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Old 07-18-2005, 04:51 PM
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To Forgive

Please bare with me as I write this story. I have been working it over in my head for some time now and it may take me a little bit to get the story out. Please check in ever so often and see how it's coming. Any comments, suggestions, or ideas are welcomed. Thanks. XOXOXO Moonshine

Chapter One

The last of the gunfire died away as twenty year old Sarah Dillion looked out into the streets of the mining town, Gold Dust. She saw her father and two older brothers lying dead. Their killer, William Conners, stood at the other end of the street reholstering his gun. Running to him, Sarah grabbed him by the vest and yelled "Why". Looking down at her he answered, "Because they would not allow us to marry. Since they are dead now, my darling, we can be." Backing away from him, she said, "I will not marry you now, William. I will not marry you now or ever." Turning around she looked at the bodies of her late father and brothers. Still looking at them, she said aloud to him, "Will, I hope they hang you for what you have done to my family." Turning back around to face him, she continued, "I hope that when you are dead, the Devil forces you to wonder this Earth, this town, until I have forgiven you. And don't look for that forgives from me either, Will. I will hate you until the day I die."

Later that day, the Sheriff and his men went to the hotel and knocked on door number fifteen. Upon answering the door, William walked out and willingly went with them. Two days later, Sarah watched as the man she had loved and had wanted to marry, hung from the tall oak tree outside of town. "Sarah", came a voice from behind her. Turning around she saw that it was Reverend Brown. "Oh," she said, "it's you Reverend." Reverend Brown looked at her with pleading eyes and begged, "Please, Sarah. Please forgive him. The two of you were in love and were to be married. Please do not wish for his soul to wonder this earth forever. Do you not morn?" "I will not forgive him," she said shockingly through her tears. "Yes, Reverend, I morn. I morn for my father and brothers but, I refuse to morn for him. He shot them in cold blood and then acted as if nothing was wrong. He shot them so that he could marry me because they would not give us their blessings. I will not morn for someone who would not morn for killing my family." With that, Sarah turned and walked away.

Twenty years to the day, Sarah Dillion passed from this world due to the fever that had swept though Gold Dust. She died never forgiving William Conners for what he done. After laying her body in the ground, the townspeople turned from her grave and left the cemetary. Upon reaching his church, Reverend Brown turned back to take another look at the cemetary before retiring for the night. As he did, he watched as a man holding flowers walked to the freshly covered grave of Sarah Dillion. Bending down, the man placed the flowers on the grave and then turned to look at Reverend Brown. The Reverend knew the man, but how could it be. Twenty years earlier he had wathced as this man hung for the murders of Sarah's father and brothers. He then watched the man, or rather the ghost of, William Conners disappear into thin air. From then on, his ghost was often seen placing flowers on Sarah Dillion's grave and in room number fifteen of the hotel.

Another thirty years later, the mines played out and the small town of Gold Dust became quite literally a ghost town. All the townspeople left and moved forty miles away to the cattle town of Glendale. This included the late Sarah Dillion's two younger brothers and their children. It was said that the only remaining resident was that of the late William Conners.

Chapter Two

One hundred years later, a man named Everton Conners, a desendant of William Conners, bought the ghost town of Gold Dust from the state. Everton turned it into a working dude ranch with visitors from all over spending hundreds of dollars just to spend a week in the old ghost town and to have a chance to see the ghost of William Conners. Everton even hung pictures that he had of William up in room number fifteen and one in the sitting room of the hotel. The only surviving picture of Sarah Dillion was hung on the opposite wall of the sitting room.

One summers day, a young woman arrived at the dude ranch. Her arrival caused every member of the staff to drop what was in their hands and stare. Even Everton himself couldn't help but gasp, "Oh my God!", as she walked in. "Hi," said the young woman, "my name is Sarah Holt. I believe have a reservation for the week." It took the young woman behind the counter several seconds to answer. "Uhhh, yeah, sure," she said, shaking her head in disbelief. Turning around to Everton she asked, "Mr. Conners, sir, which room shall I give her? All of them but you know which and number 20 are full." "You know which one to give her," he said still staring at Sarah. Smiling, the young woman handed her a key and said, "Second floor, third door on your right, ma'am. Number Fifteen."

