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Old 04-23-2008, 08:50 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
A Pirate's Desire


Captain William Roberts looked through the spy glass at the ship ahead of them. He saw the beautiful woman standing on the stern of the ship. Her long strawberry blonde hair whip around her, falling way past her waist. He could tell that she was tall; taller than most English women. He watched as she turned towards him and noticed his ship following. He could tell by her actions that she was alerting someone to his ships presence. Sure enough, a crewman came to her side. A spyglass was put to his eye. "Raise the Jolly Roger," he called out. Just to let the man know that he could see him, he waved at him. He laughed a deep and hearty laugh as the man turned and began to alert the rest of the ship to their presence. "Take the ship," he called. "Bring the young maid to me, gentleman." William collapsed the spyglass between his hands and prepared to board the ship.

Chapter One

Brooklyn Richards chided herself as she and her maid, Maddy Long, sat huddled in the small closet. She heard the growly voice of the young pirate as he stormed into the captain's quarters of the ship. "Where is the woman," she heard him yell. "I do not know what you are talking about, Captain Roberts," she heard her own Captain, an older man, say. "Captain Roberts," she thought to herself. She knew of only one Captain Roberts; a Captain William Roberts. His reputation was one that she wished she didn't know about. "Don't toy with me," Roberts growled. "I saw a woman with long flowing strawberry blonde hair on the stern of your ship. Where is she?" "I would rather die before I give away her location," the Captain said. "That can easily be arranged," Roberts snarled.

Through a slit in the boards on the door, Brooklyn watched as a large and powerful hand slammed into the old man's head. The old Captain lowered to his knees, but refused to fall completely. Not able to bare the thought of this gentle man taking any more abuse, Brooklyn stepped from the closet. "Enough," she demanded. "Brooklyn. NO," both the Captain and Maddy cried out in unison. "No Captain," she said to the older man, "I will not watch him beat you to death, knowing that I can stop it." She turned to the large man standing before her. Even at five foot nine herself, she had to look up at this mountain of a man. His body was massive with a wide broad chest, which his open shirt revealed lots of sandy blonde hair across, and even wider shoulders. His body tapered down to a waist that was as wide as her own shoulders. She noted the monstrous man's hard, steel blue eyes as they stared at her, taking her in as well.

"It is I that you want," Brooklyn calmly said. "Let them go, unharmed, and I will go with you willingly." "No," Maddy cried, "you can't leave with him." She turned to the older woman who had been like a mother to her since her own had passed. "It will be alright, Maddy," she said, trying to hide her own fear. "You know as well as I that I didn't want to marry the man father had picked for me. He is far to old to give me children and would only leave me a widow in a few years." "Yes," Maddy countered, "but then you would have been a rich widow who could choose whom she married next."

Brooklyn shook her head. "No Maddy," she softly said, "I would rather die than have to live with the knowledge of that old man being with me in that way." She turned towards the monstrous man and asked, "Do you give me your word that you will not let your men share me?" Roberts bowed before her and answered, "I give you my word. But it comes with a condition." "And that is," she asked. A devilish grin spread across his face as he said, "That you allow me the pleasure of your body so long as you are my prisoner." "No," both the Captain and Maddy yelled. "And what about when you are done with me," she asked. "Will I then be passed from man to man until your crew is done with me? Or will I be sold into slavery so that you can make money from me? Or will you simple release me, forcing me to fend for myself?"

Brooklyn watched the tall man as he scratched the sandy blonde stubble on his chin. "I promise not to allow my men to touch you as long as you are my prisoner. And depending on how well you please me, I may just keep you. If I do, you must continue to do my will as long as I have you." Feeling that this was going to be the best offer she would get from the man, she closed her emerald green eyes, sucked in a deep breathe, and then looked into his cold steel blue eyes. "My body is for your pleasure alone as long as you have me." She then fell into a daze as she was taken from the ship and placed in Roberts' quarters aboard is own ship.

Captain William Roberts kept his word and allowed the other ship to sail on with all those aboard, except for Brooklyn, unharmed. But not before looting it of the food, water, weapons, and any other booty that was there to plunder. By taking their food, water, and weapons he ensured that they would have to turn back for more provisions. By then, they would have at least two days head start. They could be in any direction by then.

William entered his quarters and felt the sting of book hit his cheek. In moments, his steel blue eyes found the young woman and watched as she grabbed another and hurled it towards him. This time he was swatted it away as if it was a pesty fly and headed straight for her. His long legs carried him to her in only two steps and he clamped his hand firmly, yet lightly, on her wrist, causing her to drop the candlestick she had picked up. "I wouldn't try that again, Brooklyn," he said in a deep voice. "I promised not to let my men have you, but I did not promise to keep from striking you." He watched her gasp in horror as she took in his meaning. He had never laid a violent hand on a woman before, but if this woman kept up her tantrum, he might forget himself and do just that.

William spun the young woman around and enclosed her small body in his arms. At six foot six, he had to bend over just to rest his chin on her head. But he didn't rest his chin there. He leaned over further and softly kissed the nape of her neck. Her skin was soft and almost silky feeling on his lips. "MMM," he moaned as he tasted her. He felt her shake in his arms and then heard her softly crying. Her tears dropped onto his hands. He could tell that she was brave and a woman of her word. She had promised to allow him the pleasure of her body, but he knew all too well that she would not be enjoying it. A lesser man wouldn't care if she enjoyed it or not; but he couldn't do that. He wanted her to not only enjoy the pleasure of making love, but making love to him.

