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Old 07-05-2003, 04:05 AM
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Goblin Wars

Goblin Wars: Into Darkness

Thayen spurred his golden warhorse up the steep slope of the wooded hill. As the outrider of the party, he had scouted on ahead. He would wait for the rest of the party to catch up before heading out again several leagues.
Coming around the twisting trail the two Elven knights where in the vanguard. Thayen's heart sat heavy in his chest as he spied the rest of the group. For last in the column, his sister, De'Allen rode on her white horse. Her long silver hair danced in the wind. The richly embrodered white spider silk dress hugged her slender frame revealing the spender of her female shape. In his heart as he looked at the loveliness of his sister, a dark dispair held him in a grim mood.
Thayen brooded over the fact that he was part of the honor guard bringing his sister to King K'tel of the Ironwood Elves. He knew that the splendure of his father's Elven kingdom would be forever lost to his sister. The Ironwood Elves where the most marshal in temperment, where there lore in warcraft reigned and not of song and art. It would be a bleak life for his sister. Indeed as Thayen looked at the party, King K'tel had sent 12 of his household knights as escourt. Their bearing was on of strength and might, and they ignored the beauty of the local woods.
As the party approached him he could hear his sister's singing. The sounds seem to echo off each tree along the path. But as soon as she saw him, she stopped her song and asked, "Why so grim my dear brother?"
Looking deep into De'Allens colbalt blue eyes, Thayen was nearly able to cast away his sorrow. But replied, "Such that this day never have come. This is none of your wishes."
De'Allen casted her eyes down for in her own heart there was dread. "This alliance is needed, for King K'tel has promised father 500 cohorts." And looking back up at her brother, her eyes wet with tears. "Though this is not of my choosing, better my fate, then the fate that awaits our people at the hands of the Goblins."
Thayen clenched his hand around his sword at the mention of Goblins. For nearly 500 years his people where at peace, for the Goblins paid so dear a price in the last war. But now like a plague of insects they have grown in such number to once again wage war on the Elves.
"Sister, perhaps, yet to be wedded to King K'tel for the sake of an alliance" Thayen start to say but a movement in the bushes caught his eye. Looking with all his concentration to get a better view at the dark shape that moved in the forest shadows, he failed to notice the Goblin to his right stepping from be hind a tree. But soon his eyes spotted the Goblin and started to yell, "AMBUSH!" No sooner then the words escaped his throat then a throwing-club impacted along his head sending him flying from his horse into the tall surronding bushes.
A black streak shot accross the shy. It flight ended in the back of the lead rider's skull felling him to the ground. Another such black streak ended its flight in the throat of the other lead rider. The surviving knights saw the black crossbow bolts lodged in their fallen comrades' head and throat. Whirling their horses around and drawing their swords, they cried, "for honor!" and started their charge at the Goblins to the rear.
De'Allen lashed her horse to attempt to flee but coming from another shadow a bola snarred the rear legs of her horse. Her mount came crashing to the ground. The impact with the ground knocked her unconscience.
Yet as the remaining knights of her honor guard whipped their horses to begin their charge. A crossbow bolt struck high in the chest of the group's captain. Charging down at the Goblins they saw on the path, 15 more Goblins jumped from their hiding places along the path. In their hands they wielded great two-handed axes and took the charging Elven knights on the flanks.
In an orgy of death and slaughter that lasted but seconds, all the Elven guard where dead and hacked to pieces. The Goblins wrath was total for some 8 of their company fell to the Elven swords.
** ** ** **

