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Old 03-11-2003, 12:34 PM
DragonLady's Avatar
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What is your sexual color

Your Sexual Energy is Black
You are on the ultimate edge of sexual kinkiness
So you're a bit of a perve, who cares
Some may be turned off by a freaky chick, but many more love you for it

Does anal sex turn you on? How about fisting, bdsm, and intense roleplay
Just because these thoughts gives you the chills, it's no reason to hold back
You're a naughty girl and should be proud of it

You may meet your next lover, slave, or victim in an unusual place.
Local underground clubs provide a lot of good prospects...
As do kinky chat rooms and forums.

Ready to add some variety? Try turning it down a notch.
Go for candles without the wax. Pleasure without the pain.
You may not like it as well, but it will certainly be different.
When it comes to celebrities, Angelina Jolie and Bettie Page share your strong black sexual energy.

Go out and find people with red, gray, and blue sexual energies. They will be a strong match.
Go here for you sexual color
when life hand you an orange make SCREW DRIVERS
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Old 03-11-2003, 12:51 PM
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Your Sexual Energy is Orange!

Your sensuality is flashy, energetic, and in your face.
You draw attention to yourself without even trying.
You are 100% sexy, and people respect you for it.

While you are incredibly seductive, you don't wear your raw sexuality.
You keep all your most carnal urges inside, and no one's the wiser...
Well, except for a select few :-)

Your talent is working your date for a long time before you actually give into sex.
You love that first look, that first kiss, that first touch...
After hours of bliss, you'll finally take your date back to your place.

Spice up your sex life by owning your sexuality - and flaunting it!
How about some public exposure, or some bathroom play?
Just add in some wild creativity and your fun will be tripled!

Britney Spears and Cameron Diaz are perfect examples of orange sexual energy.

Look out for people with brown, gray, and red sexual energies - they are perfect for you.

What Color Is Your Sexual Energy?

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Never say never, but if you do it's okay to change your mind~me, I think
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Old 03-11-2003, 01:08 PM
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Your Sexual Energy is Gray!

You're not as pure as White or as kinky as Black...
But you represent a delicious middle ground.
You are a sexual shape shifter and more diverse than any other color.

Your sexual obsessions change from week to week.
You're into anything, as long as it doesn't get old.
You've been a nymph, virgin, slave, and domme - sometimes in the same night.

You find your lovers anywhere and everywhere... every person has potential.
And while your affair burns bright like a flame - it extinguishes as quickly.
You crave variety on your relationships, none can last long before you get bored.

Ready for a change up? Slow things down a little.
You don't have to wear a collar and carry a whip on the same night.
Relax, you'll experience it all eventually. There's no rush!

Pink and Mandy Moore are celebrities that share your Gray sexual energy.

For an explosive match, check out people with brown, black, and orange sexual energies.

(Matches my avatar!)

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, then let it, and if you have to wait for what you really want, take the time because nobody said that life would be easy. They just promised it would be worth it." ~ Unknown author

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Old 03-11-2003, 02:06 PM
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<div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="red" width="150" height="150" border="0"></a>
<h2>Your Sexual Energy is Red!</h2>
You are on fire, and it is no wonder, because you have a naturally hot libido.<br>
Your sexuality erupts spontaneously.<br>
And when you are hot, you seek release as quickly as possible.<br>
In bed, you know how to turn your lover on. How could you not?<br>
You are a wild woman when you get it on.<br>
You will fondle and lick and stroke and suck to get you want you want.<br>
Only some people can handle your eagerness in bed, but those who can will never stray.<br>
You have the sexual appetite of a man with the stamina of a woman.<br>
It often feels like you could have a zillion orgasms.<br>
Your way of picking up lovers-to-be is no less outrageous.<br>
You will often go out on a limb in public to lure someone into bed.<br>
And you succeed easily, as many people are turned on by your aggressive flirting.<br>
Your sexual goal for self-improvement should be to learn how to love the little things in romance.<br>
You can learn to embrace the sensual, lighter pleasures in life...<br>
As much as you already appreciate the raw, physical aspects of sex.<br>
Madonna and Christina Aguilera both have red sexual energies full of passion and brilliance.<br>
Be sure to check out people who have outcomes of yellow, green, and pink, as they are pristine matches for you.
<a href=""><font size="+1"><b>What Color is Your Sexual Energy?</b></font></a>
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Rain: Liquid Sunshine!

