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Old 11-13-2006, 06:14 PM
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The Cabin in the Woods

Chapter One

Isaiah Johnson laid back on his bed in the corner of his large one room cabin. It was shortly before midnight and he was restless. He had gotten familiar with these long lonely nights over the past one hundred years, but he refused to get use to them. It had been at least that long since he had laid with his last mate. But telling a human female about his heritage, his breed, in this day and age could be deadly to him. He had heard of the witch trials that were going on in Salem and didn't want to end up like them. So, announcing that you were a lycan, even to a woman, was not the best thing to do.

Last night had been the last night of the full moon. A new cycle was now underway. Isaiah had fed heartly on the bounty of deer in the woods and had brought some home to eat cook over the fire. His body always felt renewed after a full moon.

Isaiah didn't know just when he had fell asleep, but his eyes were now being bombarded with sunlight. Stretching, he rose to get the day started. By noon, he had made several repairs to the cabin that he had put off all summer. With winter now so close, he knew that he couldn't put off any of his chores any longer. Next, Isaiah headed out to chop wood. When finished, the muscles of his tall, lean body ached. His shoulder length black hair began to curl at the ends due to the sweat now rolling off of him. His green eyes sparkled in the sun. Heading back to his cabin he caught a new scent on the wind. It was human... and female. As he approached, a movement by his cabin caught his attention.

Isaiah's lycan instinct's kicked in and he watched the movement closely. His ears strained to hear the light move of whatever it was. Seeing the form slipping behind his cabin, he quitely headed around it to meet whoever it was. On the back side, he watched as the small shadow of a woman came into view on the ground. She obviously was unaware to his presence there. Her back came into view as she back around the corner. Her long, stringy brown hair hung down nearly to her waist. She was barefooted and her clothes were little more than rags. Isaiah knew that she would scream when he touched her, so he raised his hands in preperation to put them to her mouth. Her scream was indeed muffled by his large hands.

"Calm down. Calm down," Isaiah said as softly as he could in his gruff voice. "I'm not going to hurt you. Are you hunger?" He could feel her trimbling in his arms. Slowly, she shook her head "yes". "Come on in," he said as he released her, "I was just getting ready to start supper."

Isaiah smiled as the small framed female watched him intently. She couldn't be more than twenty. Her large blue eyes showed fear, hurt, and so many more emotions. She had combed her hair out with the brush he gave her. It now look silky and longer. Under her tattered dress, her breasts looked to be about the size of grapefruits. She was pale; ghostly pale. He could easily tell that she hadn't ate a decent meal in some time. Nor had she had a bath in a while because her face was filthy. After eating two plate fulls, she finally spoke. "Thank you," she said in a weak and trembling voice. She spoke not another word the rest of the night.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 11-13-2006, 06:54 PM
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Chapter Two

Over the next few days, Willow Snider watched the man whose cabin she was in with fear. She had finally escaped from the abusive man her father had sold her to. For nearly five years he had held prisioner, barely feeding or clothing her. Bathing had been done when he made her fetch water from the creek. She had managed to escape when he had passed out from drinking.

For nearly a week she had wondered the woods looking for shelter. She had just known that when he woke up he would've been in a bad mood and would have either rape her or kill her. How she had managed to stay a virgin, and alive, for this long, she didn't know.

In the past week, Willow had learned that the owner of this cabin was a man by the name of Isaiah Johnson. She had told him her name was Willow, but nothing else. In fact, she told him very little of her life and he seemed very content to leave it at that. It was as if he understood how important privacy about the past was. He too even seem to stray away from the subject. As time passed, she began to feel more and more at ease with him. Both of them began to laugh and smile more. But, after nearly a month, Isaiah started to seem a little tense.