William continued to kiss the strawberry blonde beauty in his arms. His large hands released her small ones and roamed her small fragile body. Starting with her two soft, perfect mounds of flesh, he then allowed his hands to wander down her flat stomach, and then back up again. He smiled as she closed her eyes and drew in a deep breathe. Again he softly kissed her neck. Her sobs slowed and he moved his hand so that it rested between her legs. He felt the building heat as it radiated from her womanhood. "It can be very pleasurable, Brooklyn," he whispered into her ear, allowing his lips to lightly graze it, "but you have to relax and allow the pleasure to flow through you."

Brooklyn felt a warming sensation spread through her body. Everywhere William touched her a warming fire began. It had began in her wrists and then up her arms. Then her breasts as he gently kneaded them. Even her stomach burn with desire. And her womanhood... her womanhood felt as if it was completely on fire. Not just a warming fire like the rest of her body, but a roaring fire that warmed a cold room in winter. She forgot what this man was. She forgot about his monstrous size. And the fact that he could have easily killed the poor old captain that had tried to defy him. All she wanted was this man's hands on her bare skin. She wanted to know the feel of his lips on places that no man had ever seen, much less kissed.

Brooklyn felt her eyes roll backwards as William nibbled on her earlobe. She didn't even realize that she had gasped with pleasure as he showed her his sensual side. But her eyes open quickly when he turned her to face him. She stared into his eyes as his powerful mouth claimed her own. Her lips opened with his and she allowed his tongue to slid into her mouth; mating her own and causing the warming fire she felt in her stomach and breasts to become the same roaring fire she felt in her womanhood.

Brooklyn couldn't remember feeling William undoing the buttons of her dress, but she was fully aware of his large, rough hands as they rub the soft skin of her shoulders. She felt her dress slide from her shoulders, down her body, past her waist, and then glide down her long legs easily. She saw the lustful look in his eyes as he took her in. The tight corset pushed her breasts up, causing them to spill out of it. And below it was the strawberry blonde hair that covered her womanhood. She was now fully aware of her near nakedness and tried to hide herself from. His dominating nature scared her and she wanted to run and hide completely from his glaring stare.

William stared at Brooklyn as he undressed himself. He watched as she looked at him curiously as he removed his shirt and boots, but then looked away when he began to remove his pants. He gave a deep, boisterous laugh that shook the rafters of the cabin and caused this fragile young woman to jump when he watched her look curiously back at his now naked body and then turn away; her cheeks reddening as she did. He knew that he was larger than most men, and that several whores had begged him not to visit them again, but he was certain that she would enjoy him.

It only took William one long step to bring him next to Brooklyn. Even though she was the tallest woman he had ever seen, he noted that she still seemed tiny next to him. He circled her like a predator circling it's prey. Her long strawberry blonde hair hung just past her round ass. Her small slender frame could stand some fattening, but she wasn't so small that he felt that he would hurt her as he make love to her. And her breasts... Oh, her breasts were perfect. He caressed them as he looked over her body.

"You're beautiful, Brooklyn," William said softly. He watched her already embarrassed face turn a shade redder as she looked away. "I know what you want, Captain," she said softly, yet stressing the word "captain", "so would you please save me the shame of being ogled and get this over with." "No, Brooklyn," he softly whispered into her ear, again lightly touching it with his lips, "I will take my time in pleasing myself." He lightly ran his fingers along her arm and chuckled when she jumped. "You were enjoying yourself when you were relaxed," he said, pausing long enough to kiss her neck, "so why don't you relax once more and enjoy this again."

Wanting to put her at ease, William cradled Brooklyn in his arms and softly kissed her lips. He felt her pushing against him with her hands with all her strength, but his own brute strength was just to strong; and he wasn't even trying to stop her from moving away from him. By the time he had reached the bed, she had stopped pushing against him and was eagerly returning his kisses. He nuzzled her cheek with his nose and softly as he possibly could said, "I'll be as gentle as possible." He smiled when she finally submitted by nodding "yes".

Brooklyn felt herself stiffen again as she laid on William's bed. His monstrous body hovered above her small one as his mouth gave her breasts some attention. She felt the hot fire, starting at her nipples, surging through her body until it consumed her entirely and she moaned with the greatest ecstacy she had ever known. She felt his tongue glide down her stomach and then tease her belly button. His large hands slipped under her legs and wrapped around her legs, holding her small waist still. She wondered what he was doing, but before she could look down at him, she felt his hands parting the soft hair of her womanhood. His tongue flicked at her sensitive area and she almost instantly felt an explosion inside of herself.

Brooklyn slapped the bed hard with both hands and gripped handfuls of material as William continue to pleasure her. "William," she growled as he brought her to the edge of sanity before feeling the explosion once again. He chuckled again and she felt the vibrations of his body not only against her warm and wet womanhood, but she felt the bed shake as well. Twice more he made her feel the pure pleasure of ecstacy before kissing his way back up her stomach. He nudged her thighs wider with his own knees before kissing her deeply. His hands found hers and moved them next to her head.

