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Old 07-05-2002, 12:35 PM
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The men I've been with ALL know that I have a boyfriend of over 2 years and they understand that I'm just using them for some fun for the summer ... there isn't any emotional attachement between these men and I. As for my boyfriend finding out about them...I'm pretty sure he won't. But, if he ever does or even suspects anything, I will be honest with him although it will hurt him. Up to know, he's never asked me if I've slept with anyone else...he knows that I see these other guys on occassion but, he assumes that we're just hanging out and nothing more is happening between us. I think he suspects (afterall, my boyfriend knows that I enjoy being touched and vise versa) but, I think he's not ready to ask me because he really doesn't want to know right now.
However, UnsilenceMe, I have considered the thought of what if he finds out, but, I'm not worried about it at all. But, if he does...I'll deal with it when the time comes I guess.
Thanks for the advise.
It's something to think about (but, again, I"m not worried about it at all)
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