Part 2
She couldn't sit still. It was Labor Day. The intense heat of August carried over into the first days of September, and Gayle was running around the house like a schoolgirl before her first date. She scurried through the kitchen, dodging around Francis, who was trimming the chicken at the sink.
"For God's sake, Gayle, settle down," he said. "What's got into you?"
"I don't know. I'm just so nervous." She straightened the pillows on the sofa, rearranged them, and straightened them again.
Francis pointed with the knife, squinting one eye closed.
"It's because of Ethan, isn't it?" he said. "You're all worked up about a boy coming over."
Gayle paused in the middle of the living room. "Do you think that's it?"
"I'm sure of it."
"You're not jealous, are you?" Gayle said. She went to the kitchen and leaned against the counter, watching him trim the chicken. She touched the back of her hand to her forehead. She was warm.
"Of a boy? You're not going to run away with him are you?"
"Of course not. I just want to fuck him."
Francis shrugged. "Can't blame you for that. Wouldn't mind doing it with that sister of his myself."
"Francis, how can you say that? She's just a child."
He put his fist on his hip. "And Ethan's not? What is he, nineteen? You're twice his age, dear."
"Pam's barely eighteen herself."
"That doesn't make any difference. I know what eighteen year old girls are like," Francis said.
Gayle nodded. "I guess you're right about that. I was pretty horny when I was her age. I just hope you know what you're doing."
"I'm not planning anything." He stopped abruptly and set the knife down. "You don't think I'm going to rape the girl, do you?"
Gayle sighed and patted his shoulder. "I never know with you, dear."
Francis pointed out the window with the knife.
"I guess we'll find out. They're here," he said.
Gayle turned to look. Pam and her mother came through the gate and waved. Both were carrying beach towels and their swimsuits. Her heat skipped a beat. Ethan wasn't with them. Finally, he appeared and closed the gate behind him. He had already changed into his swim trunks and his towel was slung over his shoulder.
Gayle let out a long breath. Her insides felt warm. The sight of his bare chest and rigid stomach made her tingle all over. She couldn't wait. She wasn't sure how it might happen with Ethan's mother and sister being there, but she hoped she could manage to get herself alone with him for a few minutes. That might be all the time she would need. She was dying to feel that huge cock inside her again, dying to feel Ethan's hard, trim body locked between her legs.
Mrs. Thorn opened the sliding glass door and stepped out of the house. Her face was beaming. Pam went up the few steps to the deck, just ahead of Mom.
"Hi, I'm so glad you came," Mrs. Thorn said. "My husband is still inside, preparing the chicken. You'll want to go swimming before you eat, won't you?"
"Yes, ma'am," Pam said.
Mrs. Thorn smiled and touched her cheek. "You're so sweet."
She and Mom started chatting. On the other side of the pool, Ethan tossed his towel on a deck chair and jumped into the pool.
"Your yard is beautiful," Mom said. "I love what you've done with the flowers."
"Let me show you what I'm working on now, on the other side of the house."
Mrs. Thorn led Mom off to the other side of the house. Pam held her hand over her eyes, like the bill of a cap, and watched Ethan. He moved gracefully up and down the pool. She didn't want to wait any longer. Mom would make her wait an hour after they ate before they could go back in the pool. She dumped her beach towel on a deck chair and went inside through the sliding glass door.
"Hi, Pam," Mr. Thorn said.
"Hi, Mr. Thorn." She pushed the heavy door closed and leaned on the counter to watch him work. "What are you making?"
"Well, we've got chicken and hamburgers, and I got corn on the cob over there and some scalloped potatoes," he said, pointing to each item with the knife. "What do you like?"
"I want a hamburger," Pam said. She held herself up on her elbows and let her legs dangle under the counter.
"With cheese?"
Mr. Thorn nodded and got a package of cheese from the refrigerator.
"What are you gonna have?"
"I am having chicken, with barbecue sauce," Mr. Thorn said, pointing at the chicken breast on the cutting board with his knife and his finger. "I can't have red meat. Doctor said it's no good for me." He leaned close to Pam and lowered his voice. "That's what happens when you get old, you know."
Pam laughed. "You're not old."
"I am. Look, I have gray hairs."
Mr. Thorn cocked his head forward and picked at his thinning, black hair. Pam came around the counter and stood on her tiptoes.
"Right here. See?" he said.
Pam put her hand on his shoulder. Finally, she saw the few gray hairs mixed with the little bit of hair he had left, but it was not the hair she noticed. He smelled good, even over the smell of the chicken and hamburgers. He felt good, too. His shoulder was hard muscle under the light polo shirt.
