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Old 10-21-2007, 05:27 PM
Moonshine's Avatar
Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Your Grace

Part One

England 1879

Devlin St. James sat in his small study; his pounding head in one hand and a half full glass of brandy in the other. A strom was approaching. It was always calmest before one. Not only was that true in the sense of the approaching storm outside, but he hadn't seen his mother since the ball last night. He knew that she had remained truly calm after witnessing him kissing the Baroness Sinclair, but once the guest had left, he would catch hell. A light knocking at his door had him groaning. "Devlin," his father called, "are you in there?" "Yeah," he called and then groaned from his own voice. The early light of dawn shone through the stain glass window across the room, allowing just enough light in to hurt his eyes.

Devlin watched his father, Henry St. James, the fourth duke of Kentworth, take a seat across from him. "You know she's upset, don't you," he asked his son. "Yeah," he grimaced. Both men sat up straight as the door swung open. "Oh hell," he said, sitting back in the chair. "How dare you," his mother, Catherine, the fourth dutchess of Kentworth, asked as she closed the door behind her. "How could you do that to her? You are a duke. The fifth duke of Kentworth I might add." "I had too," he said through clenched teeth. "You had too," she asked angerily. "You had to attack Baroness Sinclair with that kiss?" "Yes mother," he said. "For the three years that she has lived here with us, you have made everyone think that she was too young to take a husband. Having her dress so that everyone wouldn't notice that she was truly a woman. Then you throw a ball in her honor. You dress her like the woman she is and show off all of her womanly features. What did you expect would happen? Every eligible male in attendance, and some married ones, tried getting there hands on her. You dressed her up like a piece of meat and then tossed her out to the wolves."

"He's right, Cathrine," Henry said. Devlin couldn't keep from smiling when his father finally spoke. "You did just that! Now, would you have prefer that our lust hungery wolf step in and save her from the pack. Or have the rest of the hungery pack devour her?" "I don't believe this," the dutchess countered. "You're taking his side?" "Why not," the duke asked. "You've even shoved her under our son's nose; tempting him with her. Telling him how she would make a wonderful wife and mother. And then when he finally does something to openly show the interrest he has for her, you get mad at him."

Devlin's thirty-four year old head pounded from the agruing his parents were doing, but he couldn't keep from smiling. It was true. For the past three years he had kept his lust for the baroness in check. He had done so out of respect for his parents. And for the fact that the baroness had came to Kentworth live after her own parents had died. She had cared for and mothered her two younger brothers even though there was plenty of servants to do that.

Even now as his parents argued, Devlin though of how wonderful her nineteen year old body had looked in that ball gown last night. Her long blonde hair pulled up in a bun. Her sky blue eyes sparkled as they dance. He thought of how much smaller she was compared to him. Not only was she smaller than him in height, but her frame was small and delicate as well. He had had the perfect view of her breasts as they danced. It had been for that reason he had kissed her, branding her as his and saving her from all of the other men who would've had the same view, had he not intervene. The slamming of the door as his mother left the room brought him back to reality.

"What now," Devlin asked his father as he inclined his head towards the door. "She's mad because of the lusty look you had as you sat daydreaming," his father said smiling. "Now doubt it was the baroness you were thinking of?" "Definately," he said, smiling at his father as he walked to the window. He stared out the window as listened to his father speak. "You know that the King, Queen, and nearly every titled person in the land witness you kissing her, don't you?" His father didn't give him a chance to answer before continuing. "And you know that that means you will have to do the right thing and marry her don't you?" He heard his father chuckle. "But then, I guess that that is what you've been wanting for some time now, isn't it? What better way to make sure that she marries you, than to brand her as yours in front of everyone?"

Turning, Devlin faced his father and smiled. "You didn't see her back away from the kiss did you? In fact, she moved closer to me and allowed me to kiss her the way a husband does his wife. That was all the answer I needed." He watched his father walk towards the door and stop as he reached it. Over his shoulder he said, "What better way to ask her to marry you, without even asking her. And like you said, she answered you without answering you. Your mother maybe mad now, but soon she'll be planning the wedding she's always wanted too. Yours and Melissa's wedding." He smiled as he watched his father leave the room.

It was nearing noon when the Baroness Melissa Sinclair finally left her room. She had known for some time now that Devlin disired her. But she wouldn't have imaged that he would have shown that desire publicly. Her cheecks flushed as she thought of the passion he had put into that kiss. The one he had given her when he walked her to her room last night had been even better. He had held her tighter. His tongue explored her mouth more than it had the first time. His hands had roamed her back and had even cupped her bottom. It was the knock at the door that brought her out of her sensual daydream. "Baroness," she heard the Dutchess St. James call. Her voice sounded shaky as she called for her to enter.