Brooklyn felt dizzy even though she was laying on her back. Her head spun as William showed her pleasure that she had never dared dream about. But that was short lived as she felt her womanhood splitting. She tried to scream, but her scream was smothered by his kissing. Tears streamed from her eyes as he again pushed. She began to shake uncontrollably as he again pushed. Pain seared through her body as she felt like she was being ripped in two as he shattered what told of her innocence. She was on the verge of passing out when he released her from his kiss. "I'm sorry," his deep voice whispered, "but it is necessary the first time."

Brooklyn took in deep lungfull breathes as she tried to control her sobbing. William softly kissed her forehead and eyes as he slowly began to move in her. The searing pain slowly began to ebb away and was replaced with a new pleasure unlike any that she had ever felt before. It was even better than what he had already shown her. She gripped his hands as she felt herself cum again. She stared into his steel blue eyes as he continue to move in her. She breathless called his name before closing her eyes in pleasure.

William increased his pace in Brooklyn. Her tightness was more than he could have imaged. In the pleasure of passion, she had called his name. It drove him crazy and he moved deep and harder in her. Her breathes came in pants and he too felt himself nearing climax. His lips grazed her ear as he called her, "Brooklyn." Her nails dug into the tops of his hands as he plunged himself over and over in her. He felt his balls tighten and knew his released was at hand. He gave a loud roar that shook the cabin as he released in her, causing her to stare at him frightfully.

William took deep, heavy breathes as he rested his head next to Brooklyn's on the bed. Not wanting to crush the small beauty under him, he carefully released her hands and braced himself so that he remained in her, but held the full weight of himself alone. "Was that so bad, Brooklyn?" he asked. He couldn't keep from smiling as she panted, "No. It was quiet enjoyable." He nuzzled her cheek again as he asked, "Would I be able to lay with you again on this voyage?" "Yes," she panted into his ear. He softly kissed her shoulder before saying, "That's good because I don't think I could have finished this voyage knowing that this was to be the only time."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by wyndhy : 04-24-2008 at 09:23 AM.
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Old 04-24-2008, 03:11 PM
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Chapter Two

Not realizing that she had fallen asleep after having given into William that afternoon, Brooklyn woke to the sound of the crew banging items around on the deck just outside of his quarters. Not recognizing her surroundings either, she quickly sat up and felt the terrible pain between her legs. A flash of memories flooded her mind. She pulled the covers back and saw the large spot of dried blood on the sheet and the dried blood covering her thighs. It looked as if she had started her monthly bleeding, but it was too soon. She closed her legs, but found that only worsen the pain that pulling them apart had caused. She then remembered the pain she had felt when William first entered her and it brought about the shame of giving in so easily to that... that Pirate..., that monster of a man who had shown his sensual side and had shown her the most pleasurable time she had ever known.

Brooklyn moved painfully from the bed and looked at her naked body in the mirror hanging on the wall. Behind her, she saw the fading daylight through the small open cabin window. She closed her eyes and began to sob. It was not for her lost of innocence, but because of the shame of giving into him; for letting him dominate her so easily. Wiping her tears, she stared at herself in the mirror again. She silently vowed to herself that never again would he dominate her. Neither Captain Roberts nor any other man would make her give in as easily as he had. She would ignore the feelings that he had made her feel and only allow the man she married to show her that gratifying pleasure.

"Oh God," Brooklyn gasped aloud. The man she married. She would never be able to marry. That monstrous man had made sure of that. He had taken her innocence so easily and left her dishonored. No man would want her now. Only widows were expected to be unpure when they married again to another man. "That's it," she again gasped. She would go somewhere where no one knew her. She would weave the tale that she was a widow. That she had been robbed of her money and belongings. "Yes," she thought, "yes this tale would work." She was only twenty after all; that was young enough to have married and lost a husband. That would take care of the dishonor William had placed on her. Had he been in the room at that moment, she could have thanked him for actually taking away her maidenhead and giving her the opportunity to marry for love.

William picked up the tray of food and headed for his quarters. He had had the cook prepare a special dish of steak and lobster just for them. He was proud of his cook for the way he had used the provisions they had looted from Brooklyn's ship to make a nice arrangement of vegetables for them. Even his crew were dining well just from her provisions alone. He easily carried two bottles of wine between his large fingers. They would be used to weaken any of her defenses against him, should she try and use any. For the first time in thirty years, he thought of the woman that he now possessively called his own. She had taken his large manhood deep inside of her tight femaleness and had survived. Not just survived, but had thoroughly enjoyed the pleasure of making love to him. He completely felt dominant over this proud woman, but little did he know that she planned to defy him of what she had promised to give so freely.

William entered the room to find Brooklyn staring at her naked self in the mirror. He took in a deep breathe as he stared at her beauty. "Do you mind closing the door," she asked proudly, "or are you planning to let your crew see me like this?" Without looking away, he slammed the door shut with his large foot. His steel blue eyes roamed her beautiful backside as his manhood instantly came to life. "If you do not cover yourself, my lady," he said a bit more gruffly than he had intended, "you will be feeling me between your legs again before we dine on this splendid meal my cook has prepared for us." "Other than my cumbersome dress, sir," she hotly replied, "I have nothing to wear."