Life's A Bitch, but I Deal withit!!
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Old 03-11-2003, 04:36 PM
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Your Sexual Energy is Blue!
Blue represents an experimental mindset, and an unpredictability that you are only in touch with.
You are not pure, nor are you totally naughty. You are on the borderline.
Will you fall into complete kinkiness, or will you back up into being a normal girl?

Your strength is your open-mindedness to try new things.
You are confident to follow-through on your lover's fantasies.
You often even add your own special edge to them.

Do they want to be tied down?
Well, how about a massage first, and then tickles to drive them crazy?
Blue women know how to mix and match and come out with extraordinary results.

You go about snagging your partners by sneaking up to them and then playing twenty questions.
Your targets are often puzzled by your ability to draw out their darkest secrets on a first date.
However, you still like to keep your own secrets to yourself.

You could spice your sex life up a bit if you let go of some of your own secrets, and let it all hang out!
Tell 'em your desires.
You might just surprise yourself!

Carmen Electra and Catherine Zeta Jones, although both very different celebs, have been honing this blue sexual energy. Follow their lead!

And, for some compatible lovers, look for those who have sexual energies in the colors of red, gray, and brown.

I didn't say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame you.

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Old 03-11-2003, 04:58 PM
fzzy fzzy is offline
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Your Sexual Energy is Green!
Your sexual energy is rich, serene, and abundant like the natural world. You are always feeling your sexual aura flow through you, like a stream. Rarely do you go anywhere without it.

You seduce people with your luxurious glow. You do not have to be obvious to express your sexuality. Others just feel your serene sexual power that resides within.

First dates are a mental dance for you - as you subtly seduce potential lovers. In bed, you can easily sense your lovers needs and to flow them as needed. This spiritual click is your primary sexual strength.

However, sometimes you allow your carnal appetite to go too far, and you forget to be cautious. While it's awesome and totally liberating to release your inner wild woman... watch out! Sometimes your pheromones may mislead you.

Check out Natalie Portman and Julia Stiles for some green sexual energy guidance.

When it comes to the hot matches, people who have shades of red, yellow, and pink are strong possibilities.
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Old 03-11-2003, 06:06 PM
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Your Sexual Color is Magenta!
You ooze passion and love, as well as a romantic sensuality.
Your strength is the intensity of your passion - it can last forever.
You can stay with the same lover for months, and every day still feels new.

You crave closeness - intimacy is your path to incredible sex.
Foreplay is your speciality - little whispers, touches, and kisses.
You have the ability to bring passion to any situation.

As for finding lovers, you usually don't find yourself needing a lover.
Chances are that you've been with the same person for quite a while.
If you seek someone new, you usually date traditionally - until you find a spark.

Challenging your passionate approach to sexuality could spice things up.
Try having sex with someone you think is hot, although not "the one"
Seduce a complete stranger (or two) for some intense anonymous sex!

Magenta sexual energies include Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Aniston.