Melissa watched the dutchess approach her. "I want to apologize for my son's behavior last night," the dutchess said. "I also wanted to tell you that we will find some way of getting you out of this mess that he has gotten you into. You don't have to marry him. I'll find some way out of it." "No," she almost shouted at her. Regaining her composure, she said, "That won't be necessary. If I hadn't have wanted to marry him, I wouldn't have kissed him back." She watched as the dutchess opened her mouth to speak and then promptly close it before leaving the room completely speechless. She couldn't keep from smiling. Devlin hadn't once said that he loved her, but he proved it in front of everyone, even the King and Queen, that he did. She felt as if she would burst with happiness.

The rest of day passed quickly. As usual Melissa didn't get to see much of Devlin as he attended to his dukely duties. They talked some privately over the evening meal, but the dutchess made sure that they remembered others were present at the other end of the twenty foot long table. She giggled when he showed his annoyance with his mother. But that annoyance was gone when he arrived at her room that night.

Melissa was preparing herself for bed when there was a light tapping at her door. She pulled her silk robe tightly around her naked body as she walked to the door. "Who is it," she softly called. "It's me," came Devlin's husky voice. "What do you want," she asked as she fidgeted with her robe, pretending to not know why he was there. "To see you," he answered. She looked down past her barely covered body and to her bare feet. "Melissa, please," he softly begged from the other side of her door, "I need you. I need to show you how much I love you." She knew that if she let him in, she wouldn't be able to deny him what he wanted. She realized just how much she wanted it too as she slowly pulled the door open and looked at him.

Backing up from the door, Melissa watched as a very broad, bare chested Devlin entered her room. She hadn't realized how much taller he was than her until now. Or how small and powerless she was next to him. His body rippled with muscles; from his wide chest to his narrow waist . His need shown not only in his dark brown eyes, but in the way he entered her room. He too was barefooted. The door softly clicked behind him as he locked it without even looking. She wetted her lips as he stared at her. "You're beautiful," he said.

Melissa felt weak as Devlin brushed a long strand of blonde hair away from her face. She released the hold she had on her robe and placed her hands on his chest. Her silk robe open instantly as she did. She heard him moan as he saw her naked body. His body felt warm as she pressed her bare breasts to him. She felt the robe fall from her shoulders as he brushed it away. "You're so soft," he whispered. She looked up at him as she slide her hands down him; feeling him as she did. She smiled as the robe dropped from her as her arms hung down.

Melissa closed her eyes as Devlin laid her on her own bed. She didn't even notice that she instinctively spread her legs for him. With his pants still on, he laid between them and softly kissed her lips... her cheecks... her neck. She moaned as he planted kisses all over her body. She gasped as he drew in a breast and suckled at it. She ran her small fingers through his coal black hair, pulling him closer to her. He teased her hard nipple before kissing his way to the other breast. It too received the same treatment. Her body arched to him, giving him all he wanted. She moaned as he done whatever he pleased with her body. When finished with her breasts, he kissed his way down her stomach.

Devlin parted the soft hair between Melissa's legs. He smelled her sweet womanly scent just before kissing her delicate folds. He felt the silky liquid run from her as his tongue flicked her swollen nub. He felt himself hardening as he lapped at her freely flowing juices. He heard her panting his name as she came. He was finally having her. She was finally his and her sweetness was intoxicating. He heard her gasping for air as he now sucked the swollen numb. He felt her fingers digging into scalp. She was as wet as she could be.

Devlin got up and began to remove his only article of clothing. He stared at Melissa's perfect body. She was so small and fragile compared to him. Like his father, he was a large man, not only in his body size, but in other areas as well. He had been with other woman, but never a virgin. Those other women had said that he had stretched them, and they were use to being with men. He knew the pain that Melissa was about to feel was necessary the first time, but he hated that she would have to feel it all. And he'd be damned if he let another man prepare her for him. The thought of another man laying with her angered him, but seeing her ready for HIM made all the difference. His manhood ached painfully as he thought of what was about to happen.

Devlin carefully pulled the covers down while Melissa remained on top of them. She giggled as he done this with ease. He smiled at her as he laid between her legs. "Will it hurt," she asked. He saw the fear in her eyes. He wanted to tell her "no", but couldn't lie to her. "Yes," he said. "It will at first, but I promise the pleasure you feel afterwards will surpass it all." He kissed her softly on the lips at first, massageing her breast as he did. Her breasts wasn't small, but in his large hand, they felt it.