William sat the tray down and pulled out one of his shirts from the closet. The large shirt fit him perfect, but made a short dress for Brooklyn. She was covered enough for him to concentrate on their meal, but the knowledge of her bare skin touching his shirt was causing his manhood to throb painfully. He watched her as she eagerly ate her food and drank several glasses of the wine he had provided. Soon their meal was finished and he placed the tray and one empty bottle outside of his cabin door so that his crew could take it away. He then turned his attention towards the beauty before him as he removed his boots.

Brooklyn looked at any place in the cabin but at William. She knew from the sound of his movements he was sitting at his desk. She jumped when he finally spoke to her, telling her to come to him. She turned to him and saw that his shirt had also been removed, revealing his broad shoulders and chest. She had been too scared earlier in the day to notice that the sandy colored hair covered his chest completely and then trailed down his stomach before disappearing into his pants. It was also then that she noticed the many small cuts on his chest, telling of his many brushes with death. Her emerald eyes took in his glorious body before landing on his steel blue ones. His legs were spread widely apart and in his hand was another tankard of wine.

Brooklyn watched William set the tankard down and hold his hand out for her and again said, "Come here, Brooklyn." She felt the heat of pleasure beginning to rush through her and she silently chided her body for it. He hadn't even touched her yet and already her body was giving in to him. She looked at him defiantly; her chin out, her body pulled to it's full height, and her breasts heaving with each deep breathe she took. "Haven't you had enough for one day, Captain Roberts," she asked defiantly. Thanks to the wine, she refused to move from her place. She watched his eyes narrow on her. Opening his desk drawer without looking, he pulled a long whip from it.

Brooklyn's eyes widened as she watched William grip the handle of the whip and drop the long cord to the floor. "Come here, Brooklyn," he said, anger seeping into his voice. Fearful of the whip in his hand, she slowly did as he said. When she finally stood between his massive legs, he threatened, "Don't make me use this on you, my Lady. It would not serve any purpose to have the soft skin of your back marred by it. You gave your word not to defy me of your body so long as I had you. Do not make me make you sorry for doing so."

William smiled a triumph smile as Brooklyn closed her eyes in defeat. With the whip still in his hand, he ran both hands up under his shirt that she wore. He wanted her to feel the rough leather of the whip against her soft skin, furthering his dominance over her. Roughly, he squeezed her ass cheeks, pressing the whip handle into her. "You will do as I say, Brooklyn," he growled as he kneaded her small round ass, "or it will be the other end you will feel instead of the handle." He felt her body shake uncontrollable as tears began to fall from her eyes. "Why do you defy yourself, and me, this glorious pleasure, Brooklyn," he asked gruffly. "Is it because I scare you so badly? Or because you are ashamed of giving into the pleasure between your legs?"

"William, please," Brooklyn begged, but he was not going to back down now that he knew that it was only the shame of giving in that was driving her. His desire for her was too strong. Never had he had a woman so consume his thoughts that he longed to be back in her arms as soon as he had left them. All day long, he had thought of her as he had seen to the running of his ship. Thoughts of the passion she had given into once she had relaxed earlier in the day had stayed with him all day long. And when he had finally left her sleeping in his bed, all he wanted to do was wake her and feel that passion again.

"Do not deny me, Brooklyn," William said in an almost begging tone. "I will not beg for you, but you will not like the way I take you either." His tone changed to that of an almost growl as he said through clenched teeth, "I will have you again... and again... and AGAIN. You WILL know me more in the time that I have you than any man will EVER know you." She surprised him by looking down at him. Tears lined her eyes, causing his tone to soften as he said, "I may never let you go." He watched her breathe deeply as she closed her eyes. Her body shook as she cried.

William dropped the whip and quickly stood up, knocking Brooklyn off balance as he did and causing him to have to catch her to prevent her from falling. She gasped as his large, muscled arms encircled her bare skin, pushing the shirt up as he did. He felt her breasts against him, just below his bare chest but still above his stomach. The heat radiating from her womanhood seared through his pants and burned his skin. "Brooklyn," he groaned. In one swift move, the shirt was removed from her, leaving her completely naked. He roughly claimed her mouth with his and his hands roamed her bare back and roughly kneaded her round ass. Her womanly heat intensified and it continued to urge him on.

Brooklyn forgot all about her defiance and eagerly gave into William. The need of her body over took her and she allowed him to dominate her completely. She needed no urging in wrapping her legs around his waist when he placed his hands under her legs and pulled her body up to him. She felt her steaming womanhood brushing against his well defined stomach as he carried her to the bed. She, however, didn't notice his crushing weight laying on the top half of her as he pinned her to the bed. She had began to passionately kiss him before he had the chance to kiss her.

Brooklyn softly mewled as William kissed his way down her neck and to her painfully hardened nipples. His tongue teased each one by flicking the hardened nub before sucking them painfully, yet pleasurable, into his mouth. His large finger slipped easily in and out of her tight, wet womanhood as the palm of his hand rubbed her swollen clit. She arched her back, shoving her breast further into his mouth. Her legs spread wider, allowing him better access her womanhood. She tightly wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders, holding him next to her.

