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Old 07-21-2002, 11:08 AM
Clint Clint is offline
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Here's one I think you all may enjoy:

One day, while an elephant was walking through the woods, she got a thorn stuck in her foot. She saw an mouse passing and asked him to help her get the thorn out.

The mouse asked, "What do I get in return?"

The elephant replied, "If you get it out, I'll have sex with you."

So the mouse gets busy taking the thorn out. When he finally gets it out he looks up at the elephant and says "OK it's out, are you ready?".

The elephant thinks, "Hey, what's a little mouse gonna do anyways?" The mouse climbs up and starts to work away. Just then a monkey overhead drops a coconut on the elephant's head.

"Ouch" screams the elephant, and the mouse responds, "Yeah take it all bitch."
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