De'Allen awoke with a ringing in her ears. Cool musty air assaulted her nose and she became aware of the stench that only Goblins could make.
Looking up she saw the Goblin chief sitting on a crude rock throne. Two high oil lamps lit the cave she was in. His dark brown skin nearer to black, glistened in the light. Two beaming eyes like those of animals caught in the dark by moon light shone at her. But what caught her attention more was the great frog like mouth and the few roughted fangs that shown from his lips.
He sat there staring at her in his splendure. Baked leather armor, clung to his person. A heavy spiked club rested at his side. His hand held a copper cup which he drank a vile Goblin beer made from their victems blood.
"Well, it looks like the Elven wench has awakened." he growled. "Perchance the fun might start. What say you lads?" And as if in answer a chores of howls and shrieks of a multitude of Golbins hidden in the cave's shadows rang out. "And what say you Elf?"
De'Allen, stood up from the mat she was laying on. She was aware that the beauty that was her dress was stained and muddied beyond any attempt at cleaning. Yet despite her state, she held her bearing as one of her noble blood should. She looked at him defiantly and said, "release me fowl one, for my father and bethrothed would seek never ending vengence upon you."
"You are betrothed?" Spoke the Goblin chief. "I should thing that your father would be the better for a more worthy son-in-law then some weak smippling Elf." He stood up and introduced himself, "I am Gron Stone-Fist. I should think I am a better choice then your betrothed."
De'Allens courage for a moment failed her as she looked upon the Goblin. Though he stood some 5'3 inches tall to her 5'8, he was massive in build. Thick powerful arms and legs supported his squat shape. His grin was made more sinister by the hugeness of his mouth and lower jaw. "My father would never consent, nor could be more the poorer then to have a son-in-law as you."
Laughing the Goblins asked, "Such a wicked tongue, my lady. Know you what happens to those who fall in our hands?"
"Likely you are to kill me, for that is the way of your kind" De'Allen said. She looked at him with mortal dread for she thought that soon he would take his club and kill her to be eatten in some fowl stew.
Laughing even louder Gron said, "HA! So that is what stories they tell of us to make their children afraid of us." Then quietly and with malice he continued, "for you my dear a worst fate awaits you." The he advanced toward her.
Confidently she stood her ground determined to show him no fear. Yet her lip quivered as he stood there looking up at her. His huge right hand reached up and stroked her soft silver hair. She had no idea of what fate could be worst then death from the hands of the Goblins.
Lightly he let go of her hair and let fall his heavy hand to her shoulder. Just has it lightly landed on her shoulder his hand hooked the thin material of her dress. And in one swift swipe, he riped the dress from her body. Her skin was creamy white as his was the Goblins nearer to black and it seemed to glow white in the gloom of the cave.
Instantly her hands flew up to cover her breasts and she hunched over to cover her naked sex. A look of shock and bewilderment hung on her face, her eyes pleading for an explaination.
No explanation came from the Goblin chief as he turned away from her and said to his guards, "take her and bring her." Then without warning rough hands grabbed her picking her off the ground. Her slender frame posed no problem for their brutish strength. They carried her to a pile of animal skins that looked like a bed. Terror filled her as she started to think of what her fate maybe.
As she came crashing down on the bed of furs, the Goblin Chief grasped both of her wrists, and looking dirrectly into her eyes said, "a pity that your father can not see this." His strength easy removed her hands covering her breasts. He could see the soft white shape of her breast the size of small grapefruit, the nipple as light rose pink, its size that of a walnut.
"NO!" shouted De'Allen as her hands left her breasts. She quickly curled her legs tightly against her stomach in an effort to protect her loins. All her thoughts where bent on escaping the Goblins and fear of being touched by them made her heart pound in her chest.
A chuckle eascaped from deep within the Goblins chief's throat has he opened his huge mouth. She could not stop his mouth inching its way to her exposed left breast.
A feeling of hot dampness assaulted her body as the Goblin took her breast into his mouth. His hot tongue wrapped around the whole of her breast as the tongue's tip played with her nipple. In a moment he had all of her left breast in his mouth and he seemed like he was swollowing it for it was drawn to the back of his throat. Another Goblin stepped into view and bent over. His mouth already drooling with excitement closed around her right breast. It too disappeared into his huge mouth.
Strange waves traveled the length of her body from her breasts to her groin. She had never felt anything like them and did not understand them. "Please stop. You can not do this!" she shouted. But her words only added to the slurping sounds of the goblins sucking her breasts.
Three more Goblins, lurking in the shadows, stepped into the light. De'Allen could feel the hot breath of one of them as he drew near her neck. His tongue began to lick at her throat and the nape of her neck. The other two busied themselves with their tongues trying to assault her cunt.
"Oh! for mercy's sake please stop. No! Don't do this!" she cried. She twisted and turned her hips trying to dodge the licking of the other two Goblins. But as she turned one way to avoid the assault of one tongue, she was exposed to the assault of the other tongue. Yet time their tongues would hit the crack of her cunt or swells of her ass cheeks. The waves grew. Shivers from the Goblin licking and sucking her neck traveled down her spine. Sensation waves continued to grow from her breast.
Suddenly realizing it, De'Allen became aware that her breathing intensified. And that as she breathed harder her chest rose and fell allowing more of her breasts to slide down the Goblins throats.
In her attempts at dodging the licking of her stomach and her ass, De'Allen made a fatal mistake. When she twisted from a Goblin who was licking her ass, she mistakenly let slip the Goblin's, who was trying to licking at her stomach and cunt, head between her thighs. There before the Goblin was the prize he sought. A very thin patch of soft silver pubic hair covered the gentle curl of her pussy lips. His tongue made immediately for it.
Lightning hit her soul as the Goblins tongue found its mark. Immediate sensations shot through her. She tried to wiggle free of the intruder but it was to no avail. The tip of the tongue parted her pussy lips and found the clit sending more lightning through her. De'Allens breath immediately quicked further as she breathed out an "Oomph!" at the contact of the tongue licking her clit.
Arching herself backward, De'Allen cried, "Father help me, please!" "Make them stop!" Her legs came out from their protective curl and straightened. Again she tried to bring her legs to her chest and stomach, but this time a restraining hand held her legs.
The tongue continued its work on her clit then slid to the opening of her womb. The tip entered her an inch. Immediately, the sensations increased. This time De'Allen knew what they meant. It occured to her that this was pleasure. Her mind was discussed with this realization that vile Goblins was making her feel this way that her body was betraying her. Yet despite indeed her body was begining to feel a raident glow. Her stomach felt as if a thousand birds had taken wing; her stomach muscels started to lightly spasm.
The Goblin licking her neck reached accross her chest and pinned her arms to her side. Then the Goblin Chief stopped sucking her breast and let it slip from his mouth. Standing up he reached for the clasps on his armor. In a thud, the armor hit the floor. His nakeness started De'Allen.
A long flaming red penis some 9 inches long and 2 inches thick immerged from a skin fold in his groin. Out popped two huge testicals from the same skin fold. The head already had a glob of dark yellow pre-cum on its slit. An oil ooze seemed to bath the whole of the large cock.
Horror gripped De'Allen. She truely realized for the first time that indeed these creatures where to unlease their lusts upon her body. And in the corner of her mind another thought hold of her; was it possible that these bruts could inpregnate her?
Yet as she battled the growing sensations, her will became weaker with each moment. With each moment that the Goblins busied themselves ravaging her body, she knew her very first orgasm of her life was nearing. The pleasure waves grew more frequent and intense sending ripple upon ripple through her. Her stomach muscel spasms grew more and more intense. De'Allen became very aware that her breathing was now audible; she would lick her lips uncontrolably to moisten them. To her horror and beyond her control, her hips would lurk forward when an intense wave coursed through her body toward the Goblins tongue.
"Liking this are we?" cruelly chuckled the Goblin chief. He stood behind the Goblin who was licking her cunt and stooped over and then took her left breast once again in his mouth.
"Oh! Great Goblin Lord, please, no, no more, I beg you. Oh! please stop." De'Allens voice was now horce, her breathing more labored. The waves going through her was almost one continious sensation.
"Ooooohoooooooo!" De'Allen cried. "Nooooooooo! Her first orgams took her shaking her to her core. Her whole body lurked forward. "Fatherrrrrrrrr!" The whole of her stomach and womb shook in spasm and fire seemed to run in her veins. A long like rolling thunder ran its way through her.
Finally the force of her orgasm let go of her, but a hollow pit feeling in her stomach remained. Once again as the Goblin continued to lick at her cunt the fires began to build again.
This time the Goblin Chief pushed away the Goblin licking her cunt and grabbed bother her creamy legs and drew them apart. De'Allen looked down at her groind and saw the inflamed red cock of the Goblin making its way to the opening of her cunt. The dark yellow pre-cum oozing more from it.
"Please no, my lord, I beg your mercy. Please no." Her eyes echoed her pleas. Yet in her heart she knew they where to no avail.
He just grinned at her and said, "Now Elven wench, we see how your kind is."
De'Allen watched as the red member reach her cunt's opening. The head of it hit the outer folds of her cunt and started to enter. She watched it start to disappear in her. She could feel it spreading the soft folds of her cunt. Expectently, she bit her lip in anticipation of its entry.
With one great lunge he shoved himself into her. Pain shot through her as the head of his cock took her virginity. The pain took her mind off the pleasure of a moment and gave briefly herself back under her control. But as he released her legs and grasp her just above her hips and took up a steady pace pounding his cock into her.
The sensations returned enforce and more quickly. The sloppy slupping sounds of his cock withdrawing from her and then back again mixed with the sounds of her heavy breathing. "Aha, aha, aha, aha!" De'Allen looked down again at her groin and saw the red throbbing cock disappear and reapper over and over again. A smacking sounded as his loins collided with hers.
Studdenly she felt something in the Goblin who was fucking her. She felt his mucsels grow more tense. His thrust became more urgent, harder and faster. Her body instinctively knew he was going to cum soon. She began to be aware that soon Goblin seed would flood her womb, and to her puzzelement she could not understand why her body urgently began to become more excited.
The now familiar glow returned to her stomach as started to reach her second orgasm. Her breathing became more a "Hah, hah, hah!" as she felt him coming closure to pouring himself into her.
In a howl of truimph he roared, his whole body began quaking and shivering as he poured gob upon gob of oozing cum into her. As she felt the rush of seaman enter her her orgasm exploded in her. Her womb began to spasm in its own effort to absorb every drop. Yet despite its efforts to do so, a large stream of Goblin cum escaped her cunt and ran down the crack of her ass. Her legs own their own grasped him to hold him into her.
Still his cock throbbed flooding her cervix with his seed and still her womb spasmed to accept it. But finally a cup of cum latter, he finished his orgasm. Looking down at her he grinned and said, "NEXT!"
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Old 07-11-2003, 10:51 PM
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Goblin Wars: II

