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Old 04-21-2005, 04:37 AM
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Galatea Galatea is offline
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Actually Boog, from what I've read, the movie had been in the making since 2002-2003 and Adams helped write the script before then. When he died the complete work was on his computer so he did have a lot of input into it.

I'm cautiously optomistic as well, read the books twice, actually it was the leatherbound composite of all five books. It seems its going to be a lot like the old BBC radio show. Which I have the complete collection of on my computer too.

I have heard that it is going to blow though unfortunately, but I don't care because its Hitchhikers Guide which means its worth seeing just to add to the list. I want action figures, collectable cards, posters, the whole nine yards.

My main concern is with Mos Def as Ford Prefect. I will have to watch the movie simply to find out why they chose HIM of all people to play Ford.

Edit: They absolutely nailed the Marvin the paranoid android voice. I'd watch it just for that too. See, I have to watch it even if it sucks for my own good reasons.
A mental mindfuck can be nice.
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