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Old 09-20-2008, 06:41 PM
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The Love of a Man


Alison Madison, widowed at twenty-three, held the hand of her five year old son, Jack, as his other hand held that of his three year old sister's, Emilia. Her swelled stomach told of the child that had been growing there for about four months now. She smiled at the man behind the counter as she sadly said, "I am suppose to have three tickets waiting for me. The name is Madison." She waited while the man hunted for the tickets and then returned with a note in hand. "I didn't find any tickets, ma'am," he said pleasantly, "but this note here says that you are to be the personal guest of Mr. Goodman. You and your children are to ride as his personal guests." He smiled up at her. "Let me get a porter for your luggage," he said as he rounded his counter and came out the locked door. "Mr. Goodman has also left instructions that you and your children are to be taken to your car upon your arrival. There will be a slight delay on his part, but as the owner of the railroad, he's allowed to delay the train as long as he likes."

Alison turned around to follow the man when she bumped into another. "I'm sorry," she said. But after a better look, her tone changed dramatically as she said, "Excuse me, Mr. Clarke." She took a step around the man, but he stepped back in front of her. She noted the four other men standing behind him. "Now, now, Alison," he said smiling, "that's Sheriff Clarke now. Or better yet, call me James. "And that's Mrs. Madison to you," she said through clinched teeth. "If you hadn't murdered my husband, you coward, you wouldn’t be Sheriff now." "Murdered, coward," Sheriff Clarke said, making a tisking sound. "Those are some harsh words, Alison, and all untrue."

Alison pushed her way past the sheriff and headed for the train. She was nearly jerked back when he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. "And where are you going, Alison," he growled. "You never did give me an answer to my proposal." She tried to jerked her arm free, but to no avail. "Let me go, Mr. Clarke." His face took on a menacing look. "What is the answer," he demanded. Again she tried to jerk her arm free from his grasp. "I believe my leaving is the answer," she said through clenched teeth. "That's too bad," he said smiling, "because I don't take 'no' for an answer. You see, now as the sheriff, I'm in the need of a wife and a family. And what better ones to have than the late sheriff's." "I'm not going to marry you," she said loudly, finally jerking her arm loose as she did.

Touching her hand to her chest she said, "You murdered my husband." Alison pointed at her children. "their father. So why in the hell would I want to marry you? I am going back East to live with my parents, Mr. Clarke. Now excuse. Mr. Goodman is waiting for us." "Mr. Goodman," he said wearily, "you're riding with Eli Goodman." "Yes," she said in an exhausted tone. "Our parents are old friends. My father is his father's, as well as his, attorney." It was all she could do to keep from laughing out loud. The paling look on his face at hearing that was priceless. She did have to stifle a laugh when he nearly stumbled backwards into his men.

Alison heard the voice of another man asking, "What is going on here? Why are you harassing this woman?" She drew in a deep breathe as she stared at this man. He wasn't just tall... he was VERY TALL!!! His short brown hair was combed neatly. The tailored suit he wore fit snuggly to him; defining his muscles in several areas. His eyes were light green with golden flecks in them. His demeanor was very commanding. Even Sheriff Clarke and his men snapped to attention in front of this man.

Eli Goodman turned his attention to the young woman before him. She was shorter than him by at least a half a foot. Her sandy blonde hair was braided and then twirled into a tight bun at the back. Her eyes were sky blue with darker flecks of blue scattered through them. Her dress revealed small breasts, yet he gathered that they had gotten somewhat bigger due to birthing two children. It was then that he noticed the bump of her stomach, indicating that she was again with child. The little boy held his mother's hand and stared at him. Even with the pregnancy, he could tell that she, at least at some point in her life, had been or still was, a lady of good breeding. The little girl peeked out from around her older brother, revealing the same hair and eye color. He assumed that the boy must favor is father.

"Is this man bothering you, Miss," Eli asked. "Yes," she said. "I am looking for Mr. Goodman and this man here is holding me up with a very absurd proposal, hoping that I will not leave town." Feeling safer with the stranger, she asked, "Do you know where I might find him?" But before he could answer, his conductor stepped forward and said, "Mr. Goodman, sir, your personal car has been added to the line, as well as the one that will accommodate your guests. The engineer is ready to leave any time." "Thank you," he said before turning his attention back to the young woman. "If you are ready," he said, "I will be happy to escort you and your family to your personal car."

Eli held his hand out for Alison and her children. He gave the "Sheriff" and his men a glaring look that made two of them turn away and the other two walking away completely, as he walked past them. He then followed behind this very attractive woman as his conductor showed them to their car. He smiled as the little girl squealed with delight upon seeing it. "It's all for us momma," the boy asked. "Yes," he said; knowing that Alison was afraid to answer. "This is too much, Mr. Goodman," she said. "Really. We would be just fine in the passenger car."

"Nonsense," Eli said; the word coming out gruffer than he had wanted. "Our fathers are good friends," he said a little softer. He looked at the boy and girl and smiled. He then turned back to Alison and said, "Besides, the children will get bored in a passenger car. Here they can play and get as loud as they like." He nodded towards her stomach. "And besides, you would be more comfortable on these couches and your own bed in your condition." He watched her rub her stomach. "How far along are you," he asked. "About four months," she said sadly. "My father's wire said that your husband was killed recently, but did not say how," he said.

Eli saw the tear slide down Alison's cheek and could tell that it was still too upsetting to talk about. He left the subject alone for now. It would take approximately two weeks for the train to go from California to New York. And in those two weeks, he felt himself starting to have feelings for this young woman. She had finally told him what had happened to her husband. He tried to bare in mind that she was still grieving the lost of her husband, and that she had two children, and one on the way, to think of. He knew that once she reached her parents home in Devonshire, New York, she would be doing better. In the mean time, he fell in love with not only her, but her children as well. He might be thirty-eight years old, fifteen years her senior, but he still planned to court her in the proper fashion once they reached home.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 09-23-2008, 01:34 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Posts: 302
Part One

For a little over a year now, Eli courted Alison properly. Once a week he took her out to a nice resturant for dinner. During the warmer months, he would also take her and the children for a picnic in the park once a week. He would even visit her at her parents home the nights that business didn't keep him away. He had fallen completely in love with her. He had even bought her a ring, and asked for her father's, and even Jack's, permission to marry her. Each had granted their permission, but he just couldn't get up enough courage to ask her. Visit after vist, he carried the ring in his pocket, just waiting for the "right opportunity" to come along. It just never seemed too.

