My second story...kinda longish, but it gets to the point a bit sooner than my first. I'd like to hear from some of you readers. Feel free to drop me a line.
For as long as I can remember, I have had been attracted to my best friend’s mother, Robyn. Robyn was my elder by about twenty years, and I had known her for about half of that. Spending a lot of time with James during our childhood and high school years meant spending a lot of time around his mother, which certainly didn’t help my feelings for her. My attraction never had time to cool down and fade as I met girls closer to my age because of the time I spent around her when I was hanging out with James. Though I found myself attracted to her physically, I liked her as a person, which made it even more difficult to be around her. She was fun, caring, and honest, three things which I was finding, to my dismay, that women of my own age had trouble with. I felt sure that my feelings would never be returned, but little did I know just how wrong I was.
Early in the summer after I graduated high school, I was asked by a friend of mine to do some pet sitting. James was going away for the summer to visit his father in another state, and his mother was going to be away for two and three days at a time throughout the whole summer on business. I had no problem taking care of the dogs, having been around them so much I liked them as much as my own pets.
Taking care of the dogs was easy. All I was asked to do was to come over when Robyn wasn’t in town, and give the dogs food, and make sure that they went out at least twice a day. Being fairly close with them, I would usually linger around the house and give them time to stretch their legs outside, rather than keep them cooped up inside all day.
One day while giving the dogs their afternoon romp by chasing the dogs around the small, in-ground pool, I heard the front door to the house open and close. I knew that I locked it, so it was either James or his mother. Within seconds, I was greeted by the sound of Robyn’s voice.
“Hey, John! Getting a little exercise, I see?” she laughed as she watched me nearly fall into the pool as the dogs jostled past me.
I laughed.
“Yeah, I hate seeing them cooped up for too long. They like to run, but you know that,” I replied.
Robyn smiled, and pet the dogs fondly. I picked up my key ring from the patio table, and started towards the door back into the house.
“I’ll take off,” I said. “I need to run some errands anyway.” I didn’t feel like hanging around and trying to pretend that I wasn’t attracted to Robyn. I liked her a lot, but I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea about me.
“If its something that can wait, I’d be glad to have you hang around for a while. With James gone, its kind of weird being here by myself,” she said. “I’m not afraid of being here alone, but I don’t really have anyone to talk to. We could watch a movie or something.”
I shrugged. This wasn’t unusual behavior, as she had asked me to spend time with her before. Then again, she had asked all of the guys in our group to do the same, so I didn’t get my hopes up. I figured that I would be able to keep my emotions under control, at least for a little while.
“Sure, I’ll stick around for a little bit. A movie sounds pretty cool.”
Robyn ushered me into the house, and I sat down on the couch. She told me that she was going to be a few minutes because she wanted to get changed out of her work clothes. Robyn was a nurse, but was taking trips to teach other nurses some sort of obscure testing procedure, so she wore business attire.
As she walked towards her room, I watched her. She was wearing a black skirt that fell to just above her knees, which was split right up to her ass. I had never seen her wear this outfit before, so I quickly scanned the rest of her. She was also wearing a white button up blouse with billowy sleeves, and black high heel shoes. My eyes were drawn back to the slit in her skirt, which in turn led to me staring at her ass, which was a little on the bigger side. I had never noticed just how well it was shaped, and I longed to run my hands over her cheeks, and squeeze them.
She was about five feet, nine inches tall, with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She had an easy smile, and naturally rosy cheeks. She didn’t look to be almost forty, but she did carry herself with the bearing of a responsible adult, which I most certainly wasn’t. Thought he didn’t have any terribly striking features about her, other than her breasts, which were fairly large, she was still very beautiful.
Though I didn’t consider myself an expert on breasts, having only been with one other woman, I knew that hers were a rather good example. Gravity had started to take its toll on them, but I still found them quite inviting. As she passed into her room, I recalled the first time I saw them.
James and I were swimming in the pool the summer before, and his mom was sitting on one of the patio chairs, reading a book in a pale yellow sun dress. Shortly after we got into the pool, she stood and pulled the sun dress over her head, and underneath she revealed that she was wearing a blue, one piece bathing suit. My eyes quickly looked her over. She obviously didn’t work out, but I found her curves and slight belly extremely sexy. My eyes soon found her breasts, which were straining against the fabric of the bathing suit. Though it wasn’t cold out, I could see her nipples pressing against the suit. Sitting there in the water, I found myself with a rather large erection. Though I had fantasized about her before, that was as close as I had come to ever seeing her naked. Later that night, I masturbated furiously, imagining those large orbs in my hands and in my mouth.
