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Old 05-06-2005, 02:23 PM
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Kaelynn Kaelynn is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 874
Did someone say competition? Well, well, no one will be able to beat me... I am a student... with plenty of time on my hands because I have been sick... sooo.... let me start counting from what I am sure I did just yesturday, I won't even take my time and count from the begining of the month... thank your lucky stars...

Ok so if the half hour thing is really a rule then I have... 7

If not... 9

Now please remind yourselves this is just in one day... and I had no idea that I would be competing with my fellow pixiemates. Watch out everyone, cause here I cum...

mmmm... I love competitions...

I will soon be looking for more to have phone sex with but for those I already do... expect a call in the near future... Did I just say that? :devilish:

Some days life can be shitty , some days life can be outstanding ;
Sometimes you find love , sometimes you find fun ;

Just remember through all these changes you are you, special and unique...

Just a reminder to those who are like me and need it...
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