Eli had visited the Wakefield home, Alison's parents, so many times that her parents and servants thought nothing about him being arriving so early one morning. He entered the nursery and found her asleep in the rocking chair, her littlest girl occassionaly suckling from her breast as she too slept. He closed the door and walked to the sleeping pair. He stared at mother and daughter. He had been there when Mary was born; had held her hand as she went through labor. He had been the only one that could calm her while she gave birth.

Eli lifted the sleeping babe from Alison and gentle stroked her bare breast with the back of his hand before her covered her back up. He had seen her feed Mary several times, but had never actually seen her full breast; nipple and all. He walked to the window with Mary sleeping in his arms. He sat down in the window seat and lightly touched the soft cheek of the babe. "You're momma's breast is as soft as you, little one," he softly said. "And I would give anything to have you, Jack, and Emilia as my children. And above all, your mother for my wife. I love all you very much. I would give her anything her heart desired because she would be giving me the one thing I desired; her."

Eli pulled the ring from his pocket and held it up for a sleeping Mary to see. He look at it himself and sighed before saying, "I've planned several times to give this ring to your momma. But, I get scared that she'll not have me, and I back out of giving it to her. I've asked your grandfather, and brother, and they both have given me their permission." He gave a light chuckle before saying, "Jack keeps asking me if I've asked her yet. I think he's getting impatient with me." He looked out at the street below. The city of Devonshire was being to wake up, and it was evident from the amount of people filing out onto it's streets. He stared at nothing in particular as he said, "I love your mother with all my heart, Mary. I would give anything to have her as my wife."

Alison had felt Mary leaving her arms, but had reconized Eli's voice as he talked to her sleeping child. She looked down to cover herself, and seen that he already had. He had simply covered her; he hadn't buttoned her night gown back. She started to do so, but her boldness too over. Instead, she parted it a little more, revealing more of her breasts than were already showing. She walked over to Eli as he sat with her daughter in his arms. She had heard every word he had said. Tears of joy streamed from her eyes due to his confession. He loved her; he really and truly loved her. And not just her, but her children as well. Her heart soared with joy. Her prayers to be his wife were going to come true.

Alison had wrestled with her feelings for Eli for sometime. At first, she felt as if she was betraying the love she and Levi had shared before his death. But her mother had made her see that she had to move on with her life; not only for her sake, but for the children's as well. She had lived up to her end of the bargin. She had kept only to Levi and had bore him three children; two before his death and one after. His death had released her from the vow they had made on their wedding day. She was now free to make the same vow to Eli.

Alison touched Eli's shoulder and jumped in turn as she too was startled by her startling him. Mary had felt the jump, but only squirmed a little before going back to sleep. He looked from the sleeping babe to her mother; ring still in his hand. "Is that mine," she asked; a knowing smile on her face. She noticed him taking in the full view of her breasts as she moved in front of him. She heard his groan as she lifted Mary from his arms; her breasts nearly touching his face as she did. She took her sleeping daughter to her crib and then returned to him. Boldly, she took a seat on his lap. "You didn't answer my question," she said. "Is that ring for me? Because if it is, my answer 'yes'. I would be honored to share my life with you." She leaned forward, pressing her breasts into his face, and whispered in his ear, "And to share your bed."

Eli groaned as Alison's breasts brushed against his lips. It had been bad enough to have her own his lap with her breasts so close to him, but it had been the "and to share your bed" statement that had done him in. He pulled her to him and kissed the bared soft flesh of her breasts. He heard her moan as his hand ran down her back and cupped her bottom. He pulled her onto him, and heard her moan when she felt his hardness pressing against her. He brushed aside the material from one of her breast and took it into his mouth. Her nipple harden quickly in his mouth. He suckled at her bosom; tasting not only her, but the milk that feeds her daughter as well. His ear is filled with her soft whimper as the warmth of her mother's milk crosses his tongue. "Eli," she moaned as he felt her grinding herself on him.

Eli quickly came to his senses and stopped them both before it went any further. "We can't," he gasped. "We're not married yet." He pulled her to him so he could just hold her there. But before long, he was again kissing and stroking her. He smiled when she locked the nursery door and then returned to him. He watched as she pulled down the top of her gown enough to reveal both of her breasts. He groaned as she pulled up her gown enough to reveal the soft patch of sandy blonde hair between her legs. The thought of knowing she was naked, other than the gown, completely undone his senses.

Eagerly, Eli undone his pants and pushed them down enought to reveal his hardness. He moaned as Alison slide herself onto him. She was very warm and wet, allowing him to glide easily into her. But he also felt her tightness surround him the further into he went. He watched her face as she too felt herself stretching to take all of him in. He knew that it had been some time since her late husband had laid with her, but he was more surprised at hearing her confession. "You're bigger than Levi was," she moaned as he felt her stretching around him again.

Alison gripped Eli's shouders and moved herself on him. She softly gasped and moaned as she felt him moving in her. She stared at him and smiled. His eyes were filled with desire and she smiled knowing that it was all for her. She closed her eyes as she felt herself cum. She felt him push forward, bringing himself to a standing position. Her legs and arms wrapped around him instantly. She felt the wall against her back now as he pushed into her. The light groan he gave each time he did filled her ears. "You feel so... so...," he stammered. She could tell that he was having a hard time expressing himself. "I know," she gasped. "You feel the same way."