Goblin Wars: In the Pits

Three days in darkens De'Allen awoke. To her she thought herself fortuanate that the Goblins brought her eatable food. The fresh fish, mushrooms, and acorns where a welcome relief from the usual diet of the Goblins. When De'Allen lifted her head from her sleeping mat she could hear the voices of the other female Goblins. Her beauty they hated and the attentions she had by the warrior Goblins made her least liked of all.

De'Allen got up and walked over to an undergrown spring to wash up. The cool air of the cave gave her goose bumps for she was totally naked. Her once lovely dress was a complete loss after two nights of "playing" with the Goblins. The very thought of the bruts filled her heart with hate and loathing for the vile creatures. Adding to her anger was the knowledge how her body had enjoyed the touch of these creatures. For the last three days her groin was a sticky mess of Goblim cum that was seemingly impossible to wash off.
Last night was her only night of peace she had unmolested by the Goblins, and she slept a heavy sleep. The hoard of Goblin warriors left the cave for places unknown to her leaving the females, the young, and old behind. Still it was a relief not to have been violated again by the Goblin chief and his warriors.

As she sat at the edge of the underground spring, bathing herself by dipping her hand into the pool to was off the dirt and grim, she hand reached her groin. De'Allen remarked to herself that it was nolonger sore or inflamed. She played back the events of the pass few days and remembered that the lips of her cunt seem to remain open, oozing the dark yellow goo of Goblin cum. It had occured to her that Goblin cum would become thick as tree sap in a few moments for a time and eventually leak out. In her mind she thought that this is some feature of their cum to keep other Goblins from inpregnating their females.
De'Allen kept washing her cunt to rid herself of the last of their cum from her. The icy water caused and the contact with her hand as she washed herself started to stimulate her and the pleasure pulses returned to her. Her mind was split; the pleasure she brought herself from the washing was intoxicating to her body, yet she felt repulsion and guilt for having such feelings.

Another day went by and again De'Allen awoke to the gloom of the cave. She finally obtained a small stone cup where some kind of oil sat in it and a rag burned like a candle to illuminate her surrondings. Unlike yesterday when she was relieved that she had a day to herself, she felt restless. The other Goblin females avoided her company and every now and then heard one of them saying in the quiet of the dark "Elven whore".
De'Allen didn't understand the feeling of restlessness that gripped her. She had always sought to walk among the trees of her homeland to see the beauty of nature. She thought that is perhaps the reason for her feeling of being caged. So as she washed the sleep out of her eyes, De'Allen decided to explore the caves, and as she thought further on the matter perhaps find a way to escape.
Wrapping the tattered remains of her dress around her waist, she set out on her walk. She brought with her the crude candle to help light her way.

For two hourse De'Allen stumbled in the dark when she heard voices of Goblin laughter coming from a shaft to her right. A red glow of a great fire shown from around a corner. The clanging and ring of hammers on iron filled the air with the chores of Goblin laughter.
Sneaking around the corner and peeking in to see what was happening, see saw ten immature Goblins working on making weapons. These where smaller then their counterparts not being fully mature. Obviousely to her eyes, she figured out that by working in the foundries this was exercise to strengthen young Goblins into warriors.
De'Allen watched them in their crude play, throwing hot water at each other or a heavy rock. She noticed that they where wearing even less clothing that was Goblin norm. But then with the fires of the forges it made sense. But as she spied the crotch of the young Goblins her mind instantly was filled with the memories of her being fucked by the warriors.

Her mind remembered the feeling of their hot cocks entering her, remembered the feeling of them pouring their cum into her, and remembering the sounds and sights of it. The sucking slurping sounds of their fucking her. She could see in her mind the sight of oozing cum clinging to the the Goblin's cock and her cunt.
These thoughts brought back memories of how this all made her body feel.
To her amazement, De'Allen, began to feel her cunt becoming moist as if anticipating getting fucked. The sensation from her body sent s chill through her. Yet her eyes she could not take them off the Goblins. Their large toothy mouths, small eyes, and hulking bodies filled her with discust, but thoughs of these bruts touching her excited her body.

For an hour she watched them. She told herself that she should sneak away, but she remained. She told herself that they might see her and still yet she stayed there risking being discovered. But the more she stood there little thoughts entered into her mind. Her mind thought of ways to let them know she was there to give herself away. That was totally disturbing to her mind that she would in affect invite them to ravage her.
Still her hand trembled holding the makeshift candle. Her mind had thought of dropping it to alerting them of her presents. Instantly De'Allen tried to taking dirrect control of her left hand to make it grasp tighter the stone cup. But her left hand had a mind of its own. It seemed to her eyes the falling cup fell in slow motion. She even made a half hearted effort to catch it but still it hit the cave floor.

The clattering cup immediately alerted the Goblins. They stopped
their laughter and looked at the opening from the cave. They caught a glimps of De'Allen, and yelled out, "Hey! There is the Bosses bitch!"
Immediately De'Allen wanted to run, but her legs held her in place. She eyed the Goblins putting down their tools. And despite herself she took one step in the cave opening. Her sweet begining to well on her chest and glisten from her creamy white breasts.
"Here little elf, I got something for ya." One of the bigger Goblins taunted. Already the slit between his legs opened up, a long flaming red cock escaped from it accompanied by his testicals.
De'Allen Froze in disbelief. She had just invited herself to be ravaged. More unsettling was just how excited her cunt became. Her legs became already weak, and her nipples started to harden.

Reaching for her the larger Goblin pulled her into the cave. He immediately ripped away her dress that hung on her hips. Pushing her against a rocky piller he turned her ass to face his groin. "Now we let's see what all the fuss is about with this wench!"
De'Allen could feel the head of his cock proding her ass. She could feel his little thusts as he tried to bury himself into her. The wet tip of his cock smeared his pre-cum all over her ass. But as he got closer to hitting the mark, she became more and more excited.