Once in her room, Sarah thought to herself, "What is with everyone here. They all act as if they have seen a ghost." This behavior continued the rest of the day and into the night. Finally, having had enough, Sarah decided to go to bed but, her night wasn't any better. Several times during the night she was awoken by either someone touching her face or calling her name. It was morning the last time she heard her name being called. She decided dressed and then find Everton. She was going to find out what was going on.

Not being able to find him, Sarah sat down to breakfast. Even now, some of the other guests were starting stare. "May I join you," came a plesant male voice. "Why yes," Sarah said looking up at Everton, "I've been wanting to speak with you all morning." He sat down at the table with her and smilingly stared. "I don't mean to be rude," Sarah said, "but why the hell is everyone staring at me. I mean, even you have stared at me from the time I arrived here." Looking down at his food, Everton chuckled. "I'm sorry for that Sarah. It's just that, well... I think it would be easier to show you than it would be to tell you."

After breakfast, Everton led Sarah into the sitting room and showed her the picture of William Conners. He then told her the story of what had happened here in Gold Dust one hundred and fifty years ago. "Now," Everton said, "too show you the reason that everyone is starting at you." Everton walked Sarah across the room. Pointing at the picture of Sarah Dillion, he said, "This, Miss Holt, was Sarah Dillion." Sarah looked up at the picture and said, "Oh my God! I am the mirror image of her." "Yes, Miss Holt, you are," he said smiling.
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Old 07-19-2005, 12:22 PM
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Chapter Three

Sarah and Everton spent the rest of the day wondering through the ranch. At each building, he would tell her what it had been one hundred and fifty years ago. To her surprise, he had kept everything just as it was; other than the modernization of lights and indoor plumbing. "You know," Everton said at the end of the tour, "it took me quite some time to get this place up to par. You see, I started working on all of the other buildings first, leaving the hotel for last. I would start with one, finish it, and then move onto another. I would never start on another until the one at hand was completed." Turning and looking towards the hotel he continued, "As I said, I saved the hotel for last. I knew the history of this town, Miss Holt. I knew it because, William Conners is a distant uncle of mine."

Sarah and Everton continued their walk up the hill to where the cemetary laid. Picking up the conversation, Sarah said, "So that's how you know the story so well and why you have so many pictures of him." "Yes," Everton answered, looking down at the grave of his late uncle. "Not only was the story passed down through the years but, the pictures were as well." It wasn't until they reached the grave of Sarah Dillion did she ask, "How is then that you come about the picture of Sarah Dillion?" "By pure luck," he said, smiling at her. "I found it in the second building we restored. On the back of it was printed Sarah Dillion 1875."

Over dinner, Sarah told Everton about her previous night there. "Do you think," Sarah asked, "that the ghost of William Conners thinks that I am his beloved Sarah Dillion coming back to give him the forgiveness that he seeks." Everton sat back and looked at her puzzled and said, "Miss Holt..." "Please call me, Sarah," she interrupted. "OK," he said, pausing periodically as he continued, "Sarah... let's just say that, hypothetically of course... you were the reincarnation of Sarah Dillion... would you forgive him?" "You can't be serious," Sarah said laughing. "I said... hypothetically," Everton reminded her.

"Well, Mr. Conners,..." "If I have to call you Sarah, you have to call me Everton," he interrupted her. Smiling at him, she contiuned, "Well, Everton, let's just say, hypothetically of course, that I am. Yes, I think I would forgive him. I think that he was just so much in love with her and wanted to marry her so badly, that he lost all control of his senses. All he wanted was to live the rest of his life with her." Looking fondly at her, he replied, "I agree with you on his motive for doing it. I know that if I had a woman that looked as beautiful as you, I mean her, I would be destraught too if her family would not give us their blessing." Just then one of Everton's employees interrupted them and he excussed himself.

As Sarah watched Everton leave, she wondered if he wasn't the reincarnation of his uncle. "No," she thought to herself, "he just knows the story well. And besides, he looks nothing like William, where I on the other hand, am the spitting image of the late Sarah Dillion."

Later that night, Everton found Sarah in the sitting room, looking at the picture of her "twin". "It is remarkable, isn't it," he asked, startling her as he walked into the room. "Yes, it is," she answered. "Well, it's late Everton. I think that I shall retire now." "Please," he said, holding out his arm for her to take, "allow me to escort you to your room."