Alison deeply kissed Eli as he pushed himself harder into her. "I going to release soon," he groaned. She tighten her hold on his neck, as well as around his waist. "Fill me, Eli," she begged. "I want to bare your child." He moved in her several more times before she felt his releasal. Together, they gasped as he kept her pushed against the wall. Sunlight now was begining to stream in the window. "Your parents will be awake soon," he moan, "but I don't want to leave your warmth." He leaned back and smiled at her. "I'll talk with Judge Carson today," he said. "By this evening, we will be wed and I will be taking my time with you tonight." He kissed the curve of her neck softly and then whispered. "I plan to pleasure your thourghly tonight my love. I plan to make you feel like the only woman in the world."

Alison watched Eli as he fasten his pants back. She smiled as he too watched her straighten her own nightgown. He then presented her with the ring. "Wait until this evening," she said. "You can place it on my finger when we say our vows." He kissed her deeply before heading to the crib and kissing her sleeping daughter. "While I'm at Judge Carson's office," he said, "I will see about having proceedings started making your children mine." He paused and then looked somely at her before saying, "If that's alright. I won't if you don't want me too." She smiled at him and said, "It's fine. I've been praying for you to marry me. And you wanting to give my children your name means a lot to me. Little Jack has asked me several times if his name would be changing once we married." "Good," he said as he pulled her tightly to him and kissed her deeply. "I will make sure the paper work is started today." She then walked him to the front door and kissed him "good bye" for the time being.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 09-23-2008, 07:21 PM
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Part Two

As night fell, Eli showed his wife into her new home. He smiled as Alison carried Mary through the house. He introduced her to each of the servants and presented her as Mrs. Alison Goodman. Mrs. Wakefield, Alison's mother had offered to let the children to stay with them so that the newly wedded couple could have a night alone, but Eli had instited that the new family all go together. The children ran up the stairs as Eli pointed out the hallway that contained their rooms. He couldn't keep from laughing when Emilia squealed with delight as she cried out, "I've got my own room, mommy."

Eli showed Alison to the children's rooms first. Jack's was painted in a soft dark blue hue with stencils of trains all around the top. About a foot below it was a toy train. He showed Jack how to turn the train off and on and then watched as the boy marveled at the train now going around the length of the large room. "Just don't run it at night," he told him. "The whistle can be rather loud when the house is quiet. I don't you waking you sisters. Okay." "Okay," Jack said as he shut the train off. The matching dressers and bed were in a dark oak. Against one wall was a child's size desk. "You'll be starting school soon, now that your six," he said, "and the desk will give you a place to do your studies. And it's a good place to write letters to your friends. Or, just draw pictures and color." Along with all these things, toys a boy of his age would like were scattered about the room. He saw the smile spread across the boy's face as he said, "Thank you, sir." He then felt a tug at his tailored pants and looked down to see Emilia smiling up at him. "What about my room," she said sheepishly as she held her dress out from each side and twisted her little body from one side to the other.

Eli then took the family across the hall and into a room just as large as Jack's. The soft lavender hue was was warming. "Look mommy," she squealed as she pointed at the stenciling at the top of her room, "bunnies, kitties, and chicks. My favorite color and my favorite animals." She ran too him and hugged his leg tightly. He bent down and picked her up. Her arms went around his neck as tight as she could get them. "Thank you, Mr. Goodman," she said. "Please," he said, "call me Eli."

Eli's heart melted as Emilia leaned back and seriously stared at him before saying, "But you're married to my mommy now. That makes you my new daddy. So I'm going to call you 'daddy'." Her arms wrapped around his neck again. He felt the tear trickle down his cheek. He sat her down and watched as she went about checking out her room. She looked over her new canopied bed and dressers. She too had a small desk for her to play at. Being only four, she wouldn't need it for a few more years for her studies, but she could draw and color at it just the same. Like Jack's room, there were toys for her scattered around the room. She awed at the room and smiled her appreciation at him. Again, his heart melted for this little girl.

Next, Eli showed everyone the nursery in which little Mary would sleep. Once she was bigger, she would move into one of the other rooms on this floor, making room for any other babies that might come along from his and Alison's marriage. He would see to it that her room was painted in the same fashion as the others, with her favorite things and color taken into account. But for now, the nursery was painted in a soft pink hue with roses in a darker shade of pink stencil around the top. "It's beautiful, Eli," Alison said as she looked about the room. There were dressers, a changing table, and a small tub for bathing Mary was against one of the walls. And like the other two, toys were scattered about.

Eli smiled as he lead Alison and the children to the room that they would share. It was a beautifully painted in a soft wine color with matching curtains. Like the children's rooms, there were dressers and a writting desk. Two large mirrors hung on the wall on either side of it. In the middle of the room stood a crib in which Mary would sleep during the night. He knew that his wife would want to be close to her youngest child when she woke for her nightly feeding. The bed was large, bigger than any she had ever seen. She even blushed when he leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Plenty of room to move around in, my love." He chuckled when she turned around and revealed her flushed cheeks to him. "Come along everyone," he said, "dinner is waiting."

Alison laid naked on her side in the middle of Eli's large bed as Mary suckled from her breast. Eli too laid naked on his side as he watched the marvelous site. He smiled as Mary gripped his finger in her hand and waved it about. "She should be asleep soon," she said. "She's slowing her feeding. That usually means she drifting off to sleep." And sure enough, moments later she placed her sleeping child in her crib where she would sleep until she woke again.

As Alison returned to the bed as Eli lowered the lamps on either side of the headboard. The soft glow of the lamps gave the room a very romantic glow. She smiled when Eli turned to her. He then proceed to slowly drive her crazy as he began to slowly kiss up her leg. He began to gently nibble on the inside of her leg, causing her to giggle. "Eli," she gasped as he again nibbled on her leg. She looked down her body to see him smiling back at her as he started on her other leg. She laid back and again giggled as he nibbled at her leg. "Oh, Eli," she gasped as he moved up further on this leg than he had on the other.

