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Old 01-05-2007, 10:00 PM
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Indian Bride

Chapter One

Angelique Miller sat on the seat of her father's covered wagon. She watched intently as her father, Henry, and step-mother, Anna, walked around the small farm with the older couple. They had moved west from Tennessee to Oklahoma in hopes of a better life. Angelique had made the move with her parents because the pain of losing her finance, Charles James, was too much. A year had passed since his death, but it was still too painful to remain in Tennessee with her extended family and especially, Charles' memory.

Angelique's eyes never left her parents as her five year old sister, Hannah, climbed into her lap. "What's daddy and mommy doing," she asked as she slid into Angelique's lap. Wrapping her arms around Hannah, she said, "They're looking at the farm." "Why," Hannah asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Is this where we're gonna live?" "If it's where daddy decides too. And if the man wants the amount of money daddy will pay him," she said, not realizing that she had started rocking Hannah in a motherly way.

Angelique's thoughts turned to those of Charles and how they should be married now with a home of their own. She would soon be eighteen and she felt that she was turning into a spinster. All of her friends back in Tennessee had been married since they were sixteen or seventeen. "Normal age for a woman to marry," her Grandmother Miller had always said. "Wait much longer than that and you're too old." Angelique felt a hot tear roll down her cheek.

"What's wrong," Hannah asked. "Nothing," Angelique answered. "You're thinking of Charles again, aren't you," Hannah asked with a sad look on her childish face. "Please don't cry Angelique." Angelique couldn't keep from smiling at Hannah. She looked as if she had lost Charles instead of her. Together they watched in silence as their parents shook hands with the older couple before returning to the wagon.

Angelique and Hannah got into the back of the wagon. "What did the man say," Hannah asked; her small face glowed with curosity. "Well," Henry said as the wagon pulled away from the small house, "he said that if we agree to take most of the furnishing and help them pack what they want, we can have it cheaper than what the flyer at the gerneral store advertised." "When do we get to move in," Angelique asked. "We'll come back tomorrow and start helping them. It shouldn't be but a day of two after that."

They had drove a little further when Anna said, "Are you not going to tell them about the Indians?" "I was," Henry said solomnly. For some reason, Angelique didn't believe that her father had intended to tell her and Hannah about the Indians. "What about them," Hannah asked, her face once again filled with curosity. "Mr. Jacobs said that there is a small tribe of Sioux that live not far from here. They have helped the Jacobs over the past ten years and they are not a threat. I hope that they prove to be just as kind and peaceful with us as they were with the Jacobs. What worries me most is you, Angelique."

"Me," Angelique said in a startled voice. "Why me?" Looking over his shoulder, Henry gave his daughter one of those "worried father" looks. "Because you're young and female. And," he pause, "that's what young braves are interested in. And because Hannah will also grow up." Angelique could see the worry in his eyes and the hear the fear in his voice. She had not thought much about the Indians that lived on the plains. Or the stories that she had heard about white women that had been taken captive. She had been too busy feeling sorry for herself to think about anything else.

Three days later, Angelique and her family waved "good-bye" to the older couple as the left. It was a warm spring morning and now the chore of setting up the house the way her parents wanted it was next. Angelique and her step-mother found it to be the perfect day to air out the house and to do "spring cleaning". Hannah found it to be more of a game than a chore. She was having too much fun shaking out rugs and helping to beat the dust from the larger ones. It had been her that had noticed the Indain sitting on his horse in the distance. Anna calmly called for Henry and the four of them stood watching the lone Indian as he watched them.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 01-06-2007, 10:47 AM
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Chapter Two

Crazy Wolf, the eldest son of the Sioux Chief, Soaring Eagle, sat on his horse and watched as the new family worked about the house. He watched as the man busy himself in and around the barn. His attention then turned to the women and little one beating the large rugs. He had to give a silent laugh as the little one beat at the rug as hard as she could. He thoughts drifted back to the day when Paul Jacobs had built the house here.

Ten springs had come and gone since that day. Paul Jacobs' wife had taught Crazy Wolf's tribe to speak English. It had helped them in communicating with the white men that traded with them. Even his father, Chief Soaring Eagle, had become very good friends with the man that had lived here. The entire tribe was sad when they heard that the Jacobs would be leaving and a new family would living here.

Crazy Wolf's head cleared of his thoughts and his eyes focued on the farm again. The man, women, and little one now stood staring at him. Giving his horse a light kick, he headed down towards the small house to give them the gifts that his father had sent. As he rode towards the house, the noticed the two older women. The one stood next to the man, his arm around her. He knew that she was the man's wife because that was how Paul Jacobs would hold his wife. The other one stood apart from them, yet close by, holding the little.