One morning at breakfast, Isiah told Willow that he would be gone for most of the night. In fact, for the next week he would be out hunting by the full moon. He had strongly stressed one point: No matter what she heard outside, do not open the door until morning light. She had found this request odd, but did as she was told. A habit that she had learned while held prisioner. The first night, a strange howl came could be heard, and she knew that it wasn't the wind. That morning, Isaiah came home with fresh meat. He looked refreshed and almost younger. This continued for the week. And for several months to follow. Cursioty finally got the best of her and she had to ask.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 12-16-2006, 02:15 PM
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Part Three

Isaiah placed the last of the meat in the smoke house and stepped out into the cold winter air. Last nights hunt had went well. There was now enough meat to last the rest of the month. Looking towards the cabin, he watched the smoke curling out of the chimney of his home; Willow was awake. Looking at the clouds, he could not only see, but feel a blizzard coming. By nightfall, there would too much snow on the ground to hunt. Not only that, but even in his lycan form, he was no match for a blizzard. That was how he lose his younger brother; James had froze to death in a blizzard after becomeing lost. No..., he would have to stay home tonight. He knew that meant that he would have to tell Willow about himself before the moon rose again.

The warmth of the house felt good as Isaiah entered it. The smell of cooked meat made his stomach rumble. He had to give her that; she always had breakfast ready for when he came in the morings after a full moon. Isaiah looked around the large one room cabin; it felt even more like home. His eyes fell onto Willow as she stood at the cook stove. What he saw surprised him so much, he had forgotten to close the door. He smiled as he saw that the only thing she wore was one of his button up shirts. Her long brown hair flowed down her back, stopping short of the shirt hem. Her legs seemed to flow out from the bottom of it. He faught over an overwhelming urge to mate her right then.

Willow turned towards Isaiah and smiled. She told herself that it was now or never on asking, rather telling him. She thought she had figured out just who, rather what, he was. She gave a shiver as the cold air from outside hit her. "Are you going to close the door," she asked sexily. "Oh yeah," he said as he slammed harder than he wished. She watched him remove his coat and boats before sitting down at the table. Her mind raced with what she wanted to say to him. Walking over to him, she stood before him. "I know about you," she said before realizing what she said. She watched as Isaiah looked at her. "Know what," he asked nervously.

Willow bit her bottom lip before saying, "What you turn into during each full moon. And I know that a blizzard is brewing and that you don't need to be out in it tonight. Stay with me. Change in the house. Don't go out." She dropped to her knees before him. "Please don't leave me alone another night. Make me yours." Before she knew it, Isaiah had her in his arms kissing her. She felt just like a rag doll as he easily lifted her. She thought of him as being even stronger and manly than she ever had before.

Isaiah lifted Willow up and placed her bare ass onto the table. His hands rubbed her skin under the shirt. "I've wanted to tell you for sometime now," he whispered into her ear, "but have been scared of what your reaction would be." "Don't worry anymore," she whispered, "just make me yours." Isaiah rubbed her soft skin. He could smell her desire for him. Their tongues twirled as he passionately kiss her for the first time. He gave a low moan as she unbottoned his shirt. Her delicate hands rubbed his strong chest; her fingers twirling the soft hair. In one swift move, he lifted the shirt from her body. "Oh Willow," he said between kisses down her neck, "you're beautiful." Stepping back, he removed his own clothes.

Willow moaned as Isaiah laid her back onto the table and spread her legs wide. Having never been with a man, she wondered what he was going to do to her. She didn't have to wait long as she felt his tongue swipe up her clit. "Oh Isaiah," she moaned as another swipe was made. His hands moved up her stomach and to her breasts as he pushed his face deeper into her love mound. She arched her back as she felt a strange feeling wash over her. "MMM," she heard him moan as she felt juices flow from her. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, Isaiah kissed his way up her stomach.

Eyes closed, Willow moaned again when Isaiah took her breast into his mouth a gently sucked. She didn't even notice that his pelvis was now even with hers or that his harden cock was slipping into her warm, moist pussy. But as he moved further in, she notice and tensed up as pain over took her. Eyes wide open now, she tried to protest but was stopped by his mouth covering hers. A few more pushes from him and she found herself in a state of ecstacy that she had never known. Her silent cry of protest was now replaced with a soft moan of pleasure.