Alison felt Eli spreading her legs wider as he began to kiss the sensitive area between her legs. Her hands gripped the quilt next to her as he teased her clit. His tongue flicked at it, making her buck with pleasure. She gasped for air as she felt herself calming down. She smiled as he rolled her over and nibbled at her bottom. "Eli," she giggled softly, keeping in mind the sleeping child a few feet away. He nibbled and kissed his way up her back before doing the same to the back of her neck. His hands roamed her back side before he again rolled her over and then suckled at her breasts. She heard him moan again as he tasted the life giving milk; she felt it flowing from her as he did.

Alison blushed as a very naughty thought entered her mind. She remembered Levi enjoying it when she would put him in her mouth and suck on him. She wondered if Eli would like the same treatment. She smiled at him now as he laid next to her; his hand slowing touching her body every where. She devilishly grin at him as she pushed him backwards. "What are you doing, my love," he said as she began to kiss her way down his stomach. "Something that Levi us to like," she said, wondering if she should have said that. "I just thought you might enjoy it as well." She smiled as he nodded at her to keep going.

Alison brought Eli's member to her mouth and began to lick and tease it. She smiled as it sprang to life with the attention she gave it. She heard his moan as she slipped him fully into her mouth, sucking a little harder as she did; bringing him to full erection. She sucked a little harder, bringing yet another moan from him. "Alison," he groaned lowly, "that feels good. I can see why Levi enjoyed this so much. Anything else you use to do to him that he enjoyed?" She looked up from her position and smiled, "As a matter of fact there is." "Well, by all means, Mrs. Goodman," he said with a wide grin, "show me. Show me."

Alison placed a foot next to each of Eli's hips and lower herself onto his hardness. She heard his moan as she sliped onto him. "MMM," she moaned as she felt him slipping into her not only for the second time today, but for the second time ever. "Oh Alison," she heard him hiss as she watched his eyes, and head, tilt back, "I see why Levi enjoyed this". She sat herself completely onto him; feeling the full length of him as she did. "Eli," she moaned as she began to move on him; feeling his hands as they massaged her breasts. Her sandy blonde hair fell forward as she rocked on him. She gasped as she came.

Eli pulled Alison to him and rolled them over so that he was now on top of her. He nipped at her ears, neck, and shoulders as he moved himself in her. He heard her lightly gasping as she came again; this time making her shutter with pleasure. He felt her breasts pushing against him as she moved with him. He smiled at how much so was enjoying herself. "Eli," he heard her softly gasp. He wondered if she had enjoyed Levi this much, but didn't ask. He assumed that as much as she enjoyed lovemaking, and she did have three children from their marriage, that she must have.

Eli kissed Alison deeply as he raised her legs up. He felt her feet touch his bottom as he pushed her legs up higher, causing her own bottom to rise to meet him. "Oh Alison," he said as he sucked at her breast, causing him to push further in. Her moaning grew louder and he chuckled just before hushing her and reminding her of Mary sleeping just a few feet away. She giggled herself as she confessed that with Levi, she had never had the problem of getting to loud. Where she had enjoyed his lovemaking, she was finding herself being pleased so much with Eli than she ever had with Levi.

Eli pulled from Alison and turned her on her side with her back against him. He raised her upper leg just before pushing back into her. Her moan told him that she enjoyed the new position. He softly kissed her neck as he moved his hand upwards on her body; causing her leg to rise higher as he did. "Eli," she gasped. "Eli." He felt her climax slicking her womanhood once again. He loved the feel of her body; her warmth and wetness; and above all, her passion. "I'm going to explode," he gasped.

Eli pushed himself even deeper into Alison as he felt his releasal. He groaned as the last of him shot from him. He smiled as he listened to her gasping to caught her breathe. He too had to caught his own. He held her tightly in his arms. "I don't have to pull from you this time, darling," he huskily said in her ear. "I can stay in you until morning." He both felt and heard her giggle as she said, "At least until Mary decides she's hungery again." "True," he said as he softly kissed her shoulder and neck. He stroked her softly for several minutes, lightly running his fingertips up and down her leg, arm, breasts, and then back; the light touch making her shiver.

Less than a year later, Eli proudly held Alison's hand as she bore his first child; making it her fourth. He smiled at the little boy as his mother went between sleep and alertness. He sat down in the chair when Jack, Emilia, and a now walking Mary entered the room. "See your new brother," he said to them. "Finally another boy," Jack said. "Now I won't be out number by sisters." He chuckled at Jack's out look on the birth.

Eli looked at his family. His beautiful wife, Alison, had truly made him a very happy man. The adoption of her children had taken place short after they had married. And now a son was added to them. He now had two sons and two daughters, with promises of a few more. He looked at his wife and watched her as she peaceful slept after going through the mircalous ordeal. He smiled as both his parents and hers entered the room to see the newest addition. He sighed a satisify sigh as he again looked around at his famliy. He just simply coundn't be happier.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 09-26-2008, 05:07 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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The Love of a Man; Jack's Love

Part One

Thirty-five years ago, he had been born Jack Madison. But after the murder of his father, Sheriff Levi Madison, his mother, Alison, had moved him, his younger sister, and unborn sister, to New York to live with his maternal grandparents. It had been on the trip back that his mother and his now stepfather, Eli Goodman, had started falling in love. After they married, Eli had adopted him and his sisters, giving them the Goodman name. He was the oldest of six children that his mother had bore; three belonging to Levi Madison and three to Eli Goodman. His stepfather had made sure that all of them had received a good education. He even groomed Jack and his two younger half-brothers, Craig and Brandon, to take over the running of the railroad when they were old enough. While his younger sisters, Emilia and Mary, and their half-sister, Densie, were taught by their mother how to run and manage a household.

For the last ten years, Jack Goodman, had been helping in running the railroad own by his family. He had been to Boston to over see the purchasing of land that would allow them to expand the railroad lines there. He had been gone for nearly two weeks and was now heading back home. He had just sent off a telegraph letting his parents know that everything had went well and he was heading home; he should arrive in a few days. He then found his engineer and made sure that his personal car had been added to the train and then made his way to it. He had just closed the door when he heard the woman's scream. He bolted back out the door to see where it had came from.