Twice, Brooklyn felt the wonderful explosion deep inside of her before William rolled away from her. She drew in deep breaths as she watched him stand and remove his pants. It was completely dark outside now and she fully stared at his hard manhood by the light of the lit lamp. She now knew why it had hurt so badly when he had first entered her and why she had hurt earlier in the day after he had had his fill of her. His shaft was long and thick and stood out proudly from his body.

William fell back into the chair by his desk and spread his long, muscular legs widely apart. He stared at his luscious Brooklyn as she laid on his bed just a few feet away. "Come here," he softly groaned. He smile with pleasure as she did as he commanded. "Kneel," he said. He again smiled as she knelt between his large legs. "Suck on me," he coaxed her. "What," she asked shyly. Loving her innocence in this matter, he gently pushed her head towards his large shaft. "Open your mouth," he whispered. Again she obeyed. He moaned as her small mouth opened wide enough to allow the tip of him in. He gently pushed her head further down, showing her what he wanted from her.

Once Brooklyn figured out what he wanted from her, William removed his hand from her head and watched through passive eyes as her head moved up and down on him. He felt her tongue gliding up along the side of him and then twirl around the head of him before going back down. Only two other woman had done this to him, both paid whores, and neither of them had pleased him like Brooklyn was right now. He didn't care that she couldn't take him fully in without gagging because the eagerness she was showing in wanting to please him meant more than anything to him. He allowed her to do this until he could take no more. He clenched both his teeth and fists and said, "I'm going to explode, my Lady, if you don't stop soon."

Brooklyn heeded William's warning and released him from her mouth. She smiled up at him and saw the very pleased look on his face. "Lay on the bed," he said with a well pleased tone, "and I will return the favor." She smiled at what he meant. She had felt his tongue on her womanhood earlier and now she would feel it again. Quickly and eagerly she moved to bed. She watched his smile widen as she obeyed his command. She lightly giggled with anticipation as he crawled onto the bed with her.

Brooklyn moaned as William's stubbled face rubbed her sensitive area. Her breathes came in deep pants as he worked his tongue on her swollen clit. "William," she gasped as he plunged his tongue deep into her. She heard him groan with pleasure as she felt herself release on his tongue. A slight pain shot from her thighs as he roughly grabbed them and pulled her closer to him. Again his tongue made her call his name.

Brooklyn panted heavily as she tried to regain her breathe. She stared into William's eyes as he hovered above her. She felt her legs being pushed wider apart as he moved into position. She waited for the same pain she had felt earlier, but moaned instead as he pushed into her. She gasped as he easily slid into her, causing her to cum almost instantly. "Brooklyn," he whispered at her ear as he pushed further in, "you are still so tight." She felt herself contracting around him, taking his full size in. "William," she panted as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh William." Again she felt herself explode.

William raised himself up fully with his arms and stared at Brooklyn as he pushed deeper into her. He watched her eyes roll backwards in her head as he pleased her fully. He softly kissed down her neck as he moved meticulously in her. Her periodical releases of juices told him that was truly pleased. Lowering himself to his elbows, he carefully put his full weight on his right one, he ran his left hand down her side, then hip, and finally her long sensual leg. He gripped her thigh gently and pulled it up towards him. This position allowed him to push further into her. He felt the tip of him bottoming out in her as he fully buried himself in her.

William felt Brooklyn's arms tighten around his neck as the passion he was hoping to see again over took her. Her lips brushed against his neck as she called his name over and over again. He then felt her move under him. At first he thought she was trying to get away, but then realized that she was moving in rhythm with him. She was heightening the pleasure for both of them. He smiled at the thought of how she would look riding him and then quickly rolled them over. "Ride me," he demanded through clenched teeth as pulled her long, slender legs down to the bed on either side of him. "Oh ride me, Brooklyn! Ride me!!!"

William felt Brooklyn's full weight, which felt like nothing at all to him, on his chest as she used him to steady herself. Her arms pinned her breasts together causing them to pucker out at him. He moaned at the site of her breasts directly in front of his face. She rode him for several minutes like this, bringing herself to climax several times on her own. He smiled as she moaned and bucked with pleasure, allowing her passion to guide her. He watched her as she was pleased herself on his manhood, and he wasn't even having to move to bring her this pleasure.

When Brooklyn placed her hands on the bed on either side of his neck, William took the opportunity to suckle at her breasts. This only drove her passion through the roof. The harder he sucked, the faster she moved on him. She let out an earsplitting scream that brought a few of his men running into the cabin. He smiled as she kept riding him, unaware of their intruders, as he waved his men back out. He saw his first mate suppress a chuckle as he closed the door. He rolled his eyes in relief that she hadn't noticed them.

Brooklyn felt as if she couldn't take any more and collapsed onto of William. Uncontrollable tears of pleasure rolled down her checks as he held her gently in his strong, massive arms; his kisses drying her tears. Never would she have believed that she would be finding such pleasure from this man. Sitting up just enough to look into his eyes, she begged, "I want to stay with you. Please don't take me to that man my father promised me to or ever give me away. I'll do whatever you want. I'll stay where ever you want. Here on your ship. Your home if you have one. Just please don't make me go to him and please do share me with anyone else."

