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Old 06-21-2002, 11:20 AM
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Ad Infinitum my advice is don't rush into anything with anyone......i know being a virgin now adays seems a little taboo....and your 18 and a man now.... I would say take your time and make it somthing that you will never regret...but if you deside now is the time in your life that you just have to have sex.......

1. your young and the college ball is only going to come once

2. the online love thing....i understand totally....but i say before you deside you are going to stay a virgin for her....stop and think what the chances really are of the two of you being together......(get a picture)

so all in all i say this is really a choice only you can make....but keep inmind "regrets are as personal as finger prints"
Dont let fear make your decisions......I'm a Bit*h....I'm a tease....I'm a goddess on my knees!!
( Alaniss Morrisete)
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