For the best match, look for people with pink, red, and yellow sexual energies.
Though dreams can be deceiving, like faces are to hearts; they serve for sweet relieving when fantasy and reality lie too far apart.-Fiona Apple

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Old 03-11-2003, 06:31 PM
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<div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="yellow" width="150" height="150" border="0"></a>
<h2>Your Sexual Energy is Yellow!</h2>
You have the sensuality of a goddess or spiritual temptress.<br>
And you feel that your sexual energy comes from a deep source.<br>
You love to tease and foreplay is by far your greatest sexual talent.<br>
You feel the sun's light streaming through you and you reflect that energy into your partner.<br>
You enjoy both giving and taking.<br>
You feel completely equal and at peace during foreplay.<br>
You have immense patience and love to touch in all of the right spots.<br>
You tend to keep home lovers who have endured your seduction for extended periods of time.<br>
You like to see your lovers over and over again to insure that they are completely yearning for you.<br>
If you want to spice up your sex life, add a bit of raw sexuality.<br>
Maybe a few silk scarves, or some erotica to share together?<br>
Bring in fantasy and fun, and that will mix with your sexy spiritual self just delightfully!<br>
Kate Hudson and Cate Blanchett both know how to light up a room with their yellow sexual energies.<br>
People who hare sexual energies of red, green, and pink are a good match for you.
<a href=""><font size="+1"><b>What Color is Your Sexual Energy?</b></font></a>
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Don't pet the sweaty things!!!!
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Old 03-11-2003, 06:32 PM
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will have to learn how to cut and paste!!!!!!!!
Don't pet the sweaty things!!!!
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Old 03-11-2003, 07:47 PM
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Hey I'm a red also.
I have great abs, some men have six packs I have a keg!
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Old 03-12-2003, 12:00 PM
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I'm a green!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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Old 03-17-2003, 11:09 AM
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Green here too!
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Old 03-18-2003, 12:28 AM
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I'm a black

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Old 03-20-2003, 12:02 AM
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Your Sexual Energy is Green
Your sexual energy is rich, serene, and abundant like the natural world.
You are always feeling your sexual aura flow through you, like a stream.
Rarely do you go anywhere without it

You seduce people with your luxurious glow.
You do not have to be obvious to express your sexuality.
Others just feel your serene sexual power that resides within.

First dates are a mental dance for you - as you subtly seduce potential lovers.
In bed, you can easily sense your lovers needs and to flow them as needed.
This spiritual click is your primary sexual strength.

However, sometimes you allow your carnal appetite to go too far, and you forget to be cautious.
While it's awesome and totally liberating to release your inner wild woman... watch out!
Sometimes your pheromones may mislead you.

Check out Natalie Portman and Julia Stiles for some green sexual energy guidance.

When it comes to the hot matches, people who have shades of red, yellow, and pink are strong possibilities.
DAMN, YOU ARE A SEXY ONE-skipthisone

I beleive in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I beleive in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. Kevin Costner/Bull Duram

"Your body as well as mine has needs. This is juat a little foreplay to highten our desire for each other. If we play out the game of love to it's natural conclusion, you'll experience fulfillment. Give yourself up to me and I'll guide you along the path to pareadise. Together we will be like fire and ice, love and hate, life and death." Virginia Henley

WANTED: a moment when you kiss someone and eveything around you becomes hazy. And the only thing in focus is you and this person and you relize that he is the only person your suppose to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment you get this amazing gift. You want to laugh and you want to cry. Cause you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared it will all go away at the same time.
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Old 03-20-2003, 06:32 AM
Rayna Rayna is offline
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You ooze passion and love, as well as a romantic sensuality.
Your strength is the intensity of your passion - it can last forever.
You can stay with the same lover for months, and every day still feels new.

You crave closeness - intimacy is your path to incredible sex.
Foreplay is your speciality - little whispers, touches, and kisses.
You have the ability to bring passion to any situation.

As for finding lovers, you usually don't find yourself needing a lover.
Chances are that you've been with the same person for quite a while.
If you seek someone new, you usually date traditionally - until you find a spark.

Challenging your passionate approach to sexuality could spice things up.
Try having sex with someone you think is hot, although not "the one"
Seduce a complete stranger (or two) for some intense anonymous sex!

Magenta sexual energies include Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Aniston.

For the best match, look for people with pink, red, and yellow sexual energies.

yep, very much me
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