Crazy Wolf was taken back by her. He stared at her as the wind blew her long hair around. It was the color of the wheat that grew on the plains during the warm time of the year. She was tall, but not as tall as him. He guessed that she could easily rest her head on his chest. Reaching them, he could tell that her eyes were not green nor brown, but a mixture of both. They were beautiful.

"Hello," Crazy Wolf said from his horse, "I have brought gifts from my father, Sioux Chief Soaring Eagle." He handed down the peace pipe, tanned hides and furs, and the moccasins to the man. "My name is Crazy Wolf. I am the eldest son of Chief Soaring Eagle. This gifts are our offering of peace to you and your family. We hope to trade with you and live in peace just as we did with Paul Jacobs and his wife."

"Thank you," the man said. "I am Henry Miller." Crazy Wolf extended his hand to shake that of the man's. Pointing in turn to the females, Henry Miller told their names. "This is my wife Anna, my eldest daughter, Angelique, and the little one there is Hannah. Please get down and visit with me."

Crazy Wolf sat down in the hard chair that Henry Miller's older daughter brought out to him. He watched as Henry Miller sat in the one she brought to him. Before he, or the older Miller's knew it, the little one climbed into his lap and began asking questions. "Are you a real Indian," she said, her eyes staring into his. He gave a chuckle as he said "yes". "That is very rude, Hannah. Get down," the older woman said. "She is alright," he said. "She is just as curious about me as I am about all of you."

The older Miller's seemed to relax at his answer. "How come you talk like a white man and not like an Indian," Hannah asked. "When I talk to the white man, I use his talk. But when I am with my tribe, I use my people's talk," Crazy Wolf answered the smiling the child. "Who learned you the white man's talk," she asked, shooting out the as soon as he had finished talking. "Paul Jacobs wife taught me and my people how too," he answered.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 01-06-2007, 02:50 PM
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Chapter Three

Two days had passed since the Indian, Crazy Wolf, had visited the Millers. Angelique sat quitely at supper, picking at it with her fork and occassionally taking a bite. They had worked hard the past few days, but her mind continued to wonder back to the Indian that had came to their home. The moccians that he had brought fit both her and her step-mom perfectly. Crazy Wolf had promised Hannah that he would bring back a pair just for her. That had seemed to satisfy her and she left him alone so that he and their father could talk.

"You're not eating much," Henry said to his daughter. "You're mind must be somewhere else." "Just thinking," Angelique said. "About that Indian," Hannah chimmed in. "She's been smiling ever since he was here. She even smiles in her sleep." "I do not," Angelique protested, but she knew in her heart that Hannah was right. "You like him, didn't you," asked her step-mother, Anna. "It's alright," she continued, "he's the first young male that you've seen since we left the town a week ago.

Angelique placed her fork on her plate. "I just don't understand," she said. "I mean..., all the stories I've heard about how they capture white women and what they do to them. Somehow, I just can't see Crazy Wolf, or any of his tribe, doing all those horrible things." "What horrible things," Hannah asked. "Never you mind," their father told her. "You just eat your supper. And as for you Angelique, I wouldn't forget those stories. Something like that could still just as easily happen to you." "What stories," Hannah persisted. "Your father said 'never you mind' didn't he," Anna scowled her. The rest of supper was eaten in peace.

Angelique laid in her bed thinking about Crazy Wolf. He wore buckskin legings and moccasins, but nothing from the waist up. His skin was tanned from the sun. There was not a hair on his chest or face. His shoulder length brown/black hair hung down in braids on either side of his head. And his eyes..., his eyes were deep brown pools that were almost as dark as the black pupil itself. She fell asleep with that image in her mind.

Angelique awoke quickly when her step-mother woke her. "Quickly," Anna said, "take Hannah and get in the rock shelter. There's a priarie fire. Take Hannah there and don't come out until told too. Understand?" "Yes," she said. Doing as told, she grabbed a sleeping Hannah and hid in the shelter. Moments later she could hear the priarie fire as it burn around the shelter, but never penetrating it. And then she heard the most horrific sound. Her step-mom screamed and then the sound of the house crashing down silenced her. Her father called "Anna" over and over, but with no avail. Another crashing sound from the opposite side and her father screams told her that both the barn and her father was now lost. She heard nothing else but the burning fire and the wind the rest of the night. Looking down at Hannah, she was glad that she had stayed asleep during it all. At least their parents dying screams would never have to haunt her.

