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Old 07-07-2002, 12:22 PM
A.K.'s Sex-Pot's Avatar
A.K.'s Sex-Pot A.K.'s Sex-Pot is offline
Now known as Loulabelle
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: England
Posts: 561
Lust versus Logic

I really need some help. I have a bit of a situation on my hands at present. A guy i've known for some time and always kind of liked recently split up with his finacee. Coincidentally, i have just gone through a simlar thing, but this guy and i got our timing all wrong and he started seeing this other girl shortly after his split. This girl is considerably younger than him (just turned 18 and he's 30) and she is a virgin. They've been together for six months now and their relationship is still heading nowhere near sex. Apparently she just doesn't want to know and to be honest i think she's got a lot of growing up to do before she should consider a sexual relationship. She is the least sexual person i know, and he is the most sexual person i know!

The problem is yesterday he and I spent some time alone together (for the first time ever) and it has come to light that we both really really lust for each other. To be honest, we were closer than we should have been yesterday, but we didn't do anything really wrong, however the desire was most definitely there.

I'm not in love with him or anything and he's not in love with me or her, so i don't know what to do. I really want to just go with it and have some great sex with him (it's been a while for both of us!) but this girl is in the same circle of friends as me and if anyone finds out about him and me, it will be me who looks like the bad guy and i'll lose friends (at least short term). The thing is that i know i wouldn't lose any of the friends i really care about, but i will undoubtedly be pushed out of the wider social circle for a while.

I know what is the right thing to do, but i'm not sure i can be bothered to 'do the right thing'. Life is short, you know??

Should i go with the flow and leave her to fend for herself, now that she's 'playing with the grown-ups' because the relationship is not going to last anyway (he has told me that) or should i hold off and wait until he 'does the right thing' and risk losing my chance to have some fun with this really sexy guy? I'm so muddled!!!!
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