bucking her hips in heated passion slowly at first then building speed, taking the handle with force. His strokes matched his vision of hers their passion building together in his mind. With a cry she would climax wetly and fall limply in her chair. The idea of her climaxing sent him over the edge and he roared his second orgasm that day into his hand, spurting across his chest.

…..On her side of the mirror she heard his roar and wet heat flooded her linen panties. Her little button began to throb and she dipped her fingers under the lace circling the little demon nub. Draped across her chair she frantically chased her own release. Shuddering with her own cry she left for her bathing chambers.

…Did she just cry out in response to his? Did she just? That little Vixen! And when I couldn’t see her! Mortagin began planning the birthday presents he would send her in two days time. Then just a short week to the festival after that. “Goodnight, my little elf.” And he extinguished the link of the charm for now.
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:04 AM
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Unwrapping Presents:

OOps! out of time! More tomorrow!
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Old 11-09-2011, 10:27 AM
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Unwrapping Presents part 1:

True to his word Mortagin sent presents to Fraya. Couriers filed into the palace laden with boxes tied in multi-hued ribbons. The Queen had them moved to Fraya’s private chambers so she could open them in private. Delighted she invited her sisters and mother to help her. Each night the couple had spoken through their mirrors and Fraya was growing fond of his low rumbling voice. They had shared their dreams for peace among the kingdoms and their personal dreams and aspirations. Mortagin delighted in her educated logic, thrilled that not only was she a vision of extraordinary beauty but also an intelligent and skilled debater. His luck could not be better. Fraya also was falling hard and fast for her giant. So in light of their success Queen Brittanne had commissioned mirrors for each couple so they too could get to know each other as Fraya and Mortagin had before the festival.

Running into her sleeping quarters she summoned her Giant. Bouncing on her toes she waited for the reflection to change. It opened up to a dimly lit room, shadows falling all around so she couldn’t make out the details. His smiling face filled the glass soon after, “yes pet?” laughing she bounced up and down. “Thank you Mortagin! But there are so many! You didn’t have to!” she burst out. “You’re welcome sweetheart, have you opened them yet?” he asked. Shaking her head so fast her braids whipped her face; she bit her bottom lip and twisted her hands together. “Then go open them silly girl! And I will see you this evening.” “Don’t GO Mortagin!” she shouted. “But if I don’t go I can’t finish your surprise Fraya, now be good and go open your presents pet.” And he winked out the connection. Surprise??? But weren’t the presents her surprise? Excited all over again she ran to the other room where her sisters and mother waited. She tore into the first package with enthusiasm and stared at the gleaming fabric inside. It was a dress in royal blue intricately embroidered in gold and encrusted with gemstones of every color. Each new box held another dress of a different color and came with matching slippers, jewels, ribbons, and very lacy under-clothes. She giggled and blushed her way through the boxes. One final box was left to open and read “for tonight please pet..” it held a final dress of the sheerest pink, adorned with more gold embroidery and winking with diamonds. The undergarments were intricate and layered more than the rest, all done in gold and pink lace with a matching pink corset. Compared to the other dresses this one was the finest and all the girls fawned over the beauty of it. With the final dress a glittering crown of gold and silver set with a multitude of pink diamonds was addressed to “My Future Queen…”

Clapping there hands and jumping for joy Fraya and her sisters left to prepare for her birthday banquet. Queen Brittanne smiled and stole away with the crown.

Later that eve all were gathered in the banquet hall and the servants were clearing the final vestiges of dinner while supplying the tables with more wine. The King stood and clinked his goblet to call a toast. “Tonight we celebrate the birth of my daughter Fraya the Fair, today she moves into womanhood and will join her brothers and sisters at the festival to unite our Clans in marriage and blood! A toast to her loyalty and service to our kingdoms! A toast to her future happiness and may her children be many and strong!” A clamor of cups clinking and shouted cheers followed. “Now for her surprise gift! From a kingdom far from ours a guest has come to present it to her! Guards if you would allow him in!” All eyes followed the guards to the great hall doors and waited on baited breath for the stranger to appear. As the doors creaked open a great hooded figure ducked under the frame. Fraya’s heart began to pound…

It was a Giant! Murmurs sped through the crowd. The Giant was covered by his hooded cloak completely and no one could see his face. “Fraya! Please greet your guest.” The King commanded. Standing she glanced at her mother questionly but Brittanne just waved her hands for her to scoot along. Curtsying in front of the stranger she waited for him to reveal his identity. Her eyes were barely level with his abdominal area; he towered nearly two feet above her already tall 6ft. Removing his cloak he handed it to a waiting porter.

