01-27-2005, 01:14 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 482
A different meaning on "football." (Aussie rules)
This guy walks into a bar. At one end is two drunks laughing at their own jokes, at the other is a poof (gay guy).
He notices that there is no stage, TAB, pokie machines or a juke box. Just tables and chairs. So he walks up to the bar and order's a beer and sit's down at a table. The poof get's up and sit's next to him.
"Hi how are you?"
"Yeah not bad." "
Ohh goody. Do you want to play football?"
The guy jumps up out of his chair and says "aussie rules fuck yeah!"
The poof says "no it's our own kind of football. you see we get two empty beer cans and put them on the table, you pull your pants down and fart. If you knock one over it's a behind, if you knock them both over it's a goal." Well he says "no thanks not into that."
Poof says "oh come on, you're here in a bar what's the worst that could happen."
So the poof get's two cans and put's them on the table and says
"well give it a go then."
So the guy drops his
daks and let's out a ripper.... Only one can falls over.
The poof get's excited
"oh a behind goody." He put's the
can back next to the other one.
"Have another go and see if you can get a goal"
So the guy drops his daks again and the poof comes up behind also with his daks down and get's behind him.
"what the fuck are you doing?!!!!"
"ohhh I'm smothering the kick."