Jack saw the crowd gathered around what looked to be a young woman and an older man arguing. He stepped forward and demanded to know what was going on. The young woman ran to him, pleading for help. "Please sir, I do not want to go with him," she cried as she ducked behind him. The man stepped forward and tried to reach around him, attempting to grab the woman hiding behind him, but he grabbed the man's arm and tossed it aside. "I believe the woman said that she didn't want to go with you," he said.

The man sneered, "She has no choice in the matter. I hired this woman to take care of my children and she has abandoned me. She ran off while I was away, leaving my children with only the maid. I have yet to hire someone to take her place. I've spent the last three hours tracking her down." "You may have hired me to take care of your children," the woman said from around him, "but it was my body that was your main interrest. And when I refused him, he threaten to beat me if I didn't give into him. I fled his home for fear of my life." With that the man ran.

Jack turned to the woman, but was unable to speak as he took in the beauty of her. She was tall, only a few inches shorter than his six foot, with long black hair that flowed in natural curls down to her waist. Her eyes were dark blue with an exotic slant to them. The summer dress she wore snugged her body in all the right places; revealing her luscious breasts and her curvasious hips. He could tell that her legs were long from where her hips were in proportion to her body. She was a vision of beauty. He was finally able to speak and asked the beauty her name. "Marishka," she said. "Marishka Kellogg." "Where are you going," he asked. He watched as she sighed, hung her head, and then replied in desperation, "I don't know."

Alone, Marishka entered the car that belonged to the man that had saved her. She might not be of what was considered "good breeding", but she did know who Jack Goodman. His family owned the railroad and right now, she was very thankful to him. Pictures of Jack and his family were hung in every major depot along their rail lines. The caption, "A Family Business" was hung below each picture. She remembered staring at him in one of those pictures and thinking how handsome he was; he was even more handsome in person.

From the window of the car, Marishka watched Jack as he talked with his engineer and conductor. He was just a few inches taller than her with short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His business suit was talior made to fit his strapping body. His broad shoulders and chest were easy to see through the white button up shirt he wore; his jacket was pushed back as he held his hands on his narrowed hips. She nibbled on her lower lip as she watched him. She waved at him when he turned and saw her watching. His smile was easy to see and she returned it with one of her own. She also noted that he stood there a few seconds after the other two men walked off. She laughed to herself when he finally took off and then looked back over his shoulder as he hurried to catch up to the men. She giggled as she realized that he hadn't notice them leave because he was stareing at her.

An extravagent dinner was brought to the private car. Marishka couldn't remember ever seeing so much food for just two people. As they ate, she told him of how her parents had been poor and she had earned her teaching certificate when she was only sixteen and a half. And that after two and half years of teaching in a rural school, she had taken the position of personal tutor to the children of the man whom she had been running from. She also told him that she had wired her family before attempting to leave and had learned from a family friend that her parents had died in a flu epidemic that had nearly wiped out their entire town. Those that had survived had moved on. Jack had also told her of his own past and how he, and his sisters, had been adopted by Eli Goodman after their mother married him. She found it fascinating at how he originally came from the same type of background as she. She felt more comfortable with him and over the next few days, enjoyed his company greatly.

Once they had reached Jack's hometown, Marishka was greatful for him once again. She was taken in by his family and given a place to stay in their home. When his sister, Emilia, arrived for dinner one evening, it was mentioned that she was looking for a tutor for her children. When Jack told of her own teaching background, Emilia begged her to tutor her children. The next day, she began the job. She continued to live with the Goodman's and walked the short distance to Emilia's each day. Slowly, she began to secretly fall in love with Jack Goodman. But what she didn't know, was that he had already fallen in love with her.

Marishka's twenty birthday arrive and Jack made sure that it was celebrated in style. He took her to a fancy restuarnt and then took her for a walk in the park. It was their that he kissed her for the first time. She didn't refuse him when he pulled her tightly to him and molded their bodies together. His kiss was very warm and inviting. His tongue encouraged her to play with his, teaching her how to deeply kiss. She felt his hand carass her back and then slowly moved down, cupping her bottom and pulling her ever closer to him. But what startled her the most was feeling his harned manhood as he pressed her to him.

Marishka had a vegue understanding of what happened between a man and woman, but had yet to experience it. She and Emilia had become close friends and Emilia had been quite descriptive on what happens when a man and woman were together. She now thought of that conversation as she felt Jack through their clothing. He wanted her and it thrilled her beyond words. Had they been any place but the park, she would have easily given him what he wanted.

Jack stopped just outside of Marishka's room and held her tightly to him as he kissed her good night. He didn't want to leave her, but knew that he had to. He sighed as her bedroom door closed. He pressed his palm on it, wishing he could join her again. He entered his own room, just a few doors away, and removed his shoes and socks. He unbotton his shirt and laid it on the back of a chair. He stood there in the dark in only his pants. He thought of her in her room; possibly naked by now. The thought of her naked body overtook his own. He hardened again for the second time tonight. The first time had been in the park and he couldn't do anything about it. But now, they were home and he could easily do something to relief the painful throbbing she was causing between his legs. His parents were on the other side of the house and his only remaining sibling at home, Denise, was staying with a friend.

Jack knocked on Marishka's door and couldn't speak when she opened the door in her silk robe. "Yes," she said, the soft glow of the table lamp behind her. Still unable to speak, he pushed his way in and watched her back up. He had startled her. It was evident when she let go of her robe and it opened, revealing her naked body. He closed the door behind him and took the few steps that brought him to her. "I want you, Marishka," he husked. "I don't want to wait any longer. I want to feel you around my hardness. I have to make love you. I feel as if I'll die if I don't." He didn't let her answer. Instead he wrapped his arms around her, pressing her bare breasts to his muscled chest and kissed her ever so deeply. He felt her hands slipping through his hair; pulling him ever closer and encouraging him to continue.