“Mortagin!!” Fraya exclaimed and she jumped into his waiting arms. He swung her around and around breathing in her sweet scent as he nuzzled her hair. He rumbled into her ears alone, “Oh Lass how I have ached to finally hold you.” Giggling she exclaimed “You are the best gift!” And the crowd erupted into applause. Placing her on her feet once more he bowed to one knee. “I am not the gift pet, this is.” And he pulled a small drawstring bag from his pocket. A chorus of ooo’s followed. Untying the chord he shook the contents into his palm. A ring the likes none of the elves had ever seen sparkled within. The Giant smiths had hand carved the intricate design into the gold and set several diamonds into the central setting. It matched the crowns design she noticed. Taking her hand in his, “Fraya the Fair I know we are already betrothed but in my country we ask the lady’s hand and present her with a ring worthy of her beauty. So, my dear elfling, will you accept my ring and bind yourself to me as my Queen for all the days of your life? Will you place your heart in my hands and trust me to do the same?” he gazed into her deep blue eyes. “YES of course I will! I love it!” and she hugged him to her raining kisses on his face. The room exploded with joy!

Growling he swept her up into his arms once more. “I’ve a mind to take you to my guest chambers this very instant if you keep up the tormenting kisses.” And he sealed his mouth over hers branding her with their first kiss. Their tongues battled for dominance over one another and she held fast to his neck pulling him deeper into her. Liquid fire ignited in his veins and sped his thundering heart. Moaning against him she kissed him with the pent up passion they had built each night through the mirror. She felt as If she were drowning and he was her air desperately clinging to him. Finally he broke their kiss and they both gasped in awe. Raw need danced in their eyes as they drank each other in.

The King cleared his throat and held his glass up once more, “A Toast to Fraya the Fair and her betrothed Mortagin the Feared!”

They retired to the table next to the king’s as he called for the entertainment to begin. Now everyone knew each citizen that turned 18 in the elven community was ushered into adulthood by an erotic frenzy of dance and song and exhibition. It was said to be symbol of their new freedom as adults to see what was normally forbidden to them.
So Mortagin sat proudly next to his female enjoying her little touches and snuggles while they watched many beautiful dancers parade into the hall. She kept gazing at her ring and running her slippered toes across his calves.

The dancing maids were scantily clad by popular standards and swayed seductively to the music played by the bards upon their strings. They danced the seductive dance and touched and kissed once another as they circled the floor. Breasts heaving and rubbing against each other in rhythm.

Then came the male acrobats tumbling into the hall dressed only in loin cloths muscles glistening with glittered oils. And the mood turned more heated in the hall.

Fraya trailed her hand down Mortagin’s thigh and he pulled her under his arm pressing her against his side. All around the room hands began to roam underneath the tables.

The third set to enter the hall were the Water Nymphs and Tarvic sat up straighter. His eyes glued to their bared breasts. They worked their way around the bards and acrobats running their hands over their bodies not sparing their loins.

Mortagin began to grow hard in his pants and Fraya couldn’t help but notice. She whispered something in his ear smiling. “you little Vixen!” he boomed picking her up and settling her on his lap. She immediately felt his staff jump underneath her heated core. The size terrified and excited her just feeling him pressed against her.

The scene before them escalated into kissing and petting, as clothing was stripped away. The crowd began to disperse from the tables and onto the prepared pallets surrounding the room. The King and Queen left hand in hand for their own chambers. Mortagin was not used to seeing such open sexuality and it had him very aroused. He kept petting her flaxen hair running his hands down her arms as she kept shifting in his lap. Driving him mad he might add. His focus was on Fraya but her eyes were drawn to the lusty scene unfolding around her. The chosen had all left but them, and the remaining guests paired off in couples. The sounds of kissing, licking, sucking, and moaning thrummed in his ears. Suddenly Fraya’s nails dug into his thighs and he was forced to look up. The entertainers had all formed a circle and were full on fucking each other in wild abandon. If there was not a penis at one connection there was a womanly tongue lapping greedily. Moans assailed them all around and that is when he realized he needed to get Fraya out of the hall. Thick cocks plundered pussies all about them and he felt Fraya’s pulse pounding in response. “All right pet, that’s enough voyeurism for you tonight, we are going now.” And he flipped her over his shoulder carrying her to his guest quarters.
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Old 11-14-2011, 10:44 AM
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(If you will forgive my sloppy editing, I will continue)

Unwrapping Presents part two:

The guest quarters Mortagin had been assigned were one level directly below Fraya’s. A finely hewn stone stairwell connected the hearth rooms, guarded by great oak doors. It was supposed to serve as an additional exit from her suite in case of emergencies.