Crazy Wolf sat in Standing Bear's tent. Not only was he the Sioux tribe's medicine man, but his father's brother; making him Crazy Wolf's uncle. He was awaiting the answer to the dream he had just told Standing Bear about. He had first had it after the death of his squaw, Priarie Winds. It was always the same. It would begin with him dressing in the ceremional groom attire. He was then led out to meet his bride, but her face was never shown. All that he could see was her ceremonial bridal attire. But not last night. Last night, Angelique's face had been there.

Crazy Wolf thought of Priarie Winds. She had died after contracting the white man's fever. They had married in the fall and she died in the winter. That had been two winters ago. Now he wondered if the Great Spirit was telling him that he was ready to move on and his dream was telling him who his new bride would be. His father had kept telling him that "he needed to forget the past and move on. He had lived twenty-one summers and the Great Spirit did not want him to continue on alone."

Crazy Wolf looked at his uncle as he puffed from the pipe. "I think you and Soaring Eagle are both right," Standing Bear finally said in their native tongue. "I think that the Great Spirit is telling you that it is time for you to take a new bride and this Angelique Miller is her." Loud voices could be heard outside, and the two men exited the tipi to see what the matter was. Crazy Wolf's question was answered before he even asked it.

The night sky was lit with an orange glow. Crazy Wolf found his father and younger brothers standing at the edge of the stream. "It will not cross the waters," Chief Soaring Eagle said to his five sons and younger medicine man brother. "Many times fire has came and always it stops at the water. The fire is scared of the water and can not cross it." And just as his father had said, Crazy Wolf watched as the fire died as it reached the water.

Crazy Wolf intently watched the fire as it burned before remembering the Millers. "Father," he gasped as he remembered them, "the new family." Chief Soaring Eagle shook his head and said, "I am afraid that they have not survived." "At least not the man and woman, but the daughters have," Standing Bear said. Turning to Crazy Wolf he said, "She will need you now. You must bring her here and give her shelter and food. You will now be resposnible for her and the little one." Crazy Wolf looked at his father. "It will be so then," Chief Soaring Eagle said. "She will be your's to look after."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 01-06-2007, 06:34 PM
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Chapter Four

It had been a year since the death of their parents and Angelique and Hannah lived happily among the Sioux. Since that night, they had been welcomed into the tribe and into Crazy Wolf's teepee. They had learned the tribe's customes and language, thou she must admit that Hannah had learned it much faster and easier than she had. Many times during the past year, Crazy Wolf had sat patiently and helped her with her leaning. Often they had come so close to kissing, but was always interrupted by Hannah. But that would be eliminated tonight.

Over the year, Angelique had watched as two marriage ceremonies had taken place. And now, she stood in the teepee of one of her new friends as the older women dressed her in the ceremonial bridal attire. She didn't know if all brides felt as nervous as she was, but she was about to pass out. Laughs Alot, her new friend asked in her native language, "Are you ready to met your groom?" "I thinks so," Angelique said in the Sioux language. Laughs Alot laughed at her. "You will be alright," she said. "I know how you feel. I wanted to run and hide when I married. But it was not that bad." "I can see that," Angelique said laughing as she rubbed her friends pregnant belly. "It must have been very good." They both jumped as Standing Bear cleared his throat to get their attention.

Crazy Wolf exited his teepee in his ceremonial groom attire. The warm spring evening was welcoming after the long winter. He stood a few steps away from the opening of his teepee. Nervoulsy he looked around at the braves that had helped him to dress. "You've done this before," his best friend, Gray Beaver, quitely reminded him. "There's nothing to be afraid of." Crazy Wolf smiled at him. Gray Beaver nodded at him, indicating Angelique was there. Turning, he watched as she approached, his heart beat faster and faster as she did. By the time she reached him, he felt as if he would faint.

"It is a good day for me," Soaring Eagle said. "And for me," both Angelique and Crazy Wolf said in unison.

Crazy Wolf stared at Angelique as his father began the marriage ceremony. He listen as he talked about the good qualities that a Sioux husband needed. He smiled as Angelique eyes wondered from him to his father to the tribe and then back to him without her head ever moving. Her smile made his heart soar.

Soaring Eagle then talked about the good qualities needed for a wife. Crazy Wolf watched as Angelique blushed. He knew then that she was as nervous as he was. His heart pounded when Soaring Eagle asked Angelique if she wanted him for a husband and if she did, to take his hands in hers. "What if she doesn't," he thought. His fears were relieved when she walked over and took his hands in hers. His heart soared again when his father blessed their union and motioned for them to enter the teepee.