When his cock finally hit the outter folds of her cunt, she had to bite her lip from crying out. But as his cock's head entered into her, she reacted bu thrusting her ass backward bring her cunt into full contact with his cock. The Goblin immediately pounded away bring her feet off the ground as he lifted her up by her hips then with all his stenght.
From De'Allen, "Aa!, Aa!, Aa!" huffed aloud as each of the Goblins thrusts impacted her. The now familier feel of his slick cock running in and out of her. Her hips became bruised from the Goblins strong hands. Her own orgasm building in her stomach made her legs weak but the Goblin's strenght held her up.
A roaring fire seemed to echo from her womb as her orgasm took her, but this time she could not suppress her cry, "AHyyeeeeeee.!" Her orgasm occured first, but soon was fallowed by his. Her womb again knew Goblin cum as it washed up deep inside her. Then let her go where she fell to the cave floor.
"Damn if that wasn't good." Groaned the Goblin.
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Old 08-25-2003, 01:25 PM
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Goblin Wars III...Dark desires

De'Allen laid awake looking up at the cave ceiling her mind busily rethinking the days events. Tears poured down her soft cheek as she scolded herself for what she had done. She had let the immature Goblins abuse her body for nothing better then wanton lust. More to the point she had encouraged her ravishment. The anger in her heart grew not so much against the Goblins but against her body and its desires. As the last of the Goblin cum leaked out past her swollen cunt lips, she vowed never to do such a thing again.

A week passed as De'Allen hid in her corner of the cave. In that time she learned more about the Goblin clan. She would listen to whispers in the dark from the other female Goblins. They would gossip about events on the outside of the war that was going on. Stories of Goblin victories in battle and defeats passed between the female Goblins of the cave. De'Allen was no nearer to making any kind of friendship with the other female Goblins. But most of them had young Goblin whelps to raise.

Yet as she sat there in the dark of the cave she became aware of another Goblin, a male. It was surprising for De'Allen to discover that a male was able to enter the pits, for De'Allen knew that only the warrior Goblins where allowed entry into this part of the cave. Soon she discovered that he was a social outcast. He was a dwarf male and none of the females would ever accept him. They only wanted the biggest and strongest Goblins to be the fathers of their imps. He would come and go leaving behind food and take away trash and slop pails of dung away.

During that week De'Allen grew lonely for someone to talk to. Her desires still burned deep and in her womb but only twice did she dare to touch herself to relieve her desires. But little did that help her quiet the feelings of loneliness. The closest individual that came near her was the dwarf Goblin who brought her food. She needed someone to talk to if but for a little while.

The sounds of buckets banging on rocks alerted De'Allen that the dwarf was coming to bring her food and take away her slop pail. Sitting up she waited for him. As he approached she thought of possible things to say to him, questions to ask, anything to talk to him.

Indeed he was shorter then the other males being 4' tall, but he was brutishly strong like all the rest of the Goblin males. He wore a small leather kilt around his waist and had a long pole accross his shoulders to help him carry the buckets. As he quietly bent down to deliver her food, De'Allen whispered, "Who are you?"

Looking up in surprise at her in the pale light he thought for a moment and said, "Gabish." He was visably concerned and seemed ill at ease not knowing what to do.

"Gabish, that is a nice name, what does it mean, " she asked hoping that she could get him to talk with her. Her heart brightened at the thought of being able to talk to someone.

Looking away from her at his feet, "It means runt, your ladyship." His speach was much softer and more gentle then the other Goblins and had a hint of timidity. De'Allen could sense that he was easily dominated and fearful.

"Would you stay here and talk with me?" she asked.
"Yes Your ladyship," he said uneasily.

That night De'Allen sat there thinking about her conversation with the Goblin dwarf. She learned much about the war going on above ground that for now it was much a stalemate. She learned much more about Goblin's society. It was interesting to her just how much the Goblins placed on strength and breeding. That Gabish was looked at as being a hated symbol of weakness. It reminded De'Allen that these creatures where more like animals.

Yet as she replayed her conversation over and over in her mind she could not help but think of how Gabish stared at her naked breasts. Nor could she but help notice the little droplets of ooze that escaped his groin slit. And again her attentions returned to thoughts of her being bred to these vile animals. She just hoped that she had not been impregnated by them.
Three days passed and each day she looked forward to her conversations with Gabish. And he for his part made it a point to serve her last with food so he could talk to her. And during that time he became less timid and talked with her freely. To De'Allen it was a delight to be talking with a Goblin who was not brutish but gentle. She could still see that he lusted after her and she did not some much mind that he did. It was to her the price she had to pay to endure his lustful gazes at her to be able to talk to someone. But De'Allen couldn't hide from herself the truth that she enjoyed the attention and his looks. For three nights she touched herself to quell the burning desires of her body.

That morining before Gabish brought her her food she arranged herself so that when he came he could see more of her. She had to tell herself this was a game that it was needed to continue their friendship. So she placed a large stone she used for a chair and arranged the fragmented remains of her dress so that it was open to reveal her sex to the Goblin.

When he came to deliver her food, she sat waiting for him. Immediately he saw the soft folds of her cunt, the silk silvery hair that covered it. He could hardly talk to her that morning as his gaze was locked on it. De'Allen knew the affect it was having on him and contrived to open her legs more to let him see a better view of her cunt.

Still that morning made her more excited and she felt the warm glow burning deep in her womb. Her body ached to be touched but she sat there talking to the Goblin delighting in his torment.

De'Allen awoke to the sounds of strapping coming toward her. It was late in the night and she froze in fear. She dared not move. She could hear something crawling on the ground coming toward her. Then from the dark a hand covered her mouth and held there. Her hands reached up to pull it away, but the hand was too strong.

Suddenly she felt a pair of lips grasp her left breast and draw it down a Goblins throat. The other Goblin's hand snaked across her belly down to her sex; his middle finger groping for the entrence to her womb. Looking over her left shoulder she could see Gabish. His tongue whirred around her nipple as the whole of her breast was sucked down his throat.

Instantly upon seeing it was Gabish, De'Allen, reacted and stopped trying to pull his hand away from her mouth. Gabish realized she was not going to fight him and pulled it away.

"Oh Gabish, please don't," De'Allen moaned. But he continued sucking her breast then pulled back his mouth. The breast made a popping sound as it escaped his huge mouth. Then he reached accross her chest to find the right breast with his mouth. His right hand came to her left breast and he gently grasped it and started to knead the nipple with his thumb.

Her right breast disappeared in his mouth. "Please, Gabish stop," her breathing becoming more horse. "Sssssss," escaped from her lips as the whole of her right breast disappeared down his throat. She opened her legs to allow his hand to work on her groin. His rough short thick fingers finally penetrating her. "Oh Gabish, nooooooo!"

Immediately waves of desire tingled in her stomach running down to her cunt. De'Allen knew this is what her body wanted, for it had betrayed her so often. She arched her back into Gabish's mouth to try and get more of her breast down his throat. In response he worked his tongue faster around her nipple.