Once outside room number fifteen he said, "There's something that I left out of the story, Sarah. I told you that the Sheriff and his men came to the hotel and got my uncle. What I didn't tell you was the room number he was staying in. You see, his brother was a grandfather of mine and owned this hotel, allowing him to live here." Pointing at the door, he continued, "This was the very room that he lived in. And yes, Sarah, I think, that his ghost thinks, you are his beloved Sarah returning to forgive him." There was a silence as they both stared at the door. Sarah finally said, "Well, thank you Everton, for a wonderful day." With that, Everton left and Sarah entered room number fifteen.

Chapter Four

Sarah tossed and turned for several minutes. The events of the day had left her extremely tired but yet, she could not go to sleep. When she did finally fall asleep, she fell into a dream that felt as if it was reality.

Sarah found herself in the sitting room of the hotel, dressed in the same dress that Sarah Dillion wore in the picture. "And hold," said a strange voice. Looking up, Sarah saw William standing next to a photographer. She was having her picutre made; the very picture in the sitting room. "Alright, Miss Dillion," said the man, poking his head out from under the camera cloth, "you may move now." Standing up, Sarah walked over to William and said, "I still wish that you would consent to having our picture taken together." "I know you do," said William, "but, you have several pictures of me and I have none of you." "Alright then," Sarah said, smilingly.

Time seemed to jump at the snap of a finger and Sarah then suddenly found herself back in room number fifteen alone with William, kissing. Pulling away from him, she walked to the other side of the room saying, "Oh, William, we musn't. We are not married yet." "Well," he said as he walked towards her, "just as soon as we are given permission we will be. Surely your father and brothers can not hold out forever." Standing behind her five foot six inch small frame with his six foot larger frame, he took her into his arms and begged, "Please, Sarah. You are twenty and I am nearly thirty. We are both consenting adults. Please let me lay with you as a husband lays with his wife."

William ran his fingers through Sarah's long fiery red hair. It was easy to see that Sarah was going to give in. She allowed him to pull her hair back and kiss softly down her neck. "Oh, Sarah," he whispered, "your skin is so soft, so warm, so inviting." His hands found the zipper at the back of her dress, slowly pulling it down. He then brushed the top of it off her shoulders and kissed down the back of her neck and along her backbone. Sarah pulled her sleeves off, the top folded over at her waist. William's hands fondled her C cup breasts as they strained to bust out of the top of the courset. Sarah moaned as he softly rubbed them. He now unlaced the back of her courset and removed it from her body. His hands rubbed all over her breasts and stomach as he kissed down her right shoulder. Sarah raised her hands above William's head and ran her fingers through his short brown hair. For several minutes, they stood there, enjoying each other.

Sarah turned around and removed William's shirt from his body, her hands ran over his muscled chest. "I love you," he said as she looked up at him with her green eyes. His brown ones looked upon her as she aswered, "I love you too." Sarah and William then watched each other as they removed their remaining clothes. Both finally naked, they took in each others bodies. Sarah Holt could feel the desire that William and Sarah had for each other; more so, the need to be with each other.

Embracing once again, William drew his love in close to him, kissing her passionately as they did. Lifting her up, he carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. Kissing his way down her neck, he took in her breasts and sucked and pulled at first one, then the other. Sarah moaned with pleasure as he gently pulled at them with his mouth. "Oh Will," she moaned. William then kissed his way down her stomach and to her firey red patch of hair below. Spreading her legs, he slowly licked up her clit. Sarah brought her legs up in pleasure, placing her feet on his shoulders. William now rubbed her clit with his finger. "Cum for me," he said, "let me taste your sweetness." His toungue once again licked her as he continued to rub her. Soon he was tasting her as she came on his face, her hands pushing his face harder and harder to her as he savored ever drop that she produced.

In return, William laid on his back as Sarah stroked his eight inch dick to stiffness. She then took it in her mouth. William moaned as she slowly moved her mouth up and down his thick shaft. His left hand on top of her head, gently pushing it further and further down onto him. Sarah too begin to moan as she continued to suck him. Her pace increased as the muffled sounds of "MMM" and "OOOH" could be heard from her as she continued, bringing him close to cumming in her mouth. Pulling away from her, William said, "Easy now baby, we want this to last a while. Who knows when we will be able to do this again."

William layed on top of Sarah and pushed his thick, eight inch hard dick into her tight, wet pussy. Her wetness made the process easy and soon her innocence was gone. She again moaned with pleasure as he moved in and out of her. "Oh, Will. Will. Will," she panted breathlessly. For several minutes, William continued at this slow pace, savoring their love making, and her orgaisms, before turning them over.

