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Old 07-21-2002, 03:21 PM
Clint Clint is offline
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Got the craving for some lunch.
But I ain't got nothin' to munch.
My mind is set on just one wish.
A big ole' sandwich.......
Time to make a grocery run.
I'll walk there in the morning sun.
And make a list of what I need most.
Tunafish and bread for toast!
And though my stomach may be empty,
I'll feed my head from a horne of plenty.
Roll a joint Bob Marley style,
And smoke it till' it makes me smile!
Startin' up in aisle one,
Fruits and veggies by the ton.
Hey, check it out, ravichio!
These red lates, man, they almost glow!
And, by joy, I've always wanted to try it.
I wonder if I have enough to buy it?
It's grown in Japan, or maybe China....
Or maybe some farm in South Carolina.
Just then I hear a voice in my head,
"Stay focused man. Tuna and bread!"
But right now, I'm in produce bliss....
Whoa, I'm too high for this........
Too high for the supermarket.
Too high for the grocery store.
Too high for the supermarket,
Ain't gonna shop like this no more!

The Uninvited
Too High For The Supermarket
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