Like a snake, he started to slide his body down the length of De'Allen's body. He let go of her right breast from his mouth and his left hand took its place. He traced with his tongue the conture of her chest and stomach as his tongue sought her cunt.

De'allen's hips thrust hard against Gabish's face as his tongue found her cunt. "Ahhhhhhaaa, oh please, oh please,"De'Allen panted. her head rocked side to side. "Oh my, please," she continued as his long tongue went inside her. Her knees came up and she locked her ankles around the back of his head.

For what seemed an eternity she hung on the edge of her orgasm. But as it over took her her hips rocked against his face and the tongue that had entered her. And soon she could no longer take his tonguing her. "Gabish, please mount me," she whimpered.

Pulling his face away from her cunt, he looked at her puzzled, "You wish Gabish to breed you?" The shock of De'Allen's request unsettled him.

"Yes, please do it now," De'Allen panted. Her whole body was on fire and she craved to have his cock embedded in her womb. She knew it was no use to resist her urges and gave into it.

Gabish crept up on her and spread her legs open, and despite being a dwarf his cock was longer and thicker then a normal Goblins. The head of his cock split the folds of her cunt open as it slid in. his testicals where swollen with hoards upon hoards of Goblin sperm. "Ah Elven woman we make good Goblin whelp, you see," he said as the full of his cock entered her.

The shock of Gabish's words filled her mind. Her body didn't care for it for all her efforts was trying to be inpregnated. With each of his trusts deep in her cunt, she knew the possibility of his words coming true. The growing spasms in her lower stomach muscels told her that her womb would certainly try to absorb as much of his seed as possible. Yet as Gabish's pre-cum flowed into her she had an inner calm. The building second orgasm awaited his.

Tightly her legs wrapped around Gabish then Gabish started to pound his cock harder into her and faster. "Ah breed me!" she cried so that her voice echoed off the walls. A flood of his sticky yellow cum exploded in her and her orgasm met his. She knew in the corner of her mind that likely he would visit her every night and for certain that if it where possible she would have a whelp growing in her belly. @
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Old 09-22-2003, 05:06 PM
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Goblin Wars IV

The world had changed for De'Allen. For the first time she totally surrendered to her body's cravings. For the past nine nights Gabish visited her and mated with her. And no matter how much he used her body she wished for more of his attentions. Each morning the ritual was the same for her. Upon waking up she would go to the little water pool in the cave to wash her self to clean the Goblin cum from her body. Despite having an ugly Goblin mounting her each night, she becan to think of him as her lover. These thoughts coursed through her mind and her heart was very confused over her mixed emotions.

"What is wrong with me?", De'Allen said aloud to the empty dark of the cave. Nolonger did De'Allen care to try and dress herself. She walked about the cave totally naked. "Why is this happening to me?" she asked herself. She sat there in the dark hoping for night, hoping for Gabish to visit her again and time could not pass soon enough.

From a dark corner of the cave she heard a voice whisper out to her, "Lady?". Gabish stepped out of the corner and walked up to her.

"Gabish, what are you doing here? You will be seen." De'Allen said.

"I come to tell the lady, that the warriors will be bringing another elven wench here soon. She was taken from some village North of the Gray Mountains." He stroked her creamy white breasts watching the light pink nipples harden at his touch.

De'Allen looked up at him noticing his boldness. Yet the fires of her womb began to grow with anticipation, the folds of her cunt hungry for his touch.

He gently pushed her on to her back, his cock and testicals already free from his groin slit. "Gabish can't stay too long, but he breed his wench good today."

"Oh yes my Goblin breed me." she said spreading her legs to allow him to enter her moist cunt. She slowed hard as she felt the first touch of his huge cock upon her cunt folds.

"Hsssssssss!" she said as his cock plunged deep into her. Quickly she locked her legs around his hips to hold him till he would empty himself in her warm womb. "Oh yes, my Golbin please breed me. Please take me."

The banging of his hips into her his cock raming in and out of her brought a growing fire deep inside her. Yet something felt different. It was like a hot spot burning a hole in her lower stomach. The pleasure of this sensation caused her to thrust her hips harder then ever before against his cock. It was like her body was desperate for something. It seemed to her that her body knew something she didn't.

The explosion of his cock's cum in her triggered the most violent orgasm she ever felt. Her body instinctively tried to draw out of Gabish all his seed to extinguish the hot spot in her body.

She held Gabish trapped between her legs not letting him withdraw his cock from her cunt. Her hips started to thrust again his cock making his softened cock to become hard again. She brought him to orgasm two more times before she let him go and fell into sleep. The spasms of her womb continued to pulse as sleep took her.

The next morning De'Allen awoke. She had a second encounter with Gabish the night before. She mused over the fact that she had sex twice yesterday. But something felt odd. Her breast were tender and her stomach felt upset.

As she pondered these feelings. It suddenly occured to her. The realization struck her as if lightning had hit her. She knew that Gabish had successefully bred her; she was with child. Fear took root in her heart but it was for but a moment. But her mind turned to the warm glow of new life growing in her.

That day a new elven woman was thrust in the caves. Her weeping echoed her hearts lament. De'Allen looked up and saw her sitting on the cave floor. She stared at the cave floor crying. Her torn dress hung around her slender shoulders. Instantly De'Allen knew what had happened to her.

As she walked up to the new prisoner holding the stone cup with oil and a burning rag, De'Allen saw that the weeping woman was a Wood elf, and the rements of her dress, its brown and green colors where of the Misty Woods Clan of wood elves.

Upon closer inspection De'Allen was struck by the girl's age. De'Allen guested to be no more then 20 summers old. De'Allen was in fact mature at the age of 100 winters old. De'Allen's pity immediately leaped out for her. Though De'Allen knew this new woman was physically mature, she yet was emotional undeveloped.

"Little one, what is your name?" De'Allen said reaching down gently putting her arm around the sobbing woman.

Looking up, the elven maiden saw the naked form of De'Allen sitting next to her. Her eyes betrayed the thousands of questions she had. "Are you De'Allen?" was all she could say.

"Yes little one." De'Allen said as she gently pushed away the long dark brown hair of the young woman. Her dark brown eyes pleading with her to get her out of there. De'Allen couldn't help notice the partly naked form of the young woman. Her breasts were much smaller then the white creamy ones De'Allen had. The new woman's breast each had a very proud and pointy light brown nipple. A nasty bite mark showed red and angry where a Goblin had bitten her. De'Allen reached down to the bruised breast of the young woman and gently cupped it in her hand. The breast was so soft and the whole of De'Allen's hand could have easily covered the whole breast. "So what is your name little one?".

"I am called Leanna. But we all thought you where killed in an ambush" she said. Again her eyes betrayed the confusion in her mind.