The sun was setting as Angelique entered the teepee she had called home for the past year. But this time it was as Crazy Wolf's wife. "I'm glad that Hannah was excited to sleep in Laughs Alot and Gray Beaver's teepee tonight," he said smiling at her. "They will need the practice," she said laughing. She stood frozen as he walked over to her. His hand brushed away a stand of her hair from her face. She hadn't realized just how tall he was until then. He had to stand at least a good six inches taller than her. Leaning forward, he softly touched his lips against hers. Her hand raised to his cheek, caressing it as his tongue entered her mouth. A soft moan came from her as he pulled her closer. So many times they had come close to this, but had always been interrupted by Hannah.

Angelique felt Crazy Wolf's hand lightly run down her back and then back up as the other one cupped her ass. A warm sensation spread from where his hand moved along her spine. Breaking their kiss, he stepped back from her. "You're beautiful," he whispered. She now felt his hands on her shoulders, gently tugging at the strings holding up the her ceremonial gown. It easily fell to the ground once they were untied. She now stood before him completely naked. Without taking his eyes off of her, he removed his own clothing.

Crazy Wolf picked up Angelique and held her close to him. The bare white skin of her breasts felt soft and smooth against his chest. His heart pounded at the anticiaption of what was to come. Thou the teepee was small, he carried her over to the pallet that he had slept on alone for the past year. He had pulled it close to the fire. The days may have been getting warmer, but the nights were still cold. After laying her naked body on it, he laid himself next to her. Her entire body was white except for her soft pink nipples and the golden hair between her legs. Never before had he wanted a woman so much, not even Priarie Winds.

Crazy Wolf rubbed and massaged the handfuls of flesh that were Angelique's breasts. Taking one into his mouth, he gently sucked as his hand teased the hard nipple of the other. He could feel her moving slightly. A low moan escaped from her as he pleased her. "Crazy Wolf," she whispered in his native tongue. His hand moved down her flat stomach, reaching the desired area. He felt her take a deep breathe as his hand slid between her legs. He then kissed up her neck. His finger lightly rubbed the desired spot. He could hear her sucking the cool air in with several small gasps. She was doing just as Priarie Winds had and he smiled knowing that she was enjoying it.

Angelique moaned with pleasure as Crazy Wolf deeply kissed her as his finger slid into her. A small twinge of pain crept upwards as he pushed his finger further in. He then released her from their kiss. Sliding his body down, he spread her legs wide before making a swipe at her sensitive clit. Again she gave a light gasp as he did. She could feel herself quivering as he made several more. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, she felt juices flow from her. "MMM," she heard him moan as she did.

Angelique felt as if her body was soaring through the clouds from this new found pleasure. The past seemed as if it was a dream that had never happened and that she had always lived here as Crazy Wolf's squaw. All of her nervousness was now gone as she enjoyed the pleasures of marriage. Crazy Wolf guided her down to his hard cock. She understood what he wanted and gently place him in her mouth. Her mouth slowly moved up and down on him. She could hear low moans coming from him as she did. Her pace increased and she found herself enjoying what she was doing. "Slow down," he hissed and she slowed her pace. "MMM," he moaned when she did.

Crazy Wolf could still taste his new bride on his lips as he kissed her deeply. He now laid between her legs, his hard cock at her opening. Again he kissed her deeply, slowly pushing himself part way into her. By the light of the fire, he could see her face grimacing as he entered her for the first time. Another slow push and he moved further in. "Owww," she said through their kiss. Pulling slightly out and then back in, he pushed himself the rest of the way in. "No more," she gasped in English. "Please no more." "That's all," he said, kissing her forehead softly.

Crazy Wolf slowly moved in his new bride. The more he did, the wetter she became. Her body arched as he moved in her. Soft moans and his name again escaped her lips. She began to move in rythem with him, causing the slickness on him to increase. He gave a low moan as she softly whispered his name. She felt good as he moved in her. Her heat and wettness increases with each thrust and soon he felt her climax. Rolling them over, he helped Angelique to straddle him.

Angelique slowly rose and lowered herself on Crazy Wolf's hard shaft. She enjoyed the feel of him in her. His hands massaged her breasts as her tight pussy seemed to suck him in deep before releasing him and then starting the process over again. Her pace increased and she could feel herself cumming again. She wanted to scream with pleasure, but knew that she couldn't because the tribe would hear. She settled for a muffled one as she shook with ecstacy; her body trembling.

Angelique felt Crazy Wolf push her off. Getting behind her, he pulled her hips up to him. She again felt him enter her, only easier and smoother this time. His movement became quicker and rougher as he moved both himself and her hips. Again she came just as he pushed himself deep into her. She could feel him releasing in her for the first time. Her body shook with delight as he did. The rest of the night she laid in his arms. She thought back to what her father had said last year about how she too could easily become an Indian squaw. She smiled to herself as she knew that that was now what she was.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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