Thread: Cock Rings???
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Old 05-30-2002, 03:52 PM
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As the former husband of an ER nurse, I can fill y'all in on the medical pros and cons of cockrings.

For the few of you who are interested, a cock ring works by supplanting or replacing the natural function of the penile sphincter, a donut shaped muscle that tightens around the veins to reduce, but not halt, the flow of blood OUT of the penis. A cock ring, if undersized will halt All the blood flow out of the penis, and eventually, from pressure build-up, the flow of fresh blood INTO the penis. A quick demonstration can be simulated by wrapping a string around you finger, moderately tight. Your finger will swell and turn purple from the extra blood. Unwrap the string as soon as you see purple, or nerve damage might result.

1) They will, if properly sized, worn and removed within 1 to 2 hours, produce a long-lasting, hard erection.
2) They will, for a short time, serve to enhance erve sensitifity, thus pleasure. After a while tho, the lack of new blood to feed the tissues will put the nerves to sleep.

1) If undersized, the cock ring will not allow any blood flow thru the penis, and without being able to return the penis to a torpid state, the cock ring won't come off without a quick release or cutting.
2) If both undersized and worn for prolonged periods of time, permanant nerve or tissue damage my result from the cells beindeprived of fresh nutrients and oxygen.

There you have the medical facts. Myself, If I want to feel something around my cock and balls, I prefer a warm, living hand.
But that's my choice. Each of us must decode what's best for us, and noone else.
"Quando Flunkus Moritatii" (I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.) - the Red Green Show

The best thing about taking a vacation, is all the heartfelt huggs received upon your return. - Murphy

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