Brooklyn was barely aware of William rolling them over. All she felt was his tender kisses and his slow movements in her. She savored the pleasure that this monstrous sized man gave her. She didn't want it to end. She wanted to stay in this cabin with him forever; forever in his bed and in his arms. She arched her back and then heard him let out deep, throated roar like he had given earlier that shook the cabin as he released himself in her. She felt him push harder in her a few more times before coming to rest on top of her. She gasped for several minutes as she caught her breathe.

Brooklyn rubbed the soft sandy hair on William's chest as he held the weight of his upper half off of her. His pelvis, though, continued to push heavily into her. "Do you swear," he asked as he looked into her eyes. "Swear what," she asked. He swallowed hard before saying, "That you will stay with me willingly anywhere I want you." "Yes," she replied. "And do you vow to have only me as your lover," he asked seriously. "I vow to remain faithful to you and you alone," she answered and then added, "so long as you are faithful to me."

Brooklyn watched this massive man, a pirate no less, smile as he vowed to be faithful to her and her alone. She felt his lips brush her ear as he said, "That is the closest you will get to a wedding vow from me. And as far as I am concerned, we are now married, Mrs. Brooklyn Roberts." Just as softly, her lips brushed his ear as she replied, "Then my vow will be the only wedding vow you get from me as well. And I gladly take you as my husband, Captain William Roberts."

Just then a breeze blew through the open cabin window and blew out the lamp on the table. Brooklyn felt William move from her and then pull her body tight to his. The cool breeze felt wonderful across their hot naked bodies as she fell asleep in massive arms. Had she been told only twenty-four hours ago that she would be vowing to be a pirate's wife, she would have laughed at the person telling her this. But now..., now she longed to be the best wife she could.

William fell asleep with the content feeling of knowing that he had truly dominated this strong, brave woman. She would be his forever and would be sure to make good use of her. He would remain true to the vow he gave her, but he would also pleasure her until she could stand it no longer. For the first time that he could ever remember, he looked forward to having only one woman in his bed, over and over again. But above all that, he looked forward to watching her stomach swell with HIS children. And he would make sure that by this time next year, she was either with child or nursing one.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by wyndhy : 04-25-2008 at 08:29 AM.
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Old 04-24-2008, 10:22 PM
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Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Chapter Three

A week had past since William had first laid with Brooklyn. After the vows they had made to each other, she had given herself freely to him anytime he was ready. He made sure each day to let her know how much he desired her. And she made sure to let him know how much she enjoyed his desire.

It was nearing midnight when William was awaken by a light rapping on his cabin door. He had just pulled his arm from under Brooklyn's sleeping body when his first mate, John Hankins, entered the room. "We're nearing home, Will," he said as he pulled his pants and boots on. He noted his first mate head nod towards his sleeping woman as he asked, "What do you want to do?" Leaving the room, he pulled the door closed so their talking would not disturb her. "Wake my parents and all those necessary," he said as they walked away from his cabin. "Including Anna," John asked.

William stopped and turned towards his first mate and best friend since childhood, and gruffly replied, "Especially Anna. When she asked me once to carry her up to my bedchamber, like a groom would his bride, and announce to my household that she was mine, I told her that the only woman that I would carry in, in that fashion, would be my wife." He pointed back at his cabin and finished by saying, "And that is just what I intended to do with Brooklyn. I want no mistakes made in whom my chosen bride is, John. I want everyone in my household to know that she is mine, and mine alone."

As they continued to walk, John said, "You know what Anna's response to that will be. She will not stand for you replacing her with a younger, and if I might add, more beautiful woman. What do you wish of her?" William shrugged his shoulders and said, "Do with her what every man in our profession does when he's tired of a woman." John chuckled at his best friend's response. "Pass her around to every man who's not had a woman in sometime and then sell her at the next port." "Exactly," William answered, giving him a sideways grin. "I now have a bride that I must protect at all costs." Again he paused and looked at his first mate. "I would give my life for Brooklyn. Did you every think that one day you would hear me say that about any woman." "Honestly," John answered. "Yes. But not this soon. And I had honestly thought it would be Anna." A broad smile came across his face. "But I delighted to see that it was not that wicked bitch, Anna. And if I weren't married to your younger sister, even I would have a go at her, just to say that I helped in lowering her standards." Both men laughed as they continued on.

Less than an hour later, William covered Brooklyn in the sheet from his bed. As he did, she had awaken just enough for him to tell her that they were home and that he was taking her inside. She wrapped her long arms around his neck and then fell back asleep in his arms. He breathed in her womanly scent deeply as he ascended the steps to his tropical home. Just inside of the foyer, with candlelight, he found his parents, the more important members of his home staff, his crew, and Anna waiting. "This is my bride, Brooklyn Richards Roberts, and she is to be treated with the utmost respect. I hear differently and it will be one hundred lashes, from my whip, for the person or persons responsibly for her abuse. Do I make myself clear?" His entire household, including his parents, answered "yes". That is everyone except Anna.

William then turned his attention to Anna. "You are to go with my men," he said with no feeling of any kind at all towards her. "Once they are finished with you, you will be sold at the next slave auction in the next port over. I never want to see you on this island again. And if I do, you will be slowly whipped until dead. Any attempts to harm Brooklyn will be taken as an assault on me and you WILL BE killed instantly. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" "Crystal," she said with a tone dripping with venom. He then carried his still sleeping wife to his bed chamber where he removed the cover of his large bed and placed her naked body in it before stripping himself of his own clothes and joining her.