"No I am a prisoner like you little one. They took me captive and killed the rest of my party. Are you alright, is there anything else wrong with you."

Leanna looked away down at her knees blushing. "I hurt there." she said pointing at her groin.

De'Allen moved her hand down to the woman's sex and she lightly felt the folds of the other woman's cunt. It was hot and felt like it was burning from the heat it gave off. De'Allen could feel the sticky clumps of gooey Goblin cum covering the other woman's cunt. "I see, I know the feeling well. Please come with me to the pool."

As the two of them walked to the pool Leanna asked, "have they, ummm," she said "touched you?"

"Yes they have, and I am with child now." De'Allen said factually.

"Oh my! I am so sorry, what are you going to do?"

"There is nothing I can do. Here sit there I will help you." De'Allen helped her close to the pool of water and bend down next to it." She reached down to the icy cold water and scooped up a hand full of water and started to wash Leanna's cunt.

"Ugh! that is cold" Leanna exclaimed. But the cold water started to cause her enflamed cunt folds to feel better. The swelling of her cunt started to subside. Yet as De'Allen continued to wash her, she couldn't help but feel aroused.

De'Allen stuck her index fingure inside Leanna's cunt. Immediately Leanna tried to rise to escape De'Allen's intruding finger. "Please hold still. Goblin cum turns thick and stays inside a woman. I think it is their way to insure other Goblins can't impregnate their women."

"Oh? do you think they will impregnate me?" Leanna said dreading the answer she knew already. Yet even though De'Allen was attempting to help her she couldn't help but like the strange feelings growing in her own womb.

De'Allen noticed the ever so slight rocking motion of Leanna against her finger as she tried to wash out the Goblins' cum. Surprising to her De'Allen started to begin to feel herself become aroused by Leanna. "Little one," she started to say swallowing a lump in her throat, "there is a way to make things here more bearable."

Leanna became aware of De'Allen's increasec body heat and the sweet scent of her sweat. "How my lady?" Uncertainty was very much evident in her voice.

"This night I will have to show you." De'Allen said. She countinued to dig her hand in the pool of water to wet her index finger and wash the inside of Leanna's cunt. De'Allen knew that her job of cleaning Leanna was already complete, but De'Allen enjoyed the arousal of the other woman too much as well as her own. "It is best to make sure all the Goblins seed is completely gone, she said trying not to betray her own excitement.

Somehow Leanna wasn't so sure about about that but she didn't say anything, just let De'Allen clean her and tried not to show she enjoyed it.

"Leanna, I must tell you something." De'Allen said as she knew that it was getting dark. "There is little you can do not to be ravished by the Goblins."

The young woman's eyes widened in fear. The whole of her first experience with the Goblins showed on her face.

"The only answer is to accept it as a given, and if possible get used to it." De'Allen spoke in a firm voice.


"I will show you this night." De'Allen started to reach for a comb Gabish had given to her and started to comb her hair.

A noise came from the corner of the cave and stepping into the light Gabish walked in. He immediately saw the new prisoner and looked questioning at De'Allen.

De'Allen looked at him and said to him. "Gabish, this night you will have to be extra sweet. Will you for me?"

"Yes!" he said walking boldly to De'Allen. "Gabish will be very sweet."

Immediately De'Allen sat back using her arms as bracing and spread her legs wide open. Gabish got on his knees and started licking De'Allen's cunt. De'Allen's arms started to become weak and shake as the Goblin's tongue entered the whole of her cunt. De'Allen started to grind her pelvis harshly in Gabish's face. Moaning from the deep hollows of her throat, she let out "ughhhhaaaaa, harder love."

Horrified Leanna looked at the sight of the Goblin tonguing De'Allen. An erie excitement started to grow inside her stomach. Butterflies seemed to flutter in her stomach. It was difficult for Leanna to swallow or breathe. "Is he hurting you?" Leanna clenched tight her legs together.

"Ohhhhh, noooo, he is not! Finally De'Allens quievering arms gave out and she was on her back. "Ummmmmm yesss, and you too will know the feelings. Oh my please don't stop!" De'Allen was in another world, one her body made for her. "Ahaa! Gabish will you breed the other woman?" Her hips starting to buck franticly against the Goblin's tongue.

For a brief instant Gabish stopped to answer De'Allen's question. "Yes Lady, I breed her good just like I breed you. Gabish knows you are having Gabish's whelp, he smells the change in you." His tongue quickly continuing his torment of De'Allen's body.

De'Allen reached her orgasm her legs trying to push the Goblin's head all the way inside her. Then letting go De'Allen reached down and grabbed the Goblin's shoulders and pulled him up to her breasts. The Goblins cock started to seek the entrance to De'Allen's cunt.

Leanna just sat there staring at the hidious Goblin cock poke at De'Allen's cunt. A mass of pre-cum oozing from the red shaft coating her cunt. Then it found the opening to De'Allens cunt and entered her. It looked as if the size of the cock would split De'Allen in two. But it didn't.

The sight, sound and smell of the Goblin mounting De'Allen assaulted Leanna's senses. The sucking, slurping sound of the Goblin's cock pushing in and out of De'Allen, the oozing yellow of pre-cum escaping De'Allen's cunt coating her ass, and the pungent smell of sex all held Leanna transfixed to all that was happening.

"Oh, oh, oh yes, he is going to spill his seed in me. Yes, I am feeling it!" De'Allen moaned. "Aha, now it comes." A second orgasm took hold of De'Allen.

In disbelief Leanna saw a darker yellow thicker ooze squish out of De'Allen's over filled cunt. And all she could do was just stare frozen in shock. @
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Old 09-25-2003, 12:30 PM
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Goblin Wars V

Continueation from Goblin Wars, parts I, II, III, and IV.

Leanna sat there horrified watching Gabish ravious De'Allen. Shock and confusion embraced her watching De'Allen welcome the vile touch of the Goblin. It was difficult for Leanna to come to grips that one of the lovest of elven women would submit willingly to the brut. Compounding her confusion, Leanna, couldn't understand why she herself was so aroused.

Gabish pulled himself away from De'Allen. And as he stepped away from her Leanna could see the sticky yellow mess of Goblin cum cover the whole of her groin. Tiny dropplets seeped out of her cunt. "Oh Gabish," De'Allen whispered, "again you must lay with me before night gives way to the morning. Still there yet remains Leanna to treat with."

The mention of her name awoke Leanna from the paralysis of shock and dread filled her heart. In her mind "NO!" screamed in her mind. Leanna watched De'Allen as she got up and crawled toward her on all fours. Like some wild cat De'Allen moved toward her, a half smile was on her face that told Leanna of the desires of De'Allen.

Standing up and walking backward away from De'Allen, Leanna backed into the wall of the far cave wall. Leanna's hands gripped the cold hard rock surface. The light of De'Allen's make shilf candle eriely lit the cave. "My lady, please don't let it touch me."

