Thread: Intro yourself
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Old 05-17-2005, 09:49 PM
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lousynickname lousynickname is offline
New, but fitting right in
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Colorado
Posts: 16
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Springtime in the Rockies (or By Way of Introduction)

Hi, all.

As the result of a happy accident, I ran across Pixie's about a week ago. After roaming around the Place for a few days, I thought I'd join up, settle in, and make myself comfortable.

I'm Patrick: 32, 5'9", 190 lbs, Italian (at least in all important respects), and single in Colorado. I'm a professional geek by day (sorry, no glasses, pocket protectors, or slide rules), writer (and a variety of other things) by night. I've just posted part 1 of a story, Wednesday Brunch, over at, and I'm looking forward to y'all's comments. (Remember that this is my first time, so please be gentle...).

Among my other interests are photography, baseball, and museums of just about every description.

If any of y'all live in or find yourselves visiting Colorado, I hope you'll say "hey!"

What the critics are saying
  • "I have a very good feeling about this..." - L.S.
  • "You and your 'Delete' key need to get a divorce." - F.C.M.
  • "Arrogant.... condescending... skirt chaser.... I love you!" - G.W.
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