Brooklyn stretched her long body and then noticed that the bed she was in was larger than what she was use to. Through a sleepy haze, she noticed that the boat was no longer rocking and the sound of the waves could not be heard hitting the ship. A noise in the room and the sound of two women quietly talking could be heard. She opened her eyes to the bright sunlight streaming into the spacious room and quickly closed them. Slowly she allowed them to adjust to the light and then found the two beautifully dressed women hanging some dresses in a closet.

"I'm not sure of her size," the older one said. "All William gave me was that one dress. I'm hoping that some of these will suite, and fit, her until we came have some more to her style, and size, made." "Did he say anything about her mother," the younger asked. "Only what you heard him announce as he carried her into the house," the older replied. "Boy was Anna livid when he made that announcement," the younger said. "Well," the older women sighed, "I'm personal glad that he finally got rid of the that harlot. She easily spread herself around when he was gone. I think he knew and that was why he never took her as his wife. He wants someone he can trust while his is away." "Yes," the younger said, "but to sell his mistress after five years. Don't you think that that was a bit harsh?" "Not at all," the older woman said, pulling her tall figure up, "that bitch got just what she deserved. And for William to make it clear that he would even have me whipped for hurting her in any way tells me that he has finally fell in love." "It's about time," the younger said. "I'm glad my older brother has finally found a woman he can't live without."

Brooklyn pulled the covers of the massive bed to her body as she sat up. She cleared her throat too get the attention of the two women. "Well help my time," his mother said, "she's awake." Both women dashed to the bed at once; smiling once they reached it. "I'm William's mother, Olivia," the older said. "And I'm his little sister, Maria," the younger said. "I'm married to his first mate John." "I'm Brooklyn," she said shyly. The two women giggled like school girls and said, "Yes, we know."

Being an only child, and never really having a true mother, just Maddy, Brooklyn was delighted to learn that she was to share a large home with her mother and sister-in-laws. She learned that there were several other women, most servants though, that lived on their island as well. But it was the Roberts women who ruled the household, and that now included her. "Well," Maria said, "I'm actually a Hankins now, but I was born a Roberts twenty-five years ago."

Brooklyn filled in the details of how she came to become William's wife. It didn't seem to offend either one that she hadn't actually stood before a man of God and said her vows to him. In fact, she was surprised to learn that neither of them had either. They too had made vows similar to hers and took their "husbands" name. As far as the parties involved were concerned, they were legally married.

A bath had been brought to the room and Brooklyn bathed in an actual tub for the first time since leaving England. Maria and Oliva presented her the dresses, both fancy and everyday, that they had gathered that might fit her. She chose an emerald green, every day dress to wear. As they helped her to dress, they talked about what William was like as a child, and what had transpired while she slept.

Brooklyn didn't know why she felt sorry for this "Anna" woman, but part of her did. But once she learned of her true nature, her pity lightened some, but she hated that she was to be sold as a slave. She now understood why her husband had insisted on faithfulness from her. She sat pondering this when a deep throated clearing of the throat made the three of them look towards the now open door. William, John, and man looking like William, only older, stood just inside of the door, all staring at their respective bride.

"You had no right to tell her those things," William said sternly to his mother and sister. He watched as the three of them all stood proudly against the three tall and massive men. "She had a right to know," his mother said proudly. "It was my place to tell her about Anna, not yours," he practically yelled at his mother. "Well excuse the hell out of me for liking my new daughter-in-law and wanting to tell her," his mothered calmly replied back. He knew that she was mustering all the calmness she could to keep from exploding and he felt much better when his father called her name sternly. "You will meet me in our room, Olivia," Richard Roberts sternly said.

William watched as his mother politely excused herself too Brooklyn by saying, "My husband wishes to correct me now with words and his hand on my back side." She then turned to him, but continued to talk to Brooklyn. "You too will learn that they are very much father like son." She hissed the word "son" as she stared at him with piercing steel blue eyes like his own before leaving the room; his father one step behind her. He then watched as John held his hand out to his sister and sternly called her name. "I guess my punishment will be the same, dear," she said, stressing "dear". "If you don't hold that tongue you inherited from your mother it will be, darling," John said through clenched teeth, stressing the "darling" as Maria joined him. They too left, closing the door behind them.

William drew in a deep breathe and stared at Brooklyn. "God you're beautiful in that dress," he said as he crossed the room to her. "I'm not to be punished," she asked as he took her into his arms. "No," he said as he softly kissed the nape of her neck before standing up to look down at her at arms length. "It was they who done the damage by telling you the things I had planned to explain to you tonight." "But why sell her," she asked curiously. "Because she would try and do you harm, my love," he said. He pulled her tightly to him and then said, "I would gladly give my life to keep you safe, Brooklyn. But if removing the threat will do the same, and allows me to stay with you, I will gladly remove the threat and live another day to make love to you." Her deep sigh and the nuzzling of her cheek to his chest told him that she understood.

After bathing himself, and letting Brooklyn help to dress him instead of undressing for a change, William led her to the large dining hall. All of his crew, along with his father's, was there, as were his parents, sister, and John. He smiled as he watched the two women squirm in their seats. He knew that their backsides had been given a stern lesson, whether they headed their lesson or not was another story. He only hoped that he never had to give his lovely beauty the same lesson.