Coming up to her De'Allen, looked up into the terrorified eyes of Leanna. "Little one, it is better this way that sooner or later you will come to accept this as your fate" De'Allen whispered. Then reaching up grasping Leanna's hips pulled her to the cave floor. "Gabish please come here."

Gabish came over as instructed. "Easily, be very gentle with her" De'Allen said as she gently stroked the long brown hair of Leanna. Sitting at Leanna's feet Gabish, the excitement raged in his eyes, started to lick Leanna's legs and tried to work himself between her legs, but Leanna clenched her legs closed with all her strenght.

"Please, my lady, don't make him do this, do make me" Leanna pleaded.

"Little one trust me" De'Allen reasured her. And with her right hand reached down toward Leanna's thigh and gently pried her legs apart. De'Allen's hand then slid to the other womans sex followed by the hungry tongue of Gabish.

Leanna looked up at De'Allen with question eyes. Little tears started to fall from the corner of her eyes. But immidately Leanna closed her eyes and throw her head back at the first touch of the Goblin's tongue upon her cunt. "Heeeeehhhhhh!" escaped Leanna as she drew in her breath.

De'Allan watched the expression come over Leanna's face. The pleasure Leanna took from the touch of the Goblin aroused De'Allen. Without knowing why or what compelled her, De'Allen reached down with her lips and gently took Leanna's right nipple into her mouth and began to suck upon it.

"Ahhhhhhaaaa!" Echoed from Leanna as the silken lips of De'Allens lips first touched her nipples. "Oooooooooo! escaped from the deep of Leanna's throat as De'Allens tongue started to work the nipple. Immediately Leanna's hips started a rocking motion timing herself with the licks and thrusts of the Goblin's tongue upon her cunt.

Leanna gave in to the dominate elven woman's demands such was her power over her. THe fires of her cunt awoke in a storm of passion. The Goblins touch peaked those feelings in her and soon found herself wanting to be filled.

Hungerly her hips thrusted wildly against the Goblin's tongue. Her body ached for its lease to have her orgasm. Yet De'Allen was aware of the growing feelings in Leanna. But De'Allen decided not to let Leanna have her orgasm to the Goblins tongue. "Gabish, mount her," she gentley instructed.

Slowly Gabish moved up the lenght of Leanna. His angry head of his cock immediately pushed and poked into the soft tissue and sparse brown pubic hair of her cunt. The raging head found the opening and pushed through and entered her.

With one violent thrush he burried the whole of his cock into to. "Ummmmmmmph!, Oooooooooo!" gasped Leanna as she felt the whole of his cock in her.

The thrusting of his cock into her brought Leanna panting. De'Allen held tight to Leanna's breast sucking and liking it. Leanna's hand grasped De'Allen's head to hold her at her breast.

Glancing down at her groin Leanna and say the red cock of the Goblin plung in and out of her. The sight of it caused Leanna to start to spasm of her orgasm. Then with the full of her raging passion Leanna's orgasm took her "Ayiaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Knowing that the elven woman had reached her orgasm triggered the Goblin to reach his. A deep barrel chested growl grew in him and give away to a roar. He could feel his cum course through his cock to errupted in the woman. To Gabish he felt powerful having dominion over the elven woman. With De'Allen he always felt weaker and submissive but to this younger elven woman he felt masterful. He knew that for all his years this was the best part of his life. Already De'Allen was with his imp and soon he should have another elven wench carrying his seed to grow in her.
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Old 10-13-2003, 01:51 PM
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Goblin Wars VI

Leanna awoke with a start. She found herself in the arms of De'Allen. Memories of the past night came to her mind, and immediately she shuttered with both the pleasant thoughts and the ugly images in her mind.

Leanna started to pull herself away from De'Allen, but the sticky mess of the Goblin's cum that was covering their stomachs, hips and upper legs acted like glue and held them together. Slowly as Leanna pulled away, the sticky Goblin cum gave way.

De'Allen woke up seeing Leanna sliding herself away. "How are you feeling," De'Allen asked as she reached out with her left hand and stroked Leanna's long hair.

Looking up at De'Allen, tears foruming in her eyes, she asked, "Why,"?
"Why did you do that, why did you let him touch me."?

Grasping firmly the back of Leanna's head, "It is was neccessary. Soon you would have accepted your fate as I have, but for you it would now be easier."

Looking away Leanna turned her head. Her anger growing deep within her breast made her shake. "And what? To have some monster growing in my belly like you?" De'Allen too looked away ashamed.

De'Allen felt as if her insides where turning against her. Her already tender breast felt heavy to her. And the tighness of her lower stomach felt like a drum skin. And a slight bulge she could feel where once was a smooth surface.

"I am sorry De'Allen," Leanna said remorsely.

"Leanna, what can you do not to share my fate," De'Allen spoke as she reached down to touch the slight swell of her stomach. Anguish shown in her eyes as she realized that nothing could be done for her. "Though you are young emotionally by our standards, your body is ripe and I fear that too soon you too will be inpregnated."

Fear and dread filled Leanna's face. In the dim light Leanna could see the swelling of De'Allen's breasts and stomach. It was surprising just how quickly the changes where noticable. But then as she thought, Leanna knew that Goblins quickly matured much more so then elves.

"Come Leanna, lets clean ourself up," De'Allen said while getting up.

Standing over the pool of water in the cave, De'Allen started to wash off the caked on Goblin cum. Leanna walked over and stooped over next to De'Allen.

Reach down to Leanna, De'Allens right hand groaped to find Leanna's sex. "Let me see if the swelling has gone down," De'Allen ordered. And Once again as before De'Allen scooped up water from the pull to wash out Leanna's cunt to free it from the Goblin's cum.

Surprisingly Leanna with her left hand reached down and scooped up the pool's water and started to washout De'Allen's. Immediately as their eyes locked on each other a mutual understand was reached.

Slooping even lower De'Allen reached down and lightly kissed Leanna's cheek. The lightness of the kiss sending pleasant chills throughout Leanna. More hungerly De'Allens mouth opened and her little tongue parted her lips to lightly lick Leanna's cheek, trying to seek Leanna's lips.

Turning her head Leanna slightly, Leanna's own lips sought De'Allens.

Immediately each upon touching each others lips, they embraced. Hungerly both their mouths opened to admit the others tongues to probe each other's.

Leanna's hands swept upward to De'Allen's Breasts and held them in her slim fingers. Leanna's thumbs begining to rub De'Allen's nipples turning them into tiny spear points from the touch.

Breaking her embrace from De'Allen's lips, Leanna kissed and licked a trail down the side of De'Allen's neck, to her shoulders and finally to her breasts. Leanna's tongue found the soft pale pink nipple of De'Allen and soon Leanna's mouth had De'Allen's nipple in her mouth.