Devlin pushed his shoulders up and looked deeply into Melissa's eyes. He inched himself in her, watching her face as he did. He saw the pain in her eyes. He eased out of her and the pushed further in. Tears streamed from her eyes as he did. He hated hurting her like this. "SSSHHH," he said as he again pulled back. He watched her deeply suck in air as he came to rest against the thin barrier, proving her virginity. "I'm almost in," he said soothingly. "Are you alright?" She didn't answer, but nodded her head. He smiled as he admired her bravery. It was obvious that she was in great pain, but she wanted to continue. He kissed her forehead and then eased back out a little.

Melissa felt Devlin's lips on her forehead. It seemed strange, but the simple gesture eased the sicking pain between her legs. He again looked at her as she threaded her arms through his and grasped his shoulders from behind him. She felt him pull from her again. And then pain. Oh God, the pain. She raised up, her facing hitting him square in the chest. "OWE," she screamed. The sounded was muffled by his massive body. She clung to him as she cried uncontrollably. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she heard him say over and over again.

Melissa released her hold on Devlin and fell back to the bed. Her whole body shook uncontrollably as she cried from the pain. "It hurts," she cried and then begged, "Please tell me you'll soon be in." "I am in," he whispered into her ear. She felt him slowly move in her, causing the pain to fade away. She kissed his chest as he pleasured her. Her cries turned to moans and she saw the look of relief on his face. "Devlin," she moaned as he made love to her. "Oh, Devlin." Her body arched to him, giving him all of her. "Melissa," she heard him moan. She raised her legs up, raking her toes against the backs of his legs. "Oh Devlin," she gasped as he pushed her body over the edge and into a wonderful state of ecstacy.

Melissa gasped as Devlin rolled them over. She felt him pull her legs to the bed. She pushed herself up and smiled down at him. She instinctively began to raise and lower herself on him. "That's it," she heard him say. Oh it felt good having his hard manhood between her legs and deep inside of her. She felt him hitting a certain spot inside of her as she rode. She concentrated on continuing to hit that spot and soon she again felt herself going over that ecstatic edge. "Devlin," she gasped as she felt her body shake. She fell to him and heard his husky laugh.

"I take it then that the pain is gone," Devlin asked huskily. "Yes," she panted as she pushed herself up off of him. "Get on your hands and knees," he told her. He pointed at the mirror across her room. "Look into the mirror." He waited for her to do just as he told her. With her watching them in the mirror, he moved behind her. He eased back into her and moved slowly at first. He continued to move in her as he leaned forward and cupped her breasts, massaging them as he kissed her back, his eyes never leaving the mirror. "You feel so good, Melissa," he huskily whispered into her ear.

Leaning back, Devlin grabbed Melissa's hips and moved in her. He watched her face in the mirror. He too felt the pleasure that she was showing. Her womanly muscles tighten and released around his manhood as she climax again and again. Oh god she felt good. He watched her shoulders fall to the bed and then she screamed into the pillow. He felt her body shudder again as she came. "That's it, Melissa," he coaxed, "give me all of you. Give all of yourself to me, darling." After bringing her to several more climaxes he could tell that she had all that she could handle from this position.

Devlin laid Melissa back onto her back. With one quick, hard thrust, he pushed into her. After several more of these thrusts he released himself into her, groaning as he did. He was pleased to feel her own release on him and to hear her gasps of pleasure. He rested on his elbows and looked down at her. She raised her eyes to meet his gaze. He watched her breasts as she tried to calm her breathing. He laid next to her and held her in his arms protectively. "You'll always be mine," he whispered. "Always."

The next morning Devlin watched Melissa as she dressed. He smiled as he moved gracefully before him. She looked at him from over her shoulders and asked, "Don't you think you might want to go back to your own room, Your Grace?" He smiled at her and saw her smiling back at him. "Are you done with me, Baroness," he asked playfully. He watched her turn towards him, her smile still on her face, and said, "I shall never tire of you, Your Grace." "Good," he said seriously, "because today you become my Dutchess."

Devlin pulled the covers back and revealed the puddle of blood. "Once this is discovered in your bed, protocol will demand it. But even if you hadn't let me enter your room last night, you would have became my Dutchess today anyway. I will not live another day without you as my wife." His heart swelled as she smiled brightly and said, "And I will not live another day without you as my husband."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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