Sarah was now on top of him, slowly riding, bringing herself to yet another orgasim. William's hands massaged her breast lovingly, at times seeming like that was the only thing holding her up. Once again her pace increased and soon she was close to bringing him to cumming. "Oh, Sarah," he moaned, pushing her off before he did.

Laying Sarah on her right side, William then got on his knees and reentered her. Holding her legs down, he watched her face as she enjoyed feeling him in her. Slowly, he fucked her in this position for several minutes, listening to her moan with pleasure and sweetly calling his name. Watching and listening to her made him want to cum; not just cum but, cum deep inside of her. Pulling out, he then return her to her back and again pushed himself in her. This time, his rythem was fast and hard. Sarah Holt could hear William's balls slapping against his beloved Sarah's pussy as he pounded away at her, causing her to moan louder with pleasure. A loud groan escaped William's mouth as he came deep inside of her. Pulling out of her, William pulled her close to him and for several minutes, they laid there kissing and caressing each other.

"I must go," Sarah finally said as she sat up. "If my dad discovers that I am not at home, he will be mad." "Just a few more minutes," begged William. "Alright," she consented, "just a few more minutes and then I must go." Sarah laid back into William's arms and before they knew it, both had fallen asleep.

Again, Sarah felt as if time had jumped. It was now morning and she woke to find her naked body still lying in Willam's bed, next to his still naked body. "Wake up," she said shaking him, "it's morning. My father and older brothers will be looking for me." It was too late. William's bedroom door flew open and there stood Mr. Dillion and his two sons. "What on God's earth is going on here," he yelled. "How dare you defile my daughter this way. And you Sarah, how dare you disgrace me this way. Did the two of you think that I would give my blessing if you were to sleep together. You Mr. Conner's, meet me and my sons outside in five minutes. We shall take care of this disgracement right now." "No, father," yelled Sarah. "Get dressed Sarah," her father said. "Get dressed and come downstairs. We will leave as soon as this scum has been dealt with." With left he turned around and left.

Sarah grabbed a hold of William's arm as he slipped from the bed. "No," she begged. "They will kill you. I know they will. I couldn't stand it if they killed you." "I have to Sarah," he said, shaking her hand off is arm. In disblief of what was happening, Sarah watched as William dressed and left the room. Sarah began to dress, skipping the courset for the fear of it taking to long to put on. She ran out the beroom door, down the stairs and towards the front entrance. She reached them as the last gun shot rang out.

Last edited by Moonshine : 07-19-2005 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 07-20-2005, 03:50 PM
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Chapter Five

The next morning Sarah Holt sat up right in bed, the dream still very vivid in her mind. "I've got to fine Everton," she said. Quickly dresssing, Sarah went downstairs and asked the lady at the check-in counter where he was. "He's in his office," she said, pointing to the door behind her. "Let me get him for you." The young woman stepped into the room and in a few moments returned saying, "He said for you to come on in, but be quite, he's on the phone long distance."

Sarah walked past the young woman and into the office. Everton was sitting behind his desk. Looking up, he waved and with his finger indicated that it would be just a minute. Taking a chair in front of the desk, she waited patiently for him to finish. "Sorry," Everton said, placing the reciever in the craddle. "I had to take care of that." A huge grin spread across his face as he continued, "So, what's so important that you practically broke down the door to tell me."

"I know what happened," Sarah blurted out. "I know what happened the day that Sarah Dillion's father and brothers were killed and why they wanted to kill William." Sarah told Everton about the dream, only leaving out the details of William and Sarah's love making. Finishing, Sarah paced the floor of the office and said, "Everton, it was as if I was there. I was seeing it all through her eyes. I could feel her emotions and..." Sarah's voice faltered. "And," Everton said questioningly. "Don't laugh," she demandingly said. "I know that it sounds crazy, but I could even feel it when they made love."

Everton couldn't have laughed even if he had wanted too. He was totally speechless. Finally, finding his voice again he said, "My grandfather never knew what caused the gunfight. Even when he was allowed to visit him in the jail, William refused to tell him. The family always thougth that it was over her and that maybe something like that had happened, but we never knew for sure." "Remeber yesterday," Sarah started, "you asked me if I thought that I might be Sarah Dillion reincarnated and I laughed at you. After that dream last night, I know now that I am. Sarah Dillion wants to finally forgive William Conners."