Jack picked up Marishka and carried her to the bed. Together, he laid them on the bed and then laid himself between her open legs. He began to randomly kiss her chest area and breasts over and over. "Jack," she moaned when he sucked her hardened nipple into his mouth and pleasured them both. His hand touched the soft black curls between her legs. He rubbed the whole outside of her womanhood with the palm of his hand before finding her swollen clit with his thumb. He heard her moan again as he rubbed light circles on it. He kissed her deeply as he slipped a finger into her and felt her warm juices bombarding him. He heard and felt her panting as she reached her climax.

Jack pushed the silk of Marishka's robe away from her shoulders. He carassed her arms as he removed the silk material from them. "Marishka," he moaned as he wrapped his arms under her body and suckled once again at her breasts. Her soft moans filled his ears as her hands rubbed his back. He felt his manhood straining to be free. He kissed his way down her stomach, stopping only to lick at her belly button, before reaching her warmth below. He again heard her moan as he kiss the pouty lips of her womanhood. His tongue flicked at the swollen numb and he smiled as she sat up. "Jack," she gasped. "Lay down," he laughed, "it only gets better."

Jack continued the assault on Marishka's womanhood. By the glow of the table lamp, he watched over her stomach as she enjoyed what he was doing to her. He felt her body shake and then tasted her sweet juices on his tongue as he plunged it into her. Her whisper-like gasps of his name filled the room. He sat up on his knees and began to remove his pants. He saw her watching him with pleasured eyes. He stood by the bed and pulled her to him. She didn't object to his bringing her mouth to his manhood. He closed his eyes and moaned as her warm mouth slipped over him.

Marishka eagerly sucked Jack into her mouth. This had been another part of love making she and Emilia had discussed. She felt his fingers slipping through her hair as she moved her mouth on him. She heard his moan as she continued to warm his hardness. "Marishka," he moaned. "Oh, my Marishka." She heard his drawing in a deep breathe as she took as much as she could into her mouth without gagging on him. Her mouth felt as if were stretched as far as it would go. Her cheeks were begining to hurt from the suction she had on him. She released him long enough to break the suction and then quickly place him back in her mouth. This time, she pushed him completely in and took all of him. She heard him gasp her name before he pulled from her mouth. "I need you now," he husked as he gently pushed her back onto the bed.

Marishka smiled up at Jack as he laid between her legs. She spread her legs wide for him, hoping that he had plenty of room to enter her. She watched him position himself and felt the tip of him entering her. She drew in a deep breathe as she felt just that small bit spreading her. "MMM," he moaned as he pulled back from her. "Jack," she gasped; her eyes shutting tightly as he again pushed in her, stretching her again. She opened them as he pulled back until the tip of him was once again all that was in her. But she cried as his whole manhood was sheathed by her tight warmth and felt her maidenhead breaking. "Marishka," he groaned as he came to rest in her.

Marishka wrapped her arms around Jack's neck and held him as tightly as she could. She couldn't stop her crying, but she felt his slow movements in her as he lightly kissed her shoulder and neck. She knew that it would hurt that first time, but she hadn't been prepared for the amount of pain involved. But soon, his movements made her forget all about the pain and the pleasure began to wash over her. She felt herself explodeing around him as he pushed further into her. "Jack," she moaned. "Oh, Jack. Oh, Jack." Again she came, making the pleasure that much more pleasureable.

Marishka released her arms from Jack's neck and moved her hands down to his upper arms. She gripped them tightly as he raised up to look at her. She tried desperately to catch her breathe, but the constant explosions between her legs wouldn't let her. "You are so warm and tight," he moaned just before rolling them over so that she was now on top of him. He pulled her legs to the bed and without being told, she began to ride him. She felt the tip of him rubbing the inside of her and she cried out as the explosion happened each time she moved on him.

Marishka heard Jack's chuckle as she desperately tried to breathe. "You are enjoying yourself too much, I think," he said as he gripped her hips and began to control her pace. She placed her hands on his massive chest, right in the center of the brown curls, and forced her arms to lock and hold her weight. "Do you like feeling me in you," he asked. "Yes," she gasped. "Do you want to feel me in you every night?" She heard herself cry "oh yes" as she slowly rode him now. This new pace he had set was helping her to breathe, but it was driving her womanhood crazy. He was hitting to many places at once and it was overwhelming. "Be my wife," he asked. She stared at him through a pleasured haze and gasped "yes" over and over.

Jack rolled Marishka back over. He felt her shuttering with pleasure as she again exploded around him. He deeply kissed her as he pushed into her hard and held himself there. She pressed her own hips to him, forcing more of him into her. Her hands once again gripped his upper arms as he began to slowly move in her. Her arms slipped around his neck when he slipped his arms under her legs and pulled them up as far as they would go. Her gasps as he spread her a little wider filled his ears. "You are so tight," he moaned. "And your warmth is almost burning."

Jack began to move faster in Marishka, pushing himself fully into her each time. He watched her eyes open and close repeatedly as he grew closer to his own climax. She called his name over and over until he finally found his own release. He stared at her as he filled her with his seed. He watched her pant to catch her breathe as he panted to catch his own. Their slight movements milked him of his seed. He released her legs and felt them slide down his body and legs before coming to rest next to his. He placed his forearms next to her head and kissed her deeply. Her arms wrapped tighter around his neck as if she never wanted to let go. "Did... you... mean... it," she asked through her pants. "If you mean marriage, yes," he said. "Did you mean your answer." "Yes," she gasped.