Isaiah moved himself in his new mate. She felt warm and very alive with pleasure. It had been so long since he had felt pleasure like this, that he had almost forgotten what joy a woman could be. Her body felt soft and warm beneath his as he moved in her. Their skin slid against each others causing him to want her even more. Lifting her from the table, he moved them over to wall. Pressing her hard against it, he again began to move in her. "Oh Isaiah," she moaned with each in thrust. He smiled as he felt her shutter as she climaxed again. "MMM", he moaned as he felt her juices flowing onto him. He softly kissed her neck, which caused her to give an even louder moan. "Isaiah. Isaiah," she panted. Her cries of pleasure drove him over the edge and he released himself in her. She was now his. But she wouldn't truly be his until he mated her in his true form. That would be tonight. Until then, he had alot to tell her about himself.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 12-28-2006, 12:30 PM
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Part Four

As the sky slowly darken around the cabin, Isaiah watched the snow as it began to swirl around outside of the window. He knew that it was the approaching blizzard that was covering up the sun. And... sunset was just hours away. Turning around, he watched Willow as she set about cooking. His keen eyes watched her move about the small room. Her long brown hair was tied up in a bun while she cooked. Her skin so snowy white. And her eyes... ohhh, her eyes were the bluest blue he had ever seen.

The small deer hide dress that he had traded the local Indaians for showed off her small frame and beautiful breasts wonderfully. Isaiah knew very well what was under that tanned dress. He had laid with her most of the day, and now he had to forcablely control himself to keep from doing it again. He knew, rather hoped, the he would have her again very soon. Turning back to the window, he looked once again towards the darkening sky. The snow was now falling more heavily than just moments ago. "Yes," he thought to himself, "I'll have her again very soon. She's very brave and will allow me to bed her again in my lycan form." In his mind he paused his thoughts and stared at Willow from over his shoulder. "Or, at least I hope she will."

Willow finished placing the last of supper on a plate and turned to place it on the table. She smiled as she caught Isaiah staring at her from over his shoulder. Pushing a lose curl from her forehead she announced, "Supper's ready." She knew what that look was. He had had it all day long. Everytime they had made love, it had been in his eyes.

"I know that look," Willow said as she turned back around.

"I'm sure you do," Isaiah answered as he walked to the table. The look, and the desire, growing strong by the moment.

"You had better wait until dark, you know..., save your strength," Willow teased as she sat the meal on the table. She smiled again as Isaiah pulled her into his lap and effectionately kissed her before saying, "I'll have all the strength I need in a few hours."

Willow moaned as his hand roughly rubbed her breasts. Another moan as it moved down between her legs and rubbed her sensitive clit through the deer hide dress. Willow closed her eyes as Isaiah moved his mouth over hers. Oh, how she wanted him in her again. She didn't want to wait; she wanted him now. RIGHT NOW!!! But, she knew that the moon would rise soon and she would once again have him in her.

With supper over, Isaiah slowly removed the only thing Willow wore. Pulling the pins from the bun in her hair, he watched as it cascaded down her back. "MMM," he moaned at the sight of her naked beauty. "Soon my mate, soon," he said in a low whisper. Next he undressed himself. It was so much easier to undergo his change if he was naked. Plus, he would be ready for her too in more than one way.

Although the blizzard cover the full moon outside, Isaiah's body told him that it was rising. Without warning, he let out a long painful howl. He could feel his body changing. He knew that it only took minutes for the change to take place, but it felt like hours. Once finished, he stood on his hind legs he and sniffed the air. He could smell her behind him. Her womanly scent, mixed with that of fear, flooded his nostrils. Slowly he turned. There she sat on the bed; a huddle ball of fear. His legs carried him to the bed in two strides. He watched her as she drew in a deep breath. His head tilted and watched as Willow's body loosened and slumped onto the bed; passing out from fear.