"Listen," said Everton, "I have to go into Glendale and take care of some business. I will be back around dinner time. Why don't you enjoy the ranch today, put all of this out of your mind for awhile. We have a guided horse back tour that lasts all day. Why don't you go on it? By the time you get back, I will either be here or on my way."

Sarah too thought that this would be a good way to pass the day. The tour started by going out of the "town" away from the cemetary and circle around through the smaller foot hills of the valley. She found that the ride did take her mind off of what was going on back at the ranch. As dusk settled in, the group headed back. Sarah could see what remained of the oak tree in which William Conners had been hung. As the group went past the cemetary, one of the woman asked the guide, "Who is that man over there in the cemetary? See him? He's placing flowers on a grave?"

Sarah quickly looked and she too saw the man. He was knelt down, placing flowers on the grave that she knew to be that of Sarah Dillion. "That ma'am," answered the guide, "is the ghost of William Conners. I have to admit thought, this is the first time that he has shown himself to a group this large." No one in the group took there eyes off of the figure. They watched as he stood up, looked towards them, removed his hat, and bowed. Still bent over, he disappered. The guide turned to look at Sarah and in a barely audible whisper said, "Holy Shit. You are her." Not another word was spoken by the group as they finished their ride back to the ranch.

The news of what had happened on the tour spread like wildfire. The employees and guest alike would almost go into a terrified trace when Sarah walked past them; some trying to avoid her all together. As soon as Everton returned from Glendale, he was overwhelmed by the rush of employees coming to tell him what had happened. After talking with the guide, who was still quite shocked, he went to find Sarah.

Dinner was being served, so he went there first. Not being able to find her there, he asked the waiters and waitresses if they had seen her. "No, sir," they all answered. As a suggestion, one of them said, "She might still be in her room." Just in case, he instructed one of the kitchen staff to prepare two plates. Taking them up to room number fifteen, he knocked on the door. "It's Everton," he said when there was no answer, "I've brought dinner for the two of us." Sarah's footsteps could then be heard as she walked towards the door. The door only open enough for a very red eyed Sarah to peek out before opening it any further.

Entering the room, Everton sat the plates down on the table. "I'm so sorry," he said. "I've talked with the guide. He's still really shook up." "And how do you think I feel," Sarah snapped at him. "I can't even walk down the hall without someone nearly killing themselves, trying to get away from me." Everton took her into his arms and held her as she cried into his chest. Several minutes passed before she finally looked up at him. "I'm sorry that I snapped," she said. "You had ever right too," he calmly said. Pointing at the trays he continued, "Here. Try and eat something."

For the rest of the evening, both Everton and Sarah talked about the events that surrounded their day. Around 10:00 pm, Everton picked up the plates and said, "I hate to leave you, Sarah, but I've still got a lot of things to do before I turn in for the night." "I understand," she said walking him to the door. Before leaving, he said, "If I don't see you at breakfast in the morning, I'll bring you up a plate." Sarah smiled and thanked him as he walked out the door. She then closed it and prepared for bed.

After putting on a short sexy night gown, Sarah looked at herself in the mirror. She was satisified with the way she looked. "My word," she thought to herself, "you act as if William Conners is going to walk into this room and make passionate love to you." Neither Sarah or Everton had any idea of the night that was enstore for her.

Chapter Six

Sarah again found herself extremely tired from the day's events. She didn't know if it was from the trail ride or from crying nearly four hours straight; she figure it was mostly from the later. This time, however, she didn't have any trouble in falling asleep. It was around one in the morning, when she was awaken by the sound of man calling her name. Opening her eyes, she saw a shimmery figure standing in front of the window across the room. As she sat up, the figure came in to focus and asked, "Have you finally returned to me, Sarah?" Before she knew it, she was standing next to the figure and said, "Yes, William, I have finally returned to you."

William took Sarah into his arms and passionately kissed her, his fingers ran through her long firey red hair, pulling her closer and closer to him. Sarah wrapped her arms around his large frame, rubbing his back as she returned his kiss. The passion that had filled the room one hundred and fifty years ago could again be felt.

William gently picked Sarah up and carried her over to the bed. After standing her next to it, William placed is hands on Sarah's waist and again pulled her close to him. Instintively, Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck. They looked longinly into each others eyes. "I love you, Will," she whispered, "I've never stopped loving you." Again, they passionately kissed, causing their desire for each other to strengthen.