William led his bride to the large round table in the center of the dining. Like the gentleman he had been raised by his mother to be, he pulled the chair out for Brooklyn, both surprising and impressing her. They then had a very nice welcome home/congratulations dinner with his family. However, his father did not let them leave the dinning hall without Brooklyn being officially introduce.

As Brooklyn and William reached their chamber door, his father called for him. She smiled as he dismissed himself. She decided to take the opportunity the shed the dress before he returned and to dress in a nice lacey and silk emerald green night gown that his sister had given her. The gown was solid silk except for the matching see-through lace that covered her breasts. It was held up by thin straps and hugged all of her curves perfectly. She felt nervous and fidgeted with the lacey material. She guessed that it was because they were now in HIS own room at HIS own home and not the ship. This would be the first time they would make love in "their" home.

Brooklyn heard William's thunderous voice booming as he neared their room. Quickly she turned down the covers of the bed and poised herself sexily on it. The few candles that were lit gave the room and soft, romantic glow. She quietly giggled when he entered the room and didn't find her right away. The worried, then angered, look that came over his face made her call his name, drawing his attention to his bed. He let out the breathe that he had been holding. He smiled and shook his head.

Brooklyn pulled the long gown up to her knees before sitting on them. She laughed out loud at William as he tilt his head and tried to look under it. She then watched as he hurriedly undressed himself and joined her on his bed. She laid back and smiled as he laid his long muscular body next to his. He laid on his side and propped himself up on one hand while the other lightly touched the silk covering his wife's body. She moaned as he lightly made circles around her hardening nipples. She closed her eyes and let her body relax completely into the soft mattress. She felt him as he leaned over and sucked her nipples through the lacey material. This brought another moan for her.

William smiled contently as he listen to Brooklyn's mewling. He ran his hand the length of her long leg as he kissed across her breasts. She groaned when she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tightly to her. "William," she moaned as he slid his fingers under the hem of her gown and began to pull the silky material up. "Brooklyn," he moaned as he ran his fingers up her leg as he pull the gown. She raised her hips up so that he could pass the material over her waist. He pulled her into a sitting position and raised her hands above her head. He then pulled the gown off of her body.

In a daze, William watched as Brooklyn's long strawberry blonde hair cascaded back down. He gathered it in his hand and let it his fingers slip through it before laying it to the side so that it wouldn't be under her. He smiled a devilish smile at her before kissing her deeply and passionately. He felt her small, soft hand lightly touch his chest; her fingers running through the soft, sandy hair there. He felt her hand roam down his stomach and grip his hard manhood. He hissed as she began to stoke him.

Not able to take it any more, William mounted Brooklyn and plunged into her in one swift stroke. He felt her climax as soon as he entered her. He roughly pushed into her and felt her matching him push for push. "That's it darling," he growled into her ear, "fuck me back." He pushed hard and roughly into her until she screamed out with pleasure. He smiled as he pulled from her. "On your knees," he half growl half demanded and watched dominantly as she did as was told.

Brooklyn felt William pull her hips up to met him and then plunge into her. She gasped as she felt the tip of him hit the lining of her. She felt one of his hands grip her hip and the other one her shoulder. She moved in time with him as he panted and grunted. "William," she gasped as he grabbed a handful of her long hair and pulled. Her head tilted back and she saw his obsessed look in his eyes. She smiled because she knew that it was her that put that look there.

Brooklyn felt William's weight on her back as he continued to roughly have her. She took what he gave and gave just as much back. "Take me William," she panted. "Take me." She gripped the sheets tightly in her fists as he pushed her over the edge just as he too gave his roar that she knew well. Together they panted as he moved a few quick jerks in her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her down to the bed with him. She cried with pleasure, her whole body shook from it.

Brooklyn felt William's lips on her neck as he softly kissed her. His body cradled hers and held her protectively. "That felt wonderful darling," he whispered in her ear as he lovingly nuzzled her. She was amazed at herself at how well her small body took the roughness she just had. But she had! And she had loved every minute of it!!!


Brooklyn laid in the large bed that she shared with William and screamed with pain as she bore his first child. Both Olivia and Maria held her hands as the islands doctor told her when to push and stop. "One more push," he said. She took in a deep breath and pushed. The scream of her new born child filled her ears as she laid back on the bed. "My, my, Mrs. Roberts," the doctor said, "he's as big of a baby as his father was." "Is he okay," she asked as she drew in another deep breathe. "He's perfect," the doctor said as she laid back and rested.

William, John, and Richard, entered the room to the sound of the women cooing over the baby. William walked forward and stared at his new born son. His heart swelled with pride. He looked at Brooklyn and wondered how she had birthed such a large baby. He sat next to her on the bed and held her. He smiled as his son was laid her in arms. The doctor cleared the room so that she could feed their son. He stood firmly when the doctor tried to push him from the room as well. "Like hell I will," he said gruffly from the bed. "I will stay and watch my son feed from my wife." With that the doctor left the room and let the new family alone.

Four more times Brooklyn went through the pain of birthing his child. All together, three boys and two girls were raised. William couldn't believe that this all had started from his desire to simple lay with this woman.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by wyndhy : 04-25-2008 at 08:38 AM.
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