Cologne introduces sex tax
The German city of Cologne is to introduce a sex tax on brothels, erotic sauna clubs and massage salons fron next year.
For brothels, the tax will work out at 150 euros per bed per month, a city spokesperson said.
"I would not be surprised if the costs are passed on to customers," she added.
The tax will also apply to circuses and funfairs, but it is the sex business which could help most to help fill Cologne's coffers.
"We are a big city and because of this have a lot of these type of offers. We estimate revenue of up to two million euros," the city spokesperson said.
Jens Metzger, from the North Rhine-Westphalia state Staedtetag, said many German cities had already imposed taxes on sex trade fairs and strip clubs.
"However, an entertainment tax on prostitutes is new to me," he said.
Metzger believes other local authorities will be looking closely at Cologne's "sex tax".
In a change in the law, municipal authorities are now able to decide themselves how they impose entertainment taxes.
Story filed: 13:16 Monday 22nd December 2003