William slid his hands up Sarah's sides and then back down, stopping again at her waist. Slowly he pulled her nightgown over her head and removed the only article of clothing she had on. "Oh, Sarah," he whispered, looking down at her naked body, "I've waited so long to make love to you again. This time, we shall never have to part."

Sarah laid back on the bed and watched as William undressed. His eyes gazed up and down her five foot six inch body; taking in her firey red hair, green eyes, beautiful C cup breasts, and shapely curves. Sarah too found herself looking over his six foot tall body; his brown hair and eyes, strong muscles and his thick, eight inch cock.

Both completely naked now, William laid himself next to Sarah and carassed her breasts. "MMM Will," she moaned as he took the right one into his mouth, lovingly sucking and pulling at it before moving to the left one. William's hand moved down to the firey red patch between her legs and rubbed her clit, causing her to moan and squirm. "Oh, Sarah," he moaned. Sarah ran her fingers through William's hair as he kissed his way down her stomach, causing her to again moan and squirm with pleasure. Sarah spread her legs wide, allowing William easy access to her wet pussy. With his face between her legs, William slowly licked at Sarah's swollen clit. "Oh yes, Will," she moaned. He continued to lick her until she could no longer stand it and orgaismed.

William laid back down next to Sarah and watched as her breasts deeply rose and fell as she caught her breath. Once it was caught, she then placed his thick eight inch cock into her mouth and loving sucked it. Sarah gave William the attention that he had been waiting one hundred and fifty years for. The more she sucked him, the more aroused she became. Her arousal was shown by loud moans of "MMM" as she sucked him harder and faster. Just as he did all those years ago, William had to pull her off of him so that he wouldn't cum too soon. "Oh, Sarah," he moaned as she laid back down. She spread her legs as William moved himself on top of her Slowly he pushed himself in her, causing both of them to moan with plesure. William slowly made love to her as they passionately kissed for several minutes. It had been too long since the first time they had laid together and they each wanted this time to last.

William rolled the two of them over and watched as Sarah sat up and straddled him. It was now her turn to make love to him. Placing her hands on his chest, she slowly lifted and lowered her pussy on his thick shaft. William took pleasure in watching her face as she increased her pace and climaxed several times. The longer she rode, the louder her moaning became. Sarah finally collapsed from exhaustion on him, breathlessly said, "I can't no more, Will. I can't."

Rolling her off and onto her stomach, William pulled her hips up to him and reentered her. Slowly at first, he pumped himself in and out of her. In this position, it wasn't long before she was cumming again. Listening to Sarah call his name repeatedly and watching her clutch the bedsheet in her fist only made his rhythm increase. The faster he pumped, the louder she called his name. Soon, William felt himself releasing deep inside of the woman that he had last laid with one hundred and fifty years ago.

Still in her, he laid them on their right side. William held Sarah tighter than ever too him. He was determined that he would never let her go this time. Looking over her shoulder at him, Sarah said, "I forgive you, Will. Can you forgive me for not doing so sooner." Smiling back down at her he said, "You did nothing that needs to be forgiven." The two lovers once again passionately kissed as they bodies disappeared into thin air.

The next morning Everton knocked on the door to room number fifteen when Sarah did not come down to breakfast. "Sarah," he said, "are you there?" After waiting a few seconds he again knocked and called out, "Sarah, it's me, Everton. Are you awake? I brought you breakfast like I promised." Still there came no answer. Using his master key, Everton open the door and entered the room. The first thing that he noticed was that the bed had been slept in. Sarah's belongings where still laying where she had left them the night before. The short sexy nightgown that she had wore now laid on the floor next to the bed. Puzzled, Everton turned towards the door to leave, hoping that he had just over looked her downstairs. As he turned, the light from outside shimmered off an object on the wall. Looking towards it, Everton noticed something that had never been there before. It was a picture of William Conners and Sarah Dillion together; Sarah was wearing a wedding dress. Smiling, he said aloud to himself, "Thank you, Sarah. Thank you for forgiving him."

Never again was the ghost of William Conners ever seen in room number fifteen or at the grave of Sarah Dillion. With the exception of removing Sarah Holt's belongings, Everton left the room just as it was. Room number fifteen was turned into the "Honeymoon Suite" and only honeymooning couples and those celebrating anniversaries where allowed to use the room. Every couple that ever stayed in the room said that from the time they entered room number fifteen until the time that they checked out, the feeling of a life long passionate love was with them.

Last edited by Moonshine : 07-20-2005 at 04:19 PM.
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