Jack refused to leave Marishka's bed. She laid in his arms as they talked for some time. He asked her about the exotic slant of her eyes. He was amused at her answer of their being gypsy blood in her heritage. He found her even more exciting and again made love to her. He married her the next day and nothing was said of what had happened the night before. He did smile though when he saw the evidence of her first time of love making on her sheets. The large pool of blood was pleasing to him. So, pleasing that he made love to her again before the family woke to find him in her bed. By that evening, she became his wife.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:22 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Part Two

Two days after wedding Marishka, Jack entered Eli's office. "You wanted to see me, father," he said as he took a set in front of the desk. His now nearing seventy year old stepfather threw an envelope to him and said, "This was delivered the day of your wedding for your mother." He took the envelope and removed the letter. It was from a lawyer out west. The letter told of land that was still in his birth father's name. According to law, it had been given to him, but since he was a minor, his mother had had control of it until he had came of age. When that had happened, and the lawyer never heard from the either Alison or Jack, he had just let the property sit. It went on to state that the lawyer had been given several offers for it, but he did not know what to do. He would be more than happy to sell the land, but for what price? And did Mrs. Goodman, her new husband, or son, even want to sell. He needed to know immediately. If they wished to sell, a gracious offer had been made and he was willing to help.

Jack leaned back in the seat. "What does mother say," he asked. Eli shrugged his shoulder and then said, "She doesn't want to go back. To many memories she said. She wants you to go. She leaves it up to you. If you wish to keep it, or give it to Emilia or Mary, that is fine with her, but she wants nothing to do with it or the town." He hung his head and stared at the letter again. "It would be a good honeymoon for you and Marishka," Eli continued. "It will take two weeks there, a week or so to settle the matter, and then two weeks back." He saw Eli's smile and then said, "You knows, by then, she will be showing with a child of your own." They both chuckled at the thought. After talking with his sisters, they decided to sell the land.

That evening, Jack and Marishka dined in the train's dinning car before retiring to their persoanl car. "You know," she said, "the last time I spent the night in here, I was Miss Kellogg and you had been nice enough to sleep in one of the passenger cars." "Yes," he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, "and now you are Mrs. Goodman." He softly kissed the nape of her neck and smiled as she shuttered with pleasure. "Now I don't have to sleep elsewhere. I can sleep between your legs and never have to leave." He cupped her breasts and heard her moan. And then he cursed when the knock at the door was heard.

Jack answered the door to find his conductor standing there. "I'm sorry, sir," the older gentleman said, "but we have a problem in one of the cargo cars. I have tried to take care of the matter, but the passenger who's belongings are involved is demanding satisifacation now. She's now that an owner is aboard and she wants to see him." "It's alright," he told the conductor, "I'd rather handle the problem now that have to deal with an irrate passenger later." He returned to his wife and kissed her forehead before saying, "I'll be back in a few." "I'll be waiting," she whispered, "in something a lot more nicer than this dress, so don't keep me waiting." He groaned and then kissed her deeply before heading for the door. He took another look at her before closing it and again groaned as he did.

Marishka chuckled as she saw Jack's figure walking away. She slipped into the bedroom part of the car, lit a stationary lamp, and quickly removed her dress. She had packed a very revealing sapphire blue silk gown. She pulled it out of her bag and held it to her naked body. "Oh yes, Mr. Goodman," she said smiling at herself in the mirror, "you are about to have your dreams come true." She slipped the silk gown over her body and adjusted her breasts so that they filled out the lacey top nicely. The higher heeled shoes she had brought were usually worn by women of the "working" profession and those on the stages of theaters, but she had taken a chance and hoped that Jack would like them. The movement of the train rocked the car back and forth, causing her to have to balance herself on the bedpost. She then stood beside the bed to await her husband.

Marishka didn't have long to wait for Jack. She had barely gotten into place when she heard him calling her name. "In here," she called and smiled as he entered the room. Her smile grew bigger as he stared at her. "My God, Marishka," he moaned as he looked her up and down. She held her foot out, revealing the very risque shoes. "Do you like them," she asked; his answer hinged on how the rest of the evening would go. "I love them," he said smiling, "under one condition." "What's that," she said heistantly. His eyes turned sensual as he said, "You wear them only for me and in the privacy of our bedroom." "Agreed," she said ecstaticly.

Marishka moaned as Jack held her to him and kissed her deeply. She felt his hands gliding down her back, cupping her bottom, and then back up as he threaded his fingers into her long black hair. He tilted her head back; placing her head where he wanted it before he nibbled at her neck and then kissed the revealed area of her chest. "Jack," she moaned as his lips left a trail of searing kisses behind. She felt his harden manhood through his tailored pants and her silk gown. "I love you," she heard him groan. Through pants of pleasure she gasped, "I... love... you... too."

Marishka watched as Jack removed his perfectly tailored jacket and tossed it over the chair back. Next went his boots as he leaned against the wall. He slowly unbottoned is shirt as he walked towards her. She pulled it from his pants when he stood before her. She kissed his broad chest as she pushed his shirt from his body. Walking behind him, she spanked his bottom and heard him chuckle. Again she spanked him and heard his chuckle. She kissed his back as she ran her hands along his skin and too the soft curls on his chest. "Oh Mr. Goodman," she moaned as her hands glided down his stomach. She undone his belt and pants and slipped her hands underneath the clothe and gripped his harden manhood. She heard him hiss and then moan as her hand slowly stroked him.

Jack pulled Marishka back around in front of him and pulled her to him. The silk of her gown rubbed against his hardness as he kissed her. The heels she wore raised her up enough so that he felt the warmth of her womanhood on his exposed member. "Marishka," he hissed in her ear, "I want to see your body." His hands gathered her gown and slowly raised it as he kissed down her neck and shoulder. He smiled when he felt the bottom of her gown reach his hands. He then slide them under the silky material and began to raise it up her body; touching and carassing her as he went.

Jack pulled the gown from Marishka's body and stepped back to take in her beauty. His eyes were drawn to her perfect breasts and then to the patch of soft black curls below. He smiled as she stepped back to him and knelt before him. He watched as she removed his remaining clothes. His eyes closed and his head dropped back as she took him into her warm and wet mouth. "Marishka," he moaned as the wet warmth surrounded his entire shaft. In just a few days, she had taken to this and had proved just how much she enjoyed pleasuring him this way. He always found her extremely wet after she had sucked him, proving that it turned her one just as much as it did him.

