06-19-2002, 01:50 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 89
Clintx3x3, you have a rather interresting point of view, and it's very valid. I will say that, being fresh out of school and the environment therein, where everyone is a walking sexual time bomb, I've seen some really stupid views on sex and virginity. There's an unercurrent of "It's cool to lose your virginity and have sex" and then there's an undercurrent of "It's cool to wait until you're married and then have sex". The fact of the matter is that following either view for the sake of doing so is stupid.
In other words, Phil-e, take it from me, a native of the city of brotherly love as well. Do what you do because you want to do it, because you're ready and because you won't regret it. Be honest with yourself and be yourself and the rest will follow. The desires you confess are unconventional, in that most guys don't openly admit they're looking for companionship. Talk to as many women as you can, find out what they think your strengths are, what they're looking for.
I've blathered enough. If I can do anything else for you, please feel free to leave me a private message.