The servants had already banked a fire in his hearth and heated water in the great tub before it, as he had instructed. The tub had been specially made to accommodate his size, as was all the newly moved in furniture. After all he was staying for a few weeks.

Fraya slid down his muscled frame landing on her feet. Her smile coy and eyes wide, “A Tub, Mortagin?”

Reaching to caress her head in the palm of his hand, he leaned down to pull her into a searing kiss. She met his advance gladly wrapping her arms around his corded neck, sliding her hands through his own golden hair. The fact that she was so open to his advances made his chest swell in pride.

During his journey to the elven kingdom, he had worried of the reception he would receive from her. Would she fear him once she saw his size, like all others before her had? Would she falter in her bargain of their contract of marriage between their peoples? Fear had beaded his forehead with sweat as he walked into the Great Hall hooded. He had contemplated many times of just handing her the velvet sack and bowing away to the shadows, leaving her with only the ring, until their wedded day at the festival. Content to see her later through his mirror in his guest chambers, hiding in secret.

Only he was not prepared for the vision of her in the soft pink gown he chose for her this evening. Her lush full breasts peaked above the bodice, glowing in the candlelit hall. The color matched her pale skin when she blushed, as the blood flowed under the creamy white. The sight of her stilled his heart and he had to remind himself to breathe.

Then she smiled so radiantly, so innocently, as she curtsied to him, waiting upon her gift from this unknown guest. That he found the courage to face her. To his utter astonishment she had greeted him with openness and fervor he had not dreamed could be.

And now she was in his arms once more, in his private quarters. His need for her burned through his belly and he felt his control slipping. Not wanting to mar their first night together he reluctantly broke their kiss. Sighing she laid her head upon his chest not knowing what to do. She was electrified from the erotic visions she had been whisked away from but unsure of how to tread. Sensing her unsteadiness he stroked her back in long glides until he felt her breath even out.

Turning her chin up to his face with a fingertip his eyes crinkled in a smile, “Now I get to unwrap MY present.”

Fraya blushed but did not turn away. “Pet, if you will, I am afraid I am going to be terrible at those tiny little laces.” He gestured to her back.

Slipping her nimble fingers behind her back she unraveled the ties and the gossamer pink gown loosened about her bodice. He lifted the fine garment over her head revealing the corset underneath. The corset fastened in the front and pushed her ample breasts upwards. He was rewarded with her creamy half moons of flesh for his eyes to feast upon. But the banquet was only beginning he thought to his self. Making a move to unhinge those fasteners she stayed his hand.

“No, you next”, she insisted. He removed his outer coat and she began working at the buttons upon his shirt. When his chest lay open for her fingers to caress only then did she began to pop the stays on her corset. She was playing with him he realized, a game of tit for tat. Well he could play if she was willing. Sliding his shirt over his hard shoulders, Fraya slipped her pantaloons to the floor in the same motion.

Now she stood clad in only the sheer pink and gold lace he had chosen for her. All day he had tried to imagine her stripped to them but it didn’t compare to the reality of it. Her nipples were plainly visible under the mesh, driving his desire to lick and nip at them.

Pointing at the offending material he motioned for it to be off. Shaking her head she waggled her finger at him, “Boots! Trousers! Off!”

Crying out he rushed to comply with his little vixen. Mortagin in his undergarment and Fraya in her lace paused, mesmerized with each other. Each drinking the other in.

Suddenly this was all very real to her and she faltered. This was as far as they had taken things before and she stalled in the unfamiliarity of it. Tentatively she reached for his hand, granting him her trust.

“Mortagin, I…I don’t know what you want me to do.” She stammered.

“Just trust me pet, I will do the steering from here”, pulling her to him.

Sliding his fingers underneath her top, he gently pulled it free, but her breasts were pressing against his stomach and he still could not see. He felt her trembling but continued on his path, and soon the lacy panty was at her feet. Still she pressed her body to his afraid to step back. Now came the fear he had expected. Concern furrowed his brow. Ice flashed through his veins and a cold sweat crept up once more. He would have to go slower with her than her boisterous welcome had intoned.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, “Fraya, let me see you…” he whispered. She timidly stepped back looking into his eyes.

“Oh, Gods above Lass! You are perfect! Do not ever fear to show yourself to me, I promise you, you will only see my desire” he praised.