The fires of desire filled De'Allen as the gentle touch of of Leanna's mouth licked and sucked on her nipple. "Ohhhh little one, please take the other one," De'Allen moaned held transfixed but the pleasure of Leanna. Snaking down her right hand pass Leanna's firm ass, De'Allens finger sought to rub Leanna's cunt. "To day I will show you what I found in the maze of the caves."

De'Allen's mind raced with the excitement she and Leanna would soon find.
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Old 11-03-2003, 02:46 PM
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Goblin Wars VII--truths un masked

The cold air of the cave began to give way to warmth on Leanna's nake forum. For some time both De'Allen and Leanna walked the twisting paths of the seemingly ends maze that where the caves.

Leanna asked hopefully, "Where are we going. Are we escaping?"

Whispering back to Leanna, "No, little one, we are not escaping. Even if we somehow find our way out of the caves, the Goblins would soon find and capture us."

Turning around De'Allen saw the questioning eyes of Leanna in the dark gloom of the cave, De'Allens make shift candle bearly giving enough light for either of them to see. "And what good would it do us if we did manage to escape?" "We are poisoned to our people now."

"Thats not true," Leanna burted out.

"Who among our people would accept us now that we have been violated by the Goblins? Who amoung our men could still the hunger that our bodies feel?"

Looking more concerned, Leanna asked, "I don't understand?"

"My dear, every day the hunger of my loins speaks to me and I am ashamed of those hungers. The Goblins have awoken a lust in me that I fear none can fill." "But it is more then that. I am with child now and sadly I fear you too will be with one of your own. None of our own would accept us."

"This can't be true, it just can't be," Leanna started to sob.

"I wish little one that it wasn't either."

Looking up at De'Allen, the tears streaming from her eyes, "I know the truth of your words Mistress, for I to am ashamed of the growing hunger in me, the desire to be filled."

Looking down a familier path in the cave that ended at a orange glow coming from a cavern opening, De'Allen whispered, "perhaps if the men of our kind knew lust many more would there be of our kind then being so few."

"My lady, where are we going then," Leanna asked fearfully.

"I wish I knew why, but we seek..." to ashamed to answer, De'Allen creeped toward the orange glow.


"What is this place," Leanna asked pearing from around a large boulder.

"It is a place where their metal smiths work," De'Allen answered the horseness of her voice causing Leanna to question De'Allens intentions.

There where only three males hard at work beating white hot iron into swords and other weapons. The sweat from there strong limbs running down the lenghts of their bodies. One of the Goblins grostesque mouths biting his red tongue as he beat fiercely at a long shaft of iron. The other two where working at the bellows pushing air into the forge.

"Little one, I don't expect you to fallow me any further, but I pray you to be quiet," De'Allen asked.

"What are you doing," Leanna asked in a panic as she saw De"Allen stand up and walk into the cavern. Leanna could but stare after De'Allen as she saw her walk boldly into the cavern. The exaggerated whishing of her hips could not but help provoke the Goblins when they noticed her.
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Old 11-03-2003, 03:34 PM
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Goblin Wars...Truths unmaked (II)

Leanna looked on in horror as she say the Goblins final take notice De'Allen. Immediately they stopped their work and dropped their tools. De'Allen looked as if she where in a trance. The gentle bounce of her breasted mirrored each of her steps as she walked toward them. Leanna noticed De'Allen's solf pink nipples beginning to harden own their own.

"Ah! So the Elven Bitch returns! And what does she want this time," the hammer wielding Goblin smerked a knowing chuckle.

Immediately the other two Goblins made a rush toward De'Allen but the larger one held out his clawed hand and stopped the other two in their tracks.

De'Allen froze in her steps looking puzzelled at the three Goblins. She had expected all of them to rush her and be on her.

"Speak, Elven wench! What brings you here," the leader spoke. His grin seemed like that of a cat toying with a mouse. The leather breach cloth begining to bulge.

As if awoken from her trance by the Goblin's harsh words, "I have come to you." Her body trembled and legs quaked caused by the growing bulge in the Goblin's breach leathers.

Cruelly, he leered at her a knowing grin, "why?" His clawed hand slipped to his waist and easily tugged off his breach cloth. It fell to the cave floor. His blood red cock free from his groin slit; his heavy testicals popping free of the slit hanged low like two over filled coin purses.

"Iaa, I, come to you, to ah," De'Allens confidience gone at the unexpected Goblin behavior.

"What is it bitch that brings you here," the Goblin roared striking his hand heavily on the anvil demanding his answer.

Looking more ashamed and wrapping her arms around her breast to hide them. "I burn for you. I hunger for you." Almost sobbing De'Allen continued to answer, "I wish you to breed me." She could not look up at the Goblin as she spoke.

The malice gone and the wanton desire to humiliate De'Allen nolonger of interest to him. "Why didn't you just say so. We are too happy to be of service."

Relief came over De'Allen as she watched the three Goblins approach her.

Leanna discovered she was holding her breath and gasped for air. Swallowing hard, Leanna looked on as the three Goblins surronded De'Allen. Total disbelief rang in her mind as she witness the whole exchange. Leanna starred on as she watched De'Allen gently fall to the cave floor as the Goblins surronded her. Immediately De'Allen spead her legs open. A glowing smile came from De'Allen as she sat there awaiting the first of the Goblins to take her.

She had not long to wait. Immediately the leader of the group got down to his knees and grabbed her ass. Lifting her slightly off the cave floor, the Goblin positioned himself to enter her.

De'Allen was already cooing before the first touch of his cock touched her opening to her womb. But in one violent thrust he was in her and before he could pick up a the rythm the pre-cum flowed freely from her loins.

The other Goblins busied themselves licking and sucking on De'Allen. One was at working sucking her breasts, going from one to another. The other licked the sides of De'Allens neck and face. Surprisingly De'Allen reached out with her own tongue and met the Goblins.

Then with all the violence he was capable with, the leader pounded his hips against De'Allen. De'Allen's head rocked back, total delirium expression shown on her face. "Ohhhhhhhooooooo, spill your seed in meeeeeee, pleassssse."

To Leanna it resembled a pack of wolves devouring a forest deer. De'Allens had locked her legs firmly around the Goblin leader. Her cries of joy filled and echoed throughout the cavern.

Throughout watching this the flames of our own grow hotter and hotter inside Leanna. She noticed as she watched De'Allen, one of the most beautiful of elven women being breed over and over by these monsters, that she swollowed more and more from anticipation and her own hunger.

Getting up herself, Leanna walked into the cavern slowly and hesitantly. Timidly she walked over to the group and stand next to the ball of sex knelt down. Getting on all fours, she awaited her ravishment. She handn't long to wait
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:31 AM
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returning to the begining

Looking at revisiting this story line with new material
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