08-07-2003, 12:08 PM
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~~~> Incest is Best <~~~
 This is something my cousin and I used to tease about when we were both in our sexually driven teens. He and I have spent our whole lives refraining from giving in to an unnatural attraction to each other, but just barely refraining.
Is there someone in your family who makes you hot even though you try not to let them?
How distant from your branch on the family tree does someone have to be before you no longer consider it incest?

08-07-2003, 12:12 PM
Bastard of Member
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Legally in IL it is 1st cousin or closer...but hell a good hot step sister wouldnt count. 
Love...the slowest form of suicide.

08-07-2003, 12:26 PM
Mrs FussyPucker
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Skip, funny you should say that, but I'm a stepsister to two men about my age......
But NO WAY would I want either of them! LOL
I only have two cousins and they are both girls, and the only even vaguely shaggable guy in my extended family is my step-father's sister's son (whom I haven't seen in years, but have had good reports from him) so I'm not really the best person to ask.
I think it's legal for 1st cousins to get together in this country but I'm not sure - thankfully it's never been much of an issue in my life!
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"
M Y - N A U G H T Y - P I C T U R E S ! !

08-07-2003, 12:42 PM
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Uhm... ahh... erm... No comment
Put me on wheels and I'll turn tricks.
Clever? Nah, I ran out of that years ago. But if you find this, let me know, k?
"The road goes ever on..." ~ Tolkien
In memory of my friend skip...
Go then, there are other worlds than these

08-07-2003, 02:21 PM
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When I was a kid, growing up on a farm in PA, my Aunts and Uncles used to visit a lot. My Mom had lots of brothers. Even way back then, there was this one 1st cousin ... and even then we used to sneak off to the hay loft and do the petting and kissing thing. I always loved it when "Uncle Ron" came to visit.
Many years later (family reunion), there we were again - grown, early twenties and the attraction was still there. We had the occasion to step aside from the crowd and joke about our early days. The problem with all that was that she looked so-o-o-o good - she had gotten quite attractive. And the intrigue of it all still lingered between us.
More years later (3-4) we accidentally ran into each other under different circumstances - this time it was just her and me. No family reunion, no parents ... and the attraction and fascination with each other was still there ... alas, no hay loft.
Hay loft, Hell - we checked in at the Embassy Suites on '"M" Street in Washington DC and proceeded to screw each other's brains out.
That was the last time we saw one another. But it fulfilled a childhood fantasy and that evening is one hell of a pleasant memory.

08-07-2003, 02:26 PM
Bouncy Bunny
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Lilth~ if you ever do *do* something...send me pix...I promise my eyes only.. 

08-07-2003, 04:15 PM
Loungin' Around
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Welll......I have a thing for an uncle....but I don't think he's interested...
I'd say cousins were safe...although IMHO anything is OK with protection. The issue is an evolutionary one (birth defects).
Life is too short not to love and be loved....preferably multiple times in one night.
I think men talk to women so they can sleep with them and women sleep with men so they can talk to them. ~ Jay McInerney

08-07-2003, 09:45 PM
Everybody Stretch!
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The only half decent male (still alive) in my family used to babysit me (us.....all 5 kids) when we were young. I see him periodically at funerals and weddings and I think to myself......"Hmmmmm? First crush, huh"? But.....I doubt he ever felt anything for me. He's actually more shy than I remember from my younger days. He does that side glance at me all the time. I think it's kinda weird, actually! LOL!
My brother was adorable! Oh gawd.....can't believe I'm saying this.........I once said that if he hadn't been my brother I would have let him roger me roundly!
But it was a fleeting thought! LOL!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.
~Thomas Dewar~

08-08-2003, 05:45 AM
Just me.
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<<sigh>> No sisters. 

08-08-2003, 09:55 PM
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No incestual experiences on my end though I do have one cousin who I am attracted to. I've kept those feelings to myself so I doubt she is the wiser.

08-09-2003, 12:03 AM
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I'm adopted so it was different for me . . . I was really close to my cousin and when he died, an aunt by marriage told me she thought him and I would get married. Ugh! We were more like brother and sister than many blood relatives so I couldn't imagine it.
I had crushes on cousins when I was younger but we're not all just good buds.

08-09-2003, 12:06 AM
Am I really here?
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I have a very small family. Mom was an only child, dad only had one brother, and he's got two kids in their early 20s. There is one girl, and she and my brother have hit it off (they live quite far from us, but I know they've online chatted some), but I don't suspect any funny business. Just doesn't seem like it'd be in either of their natures. And me? No not me either.
I don't know any second cousins or more distant relations any better, living up north we've been pretty isolated from most of the family in AR/OK.

08-09-2003, 06:34 AM
Pixies Horse Widower
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When I was 22, my wee cousin (20, and 6-months married!!!) came up for a visit...... on her own! My sister and I decided to take her out on the town as she'd never been to Glasgow before. Well, we ended up in one of the biggest night-clubs of the time, and my sis decided she'd had enough.... she went home, leaving me & my cuz to "dance the night away"!
She had been casting her eye around all night (checking out the "talent"!!) but hadn't seen anyone she fancied. We had to wait outside the club for a taxi, cos my sis had taken my car.... and in the ½-hour or so we had to wait, we ended up kissing, touching, going about as far as you can standing in a taxi queue!!
I think if I'd had my OWN place at that time, we would have gone "all the way"; as it is, we didn't, and we never spoke about it again! Often wondered what might have come of it though!!
(btw Lou..... 1st-cousin marriage/relationships ARE legal here, but very much frowned on! {Lucky, really!!} )
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind

08-09-2003, 10:54 AM
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I dont know what happened when i was born becuase all my female cousins are Stunning! Ive got a Red headed femme fetal! Theres a Beautiful Blonde busty babe (The one i fancied) and A brunette cracker! I was obvoiusly the runt of the litter :'( but I wouldnt dream of making out or trying it on with them, I'd be disowned by my family! however there was a second cousin that was on the verge of getting friendly with! Luckly we didnt tho!

08-09-2003, 09:25 PM
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Okay this has kinda been a secret of mine since I was a kid, mostly because I had no one to tell.
When I was 5-6 I often visited my aunts house simply because my mom had to take me. To pass the time, I usually ended up "playing" with my cousin. Turns out her favorite game was "doctor." For about two years, we fooled around as much as humanly possible, literaly. During a visit to another aunts house I found myself trying to stuff my inmature dick inside a different cousin. I moved away for a couple years and now we don't really talk, we nothing alike!
However nowadays I lust after a cousin on my fathers side. She lives hours away and I only see her once a year if I'm lucky. So there's no actual way we could ever get together. Even though she would be considered "thick," she's the sexiest woman I know. Everything about her turns me on and the fact that shes my cousin makes me even hotter.
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