Thread: Intro yourself
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Old 02-11-2005, 06:20 AM
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lizzardbits lizzardbits is offline
Awesome on my Own
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Schoolhouse Rocks!
Posts: 4,366
Good Grief! i was perusing through this thread and realized that i never formally introduced myself, even though i have been posting for a while. I just hopped right in and started playing. ( Lmao! mental picture of Pixies as a merry-go-round and Lizz giving a running push to hop on!)

I am a 28 year old single Mom. 8yr old son and 4yr old daughter. I am a Junior in college. I am Majoring in Secondary Education/ Biology. So when i grow up i wanna be a biology teacher.
My favorite color is green, and i love lizards and dragons. (I recently had a pet leopard gecko named Geek, but he passed away, so in true science Nerd fashion, i donated his body to science and he is now a forever a learning tool. A bit twisted of me, I know)
my nickname comes from my younger brother making fun of me back when we were young kids, and it stuck throughout the years, with a few spelling changes here and there.
I love the movie "the Crow" and i went so far as to have a tattoo put on my back
I am a bit of an artist and i love to draw and sculpt and paint
I am a music lover, and will listen to almost anything once, although i have my definite favorite bands, and i have gone so far as to name my son's middle name after (Michael) Trent Reznor's middle name. I love going to concerts.
I make friends easily, but i hold my close friends very close, so much so they become part of my family.
I am in LOVE!!! My heart belongs to a great Pixie man and I am so happy that i was pointed in the right direction to Pixies so that we could meet! I Love you Mayhem!!! that is my story and i am sticking to it.......

Love to all of my Pixies family
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