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Old 01-23-2005, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by osuche
Kathy -- a shwarma is a sauce cooked in Middle Eastern's made with tahini and spices. Tahini is yogurt, gound sesame seeds, garlic, parsley, other spices.

In my specific instance...I was eating a tuna steak, rolled up with tomatoes, onions, tahini, and lettuce in a pita bread. It's yummy

Currently, I am eating Phad Thai for breakfast.

Osuche, that does sound nummy. I have a friend that does alot of middle eastern cooking, perhaps i'll see if she makes this and give it a try. And I know you wrote that last part just to make me ask .... so now, what's a Phad Thai????

At this moment, I'm waiting on my coffee and gettin' hungry
~~lost in you~~
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