Jack groaned as Marishka's mouth moved on him. He hissed as she carassed his bottom, shoving him further into her mouth. His own fingers slipped through her hair as she sucked him. Her mouth worked franticly on him. He knew that if he didn't stop her soon, he would be releasing in her mouth. "Come here, " he hissed as he pulled up back up. "It's my turn now." He then knelt before her and swung one of her legs onto his shoulder. He felt her hands gripping him as she steadied herself. He feverisly lick at her; tasting the juices flowing from her. He gripped her bottom and held her in place as he continued to torment her swollen clit; sucking it into his mouth hard. He heard her scream with pleasure and again felt her juices flowing.

Feeling her swaying, not only from the train, but from pure pleasure, Jack stood before Marishka and held her tight to him as he deeply kissed her. He turned her and placed her hands on the table before them. Her heels helped in raising her womanhood up for him, but he spread her legs just enough to put her in perfect position for him. They both moaned as he slipped himself into her warmth. He heard her gasp as he grasped her hips and began to move her on him even as he moved in her. "Oh darling," he groaned as he felt her cum. Her juices slicked his hard shaft, allowing him to move in her better.

Marishka pushed herself away from the table and harder onto Jack. In unison, she moved with him; causing their bodies to slam hard as they briefly met before moving away again. The tip of him repeatedly hit the sensitive area in her and she screamed with pleasure. She heard him gasp as again she slicked his hardness with her juices. "Jack," she gasped as her arms gave way and she fell onto the table. She gasped, trying hard to catch her breathe when he pulled from her and carried her to the bed. She cried as he held her tightly to him; her own arms wrapped around his neck. "Oh my love," he said as he laid her on the bed.

Marishka's gasping had slowed down and her breathes came easier. She felt Jack suckling her breasts as he hovered above her. His hand massaged whichever one he was sucking. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stroked his back as he pleasured them. With gentle swiftness, he entered her, filling her completely again with his manhood. "MMM," she heard him moan as he moved in her. He brought her just to the edge of climax and then paused. She drew in a deep breathe and then cried. She heard his chuckle and then felt him once again move in her. Again she felt the wonderful building inside of her, only to have it stopped again when he stopped moving in her. "Jack," she asked in a confused voice.

Marishka saw Jack's childish smile as he watched her as he moved in her again. She refuesed to let her eyes close this time as he again built her to that exploding point... and then stopped. "Jack please," she begged; tears forming at the corners of her eyes. "Please what," he asked as he again moved in her. She was right in being leary of him as he again brought her so close to climax, but then refused to let her release. "Please Jack," she begged. "Please let me." "Let you what," he asked as he very slowly moved in her. "What is it you wish to do?" "I wish to cum again," she begged.

Jack smiled at hearing Marishka very lady like voice say "cum". He raised her legs until he felt the tips of the heels she wore touched his ass. He felt her breasts brushing against his chest as she gasped to catch her breathe. "Beg me," he said, stopping himself all together. "Please, Jack," she begged, tears now rolling from her eyes, "please let me cum. I want to feel that wonderful pleasure again and again." He moved swiftly in her, bringing her to that explosive point and then felt her womanly muscles pulsating around his manhood. "Didn't that feel even more intense," he asked. He felt her nodding her head as she held him tighter around his neck.

Jack twice more teased Marishka, making her beg for her releasal. Each time, her pulsating and explosion was more intense. By the time he took pity on her and allowed her to cum over and over again without stopping, she was in full blown tears. He pushed harder and deeper into her and felt her releasal the same time as his own. He laid on top of her and held her to him. Her own arms and legs remained tightly wrapped around him. "Oh Marishka," he moaned as he kissed her face all over. She still wept from pure ecstacy as he now kissed down her shoulder. "Jack," she cried as finally started to catch her breathe. "How was that, my love," he asked as he stared at her. "Wonderful," she sighed and then said, "No. More than wonderful. It was... It was... It was beyond words."

Jack pulled from his wife and laid himself next to her. Marishka felt so good cuddled in his arms. Her eyes closed sleepingly as he kissed her cheek and forehead; his hand carassed and massaged her breasts. "I liked hearing you beg for your releasal," he moaned. "And I liked feeling your intense orgasm when you did. I think I shall pleasure you more often like that." He glided his hand down between her legs as he deeply kissed her. He simply placed his hand over it and felt her womanly heat radiating. He could also feel her swollen clit pulsating against his finger. He smiled at how well she was pleased. She was now completely sated and he wanted her again just from the knowledge of it.

Jack had to think about Marishka's question when she asked, "What was the problem that you had to take care of?" He didn't know if he wanted to tell her what the true problem had been or not, but decided that the truth was best. "It was an old lover," he said. He watched her eyes open and stare at him. "She had heard that I was on the train and wanted to see me. The conductor told her that I was busy and would not be able to meet with her until the following day. She became anger and insteaded on seeing me. She used the excuse about damaged luggage to get her way. But when I saw who it was, I told her that I was indeed busy and had no time for her. I then left and returned to you, my love."

Jack smiled as Marishka's finger traced his jawline. Her face and voice were serious as she asked, "Did you want her any at all?" He hoovered over his wife as he said, "If I had wanted her, I wouldn't have returned to you. And... I wouldn't have call YOUR name in the throws of passion as YOU pleased me. I want no woman but you. Only YOU can please me now." He watched her smile up at him before she drew his mouth to hers and kissed him. "Let me please you again, my love," she suductively cooed. And he let her; all night long.

By the time Jack had finished the business of selling the land and they returned home, Marishka was indeed showing signs of being with child. They had made love so much, that both of them were completely wore out when they reached home. Eli and Alison were just as thrilled as they were about the baby. And when she did give birth, she bore him twin sons. Two years later, she gave him a daughter. And a year after that, another. Two twin sons and two daughters had been her gifts to him. And he enjoyed placing each one in her.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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