"I see," Pam said.
Mr. Thorn straightened up, pulling his shoulder out from under her hand. He sighed.
"Yep, I'm getting old." He stacked the chicken on a plate. "Are you hungry?"
Pam shook her head. "Not yet. I wanna go swimming first." She held up her bikini. "I wanna wear my new swimsuit."
His eyes lit up. "Wow. That's a nice suit. You can change in the bathroom, right down the hall."
Pam skipped down the hall. Ethan was already in the pool. She couldn't wait to get in, too, and she couldn't wait to let Mr. Thorn see her in the new bikini.
The bathroom was at the end of the hall. She closed the door and leaned against it, staring around her. The bathroom was huge, as big as her bedroom. It had a shower stall and a bathtub. The bathtub was huge, too, round instead of square, with steps to get up to it and seats and nozzles around the inside. In the ceiling was a skylight, letting the sun shine down on the huge tub.
It was amazing. Two people could sit in the tub at the same time, or more even. A whole group of people could sit in the tub, all naked, all touching and kissing at the same time. Pam shivered. The idea made her tingle all the way down to her toes.
She removed her t-shirt, her shorts and her panties, folded them neatly and lay the pile on the counter. The entire wide wall behind the sink was covered with big mirrors. She stepped back to look at herself naked. She put her hands on her hips, turned one way, then the other. She smiled. Her body finally had curves, not like Mrs. Thorn's curves, but good curves anyway.
She lifted her hair high and let it fall back to her shoulders. She shook her head and her long, golden hair flew wildly around her head, covering her face. The straight cut ends reached all the way to her nipples.
She rubbed her nipples with her thumbs and sighed. Wouldn't it be so nice if Ethan came in to make love to her? Or Mr. Thorn. That would be exciting. They could sit in that big tub with their clothes off and she could put her head on his shoulder, put her hands on his cute bald head, reach under the water and put her hand around his thing.
He would have a big one, like Ethan's, long and thick, and she would have to put both hands around it to make his stuff come out. She would sit on Mr. Thorn's lap and his big, hard thing would go way up inside her and she would move up and down with the warm water surrounding them and he would put his hands on her waist, just like Ethan did in the changing rooms.
Pam sighed. She wanted it to happen like that, but it never would. It was fun to imagine, though. She leaned on the edge of the counter with both hands and smirked at her reflection in the mirror. It would be more fun to do it for real.
She brushed her hair away from her face and tucked the strands behind her ears. She turned her face to look at her cheeks. Her skin was very pale. She'd been inside all summer and summer was almost over. It was too late to get a good tan. She could put a little color on her lips, though. Mrs. Thorn probably had lipstick somewhere in that bathroom. She just needed to find something that wouldn't wash off while she was swimming.
She sat down at the counter and opened the drawers of the cabinets. On one side of the sink were all sorts of men's things, like razors and aftershave. On the other side of the sink, the drawers were full of women's things. Some of the drawers had makeup, but not the kind she could use.
She opened the bottom drawer and stopped. Her heart skipped, then beat faster. It looked real. For a second, she thought it was. She could only stare, unable to believe what she was seeing. She didn't even know such things existed.
It looked exactly like a penis. She lifted it out of the drawer. Her fingers squeezed. It was firm, but not as hard as a real one. She held it in both hands, squeezing. It was hard enough. She rubbed her legs together. She was getting warm. Her little fingers moved over the rubber penis like it was the real thing.
Pam glanced at the door, then down at the thing in her hands. What did Mrs. Thorn do with it? What else could she do?
Pam pushed the chair back, spread her legs and touched her pussy. She was wet and warm down there. She glanced at the door again. Would Mrs. Thorn mind if she tried it for a few seconds? It wouldn't be the same as the real thing, of course, but it would be close, closer than anything she had in a long time.
She spread her legs wider, lifted one foot to the edge of the counter, the other on one of the steps leading up to the round tub. She touched her pussy, pushed her middle finger in and spread her moist lips. She touched the tip of the rubber cock to the wet, pink area, moving it up and down until she found her opening. She pressed it in and winced. It was a tight fit. She pressed again, biting her lower lip. Her toes curled. She whimpered. Slowly, her pussy opened and the rubber penis slid between her lips.
Pam sighed and let her head fall back. Her legs spread wider as she pushed the rubber cock deeper. It felt good, even though it wasn't as warm or as hard as the real thing. With one hand, she pumped it back and forth slowly, working it deeper bit by bit. With her other hand, she rubbed the button between her pussy lips. She moaned softly and closed her eyes.