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Old 07-20-2002, 08:37 PM
Clint Clint is offline
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Angry Nevermind........

Okay, I was ditched again for like the billionth time.............I guess that I should start looking for more friends........any takers *LOL* I've come to the realization that I am a good person and I don't deserve to be treated the way that I am being treated by these people. We were suppose to go out last night and they never showed up or called So today, they call me and tell me that they were in a car accident. I felt bad for getting upset about them not showing or calling. The person that had the car came over today and the back end of it was messed up. He was coming over so that we could go out. When he got here, he asked if he could borrow the money to get it fixed because, like the dumbass that he his, he didn't have insurance I told him that I didn't have the extra money and he got in his car and left.........Oh well, at least I have all of you guys I really do appreciate all of the advice that you guys have given me over the past few months......You guys are truely my real friends

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