Her eyes widened then slowly closed. “I just…I…feel so much…” and she reached out to run her small delicate hands over his hard muscled frame. Little flames burned behind the trail her fingers left behind and he could take no more.

Falling to his knees he buried his face in between her breasts, suckling on first one then the other. She gripped his broad shoulders throwing her head back, moaning with each nip and flick of his tongue. He feasted upon those berried delights laving her sensitive skin until it puckered hard and tight. Heat began to grow between her thighs and her bud began to ache. Moaning his name she clutched his hair in her fists and cried, “Mortagin! Oh Mortagin…what are you doing to me?”

His cock flexed at her cries, pushing above his shorts. Sweeping her up in his arms he carried her to the waiting tub.

“I am teaching my woman just how much I want her. So, first I will sooth your nerves away in the waters, then I am going to love every inch of your creamy skin until you scream your release. Tonight is about awakening the woman in you, Fraya”, he rumbled in her ear.

Sinking under the warm waters she turned to watch as he removed the last vestige of fabric he wore. Her breath caught in her throat to see his perfectly chiseled body, but her eyes went wide seeing the massive length hanging between his powerful legs. None of the men she had recently seen in the Great Hall could begin to compare and fear sliced through her belly. Settling into the tub before her, Fraya watched the water gobble Mortagin and all his assets up.

Mirth in his eyes he chuckled softly at her stare. “Don’t you be worrying on that tonight, Pet, that is for another day. Now relax, and enjoy”.

He pulled her to him cradling her back with his great chest, freeing his hands to soap her breasts. He took his time with her, using long lingering strokes across her body. Kneading the tension out of her limbs, and soon she no longer trembled under his touch. His warmth surrounded her and she finally fell tranquilly into his embrace.

Dipping his head he nipped at her neck and began the same torturous strokes with his tongue that he had used on her breasts. Her legs fell open upon his thighs and she could feel the length of him running against her. The desire to feel that hardness between her softest core rocketed through her womb. Mortagin dipped his hand to cup her sex and slid a finger along her lips, finding Fraya slick under his grasp. Fraya bucked and moaned when Mortagin brushed her clit, and dug her nails into his arms. Her only sound a muffled scream in her throat that she feared to let go.

Smiling he circled the little nub with one hand and rolled a berried nipple with the other. Rubbing her faster then gliding across her lips to lightly dip ever so minutely he felt her climax building. He was careful not to penetrate too far, knowing his fingers were probably the size of an average elf man. Her maidenhead was for their wedding night and he would not spoil that rite.

She was panting now and her muscles began to strain, the heat of her burning into him. Knowing she was on the edge he sped his assault on her little bud and felt her buck hard against him screaming his name once again. Heat flooded his hand even under the warm waters and he knew she had her release.

His cock bobbed under the water aching to burrow into her softness but he held onto his control.

Flipping wildly around to face him Fraya wrapped her legs around Mortagin’s stomach and pulled his mouth to hers. She was delirious with passion and flew on instinct alone, craving his touch, his tongue, his taste. Burning need drove her out of control. She was blind to anything but her desire to claim him as he had just done to her. Frenzied beyond reason, Fraya didn’t know how close she was to being separated from her maidenhead forever.

The hold he had on his own control was crumbling and he had to do something quickly. Either plummet over the edge with her or peel Fraya from his body while he cleared his head. He chose to gently pull her off and settle her on the other side of the tub.

Running his hand over his face to steady himself, “Easy there Lass, it is not yet our wedded night. You know not what beast you be playing with yet”.

Huge blue orbs filled with tears threatening to spill. “I…I am sorry, please forgive me. I don’t know what came over me.” She stammered.

Chuckling low in his chest, “I know what came over you, Elfling. And it is perfectly alright. Perhaps we tempt fate to much tonight. Come I will see you dry and warm in your own bed”.

And with that Mortagin scooped her up into his arms once more stepping from the tub. Wrapping them in fluffy dressing robes he carried her up the stairwell that connected their rooms. Gently depositing her into her bed he turned to go. Fraya clutched at his much bigger hand to stop him.

“A kiss goodnight?” she asked innocently.

Shaking his head, “No, I fear what your kisses can do. I am now duly warned my princess.” And he released her grasp on him easily. Never mind that he wanted nothing more than to acquiesce and brand her right here and now. Now that he thought about it, that is exactly why he was leaving her alone.

Pouting she turned away. And he had to hide his grin. He had lit a little firecracker he was afraid and the fireworks to follow would be grand indeed.

Trudging down the steps to his chambers Mortagin’s mood could not have been better, now to take care of this ache throbbing between his legs…
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