Willow woke to the feel of something wet and cold on her cheek. Her spinning head began to slow down. Her eyes slowly focused on the long, brown, fuzzy muzzle before her. She tried to scream, but was froze with fear. It was then that she realized that she was now laying flat on her back on the bed. Her arms pinned on boths sides of her head. Her legs were spread and Isaiah, in his lycan form, laid between them and on top of her. She could feel his hard shaft at her opening. Looking down his long muzzle and into his eyes, she could see them asking, "Will you let me?" After a hard swallow, she found the strength to speak. "Make me yours," she said in a hushed and fearful tone. "Make me yours forever."

Willow closed her eyes and held her breathe as Isaiah pushed himself into her. She knew that she was far from wet, but the feel of his lycan cock easing into her soon changed that. She no longer feared him, but needed him. She could feel herself becoming wetter with each gentle push he made in her. She gasped with pleasure as Isaiah licked up her neck. Isaiah must have known that she was now completely his becasue her released her wrists. She moved her hands to his back. She stroked his fur; it felt thick, soft and silky between her fingers. This action, along with the movement between her legs, calmed her. She now moaned with pleasure. Opening her eyes, she stared him in the eyes again. That fimilar look of desire that she had seen all day long was there now. "There's no need to fear him," she told herself.

Isaiah moved himself in his new mate. The smell of fear was rapidly fading from her and one of pure desire was overwhelming his nostrils. Her soft moans of pleasure were growing louder and filling the single room cabin. Even the blizzard wind whipping around outside was fading next to her expressions of ecstacy. He howled as she screamed his name. The first howl brought a slight jerk of startlement from her, but she ignored the rest.

Isaiah pulled Willow tight to him and raised their bodies from the bed. Now, standing, he raised and lowered her on his shaft. He could feel her warm breasts next to him as she hugged his neck tightly. Her cheek rubbed his own as he moved her on him. She moaned his name softly. Stilling moving her on him, Isaiah walked to the far wall, next to the warm stove. Pushing her up against the wall, he let his hips do the moving now.

Isaiah watched Willow's face intently; her eyes were closed, but her face showed pure ecstacy. When her eyes open, he stared deeply into them. They too showed the desire that they shared. He knew then that this was more than a lycan mating his new mate for the true first time in his true form. They shared a respect, a love, for each other. He knew that she would prove to be a faithful mate.

For several minutes Isaiah kept Willow pushed up against the wall. His desire to release in her grew. Moving back to the bed, he pulled out of her and sat her down on the floor. She didn't ask "why", but simply followed his unspoken request to get onto all fours. Once again inside of her, he grabbed her hips and began to fuck her "wolf style". He watched as she gripped the quilt tightly in her fists. She traded off between soft moans and light screams of pleasure. He felt his balls beginning to tighten.

Willow moved faster on Isaiah's lycan cock. Her knuckles ached from the grip she had on the quilt. Even in this form, she could tell from his breathing that he would soon cum. She wanted his seed in her. She needed it. She could feel his claws clamping down on her hips as he thrusted himself in hard one last time, holding her in place as he did.

Willow could fell Isaiah's cock flexing in her as he shot his load of hot cum deep in her. His claws now dug deeper into her hips as each shot exploded. Looking over her shoulder, she watched as he threw his lycan head back and gave a long, satisied howl. She could feel his cum moving through her. It didn't feel like it had when he had came earlier in his human form. No. It was different now. It felt as if it now surged through her; as if looking for that perfect egg. And upon finding it, she felt the beginning of life in her womb. Three times more they mated, but Willow didn't have that feeling after he came those times.

When the moon had set, and Isaiah had slipped back into his human form, he said, "Thank you, Willow. Thank you so much."

"For what," Willow asked.

"For being my mate. And..." Isaiah paused as he rubbed her stomach, "for carrying the first of my children."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by Moonshine : 12-28-2006 at 01:14 PM.
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