Robyn startled me from my memories by accidentally slamming the bedroom door. I jumped slightly, and looked over to where she was standing and my jaw dropped in shock. Either she could read minds, or I was just really lucky. She was wearing the same bathing suit as in my memory, except with a pair of white shorts.
“Sorry if I startled you,” she said, taking a seat next to me on the couch. “There was a message on my machine, but it got cut off halfway through it.”
I shrugged.
“Not a big deal. So, what are we watching?”
Robyn got up, and looked through the drawer of VHS tapes that sat underneath the television. As she bent over to look through the tapes, I looked directly at her ass, completely and totally shocked. The shorts weren’t very long, and when she bent over, they rode up to expose her ass cheeks. I immediately felt blood pound through the vessels in my dick, and my pants rose up in a tent.
Picking the worst possible moment to turn around, Robyn chose a tape and returned to the couch. I quickly crossed my legs, hoping that it would hide the erection bulging in my pants.
“We’re going to watch Pulp Fiction,” she said, her voice cracking slightly. Did she noticed?, I thought with a panic. “Maybe this time, I’ll get the whole briefcase thing.”
We began watching the movie, and nothing was said about my erection. In time, my fear that she had noticed and my mind concentrating on everything not related to sex managed to bring the erection down. We sat watching the movie, laughing at the funny parts, and discussing the performances of the actors.
As we watched the movie, I noticed that Robyn was slowly sliding closer and closer to me. Soon after the dancing scene in the restaurant, Robyn spoke.
“I didn’t want to scare you earlier, but I found the clothes you left all over the floor. I’m not mad at you about it.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked. “I didn’t go anywhere but in the kitchen and the backyard.”
“There were clothes all over the floor. It looks like someone was going through my hamper, looking for something. I didn’t notice it until I went into the bathroom to wash my hands. I don’t think I need to remind you that you that you are the only one with a key to my house.”
My mind was spinning. I hadn’t done anything like what she was describing. I wouldn’t say that I didn’t think about going in there to take a look at some of her undergarments, but I had never actually acted on the impulse. I simply sat staring at her, my heart pounding.
She put her hand on my leg, and continued to speak to me in a soft tone of voice.
“I won’t tell anyone about what you did, but you’re going to have to do something for me,” she said. Though I didn’t notice it at the time, her voice had become slightly husky sounding.
Not knowing what to do, I simply nodded. Robyn picked up the controller for the VCR, and turned off both the movie and the television. She stood, took my hand in hers, and walked to her bedroom. I stepped through the door, and she closed it behind us.
“Sit,” she said simply, and I plopped down on the bed, still wondering what was going on. I knew that I hadn’t gone through any of her things, especially not her dirty laundry. Being someone that had never really gotten into trouble before, my mind was trying to decide what the outcome of the situation could be. I wanted to find out if there was a way to plead guilty to a lesser offense.
As if sensing the unease I was feeling, Robyn sat down next to me. She rested her hand on my thigh, her fingers brushing rather closely to my crotch. I tensed up slightly as she did this, and to my horror, I began to get an erection.
With bulging eyes, I looked over at Robyn. She wasn’t looking directly at me, but rather at my hardening member. She spoke up at that point, her voice barely above a whisper.
“We’ll keep this quiet, but you have to do what I ask,” she said. I immediately protested.
“But I didn’t do anything! I told you, I hadn’t been into any room in the house but the kitchen!”
Robyn jerked her head up, and stared me in the eyes.
“If you don’t do what I say, I will call your parents and tell them that I caught you rifling through my stuff. Your dad will flip. You and I both know it,” she said, her voice harsh. She knew that my father was a bit heavy handed in our house. I’d probably get thrown out of the house for something like that, innocent or not.
“Please don’t do that, Robyn. He’d throw me out, and I have no one I can stay with,” I said pleadingly. At this point I was ready to do whatever she wanted, regardless of what it was. I told her so, and she smiled.
“Lie down on the bed,” she said, throwing the covers and sheet back a bit. “I want you to close your eyes, and only open them when I say to. Now pull the covers up over you.”
I did as she told, and soon heard the faint rustling of cloth against skin. Though I couldn’t be sure, it sounded like she was either changing her clothes, or taking them off. I didn’t think that either was very likely, but I was so confused and worried at this point I couldn’t be sure that I could trust my own senses.
After a few moments, I felt a shift of weight on the opposite side of the bed. I felt the covers move slightly, and I felt a foot brush up against my leg. She was lying in the bed with me now. I shivered, not able to control myself anymore. Though even then I thought it impossible, I think my cock knew what was going on. It stood straight up from my body, blood thundering through it.
Robyn said nothing, but all of the sudden, I felt a hand on my penis. I went completely still, and said nothing as she gripped my hard dick in her hand.
“I...I don’t know if we should be doing this,” I said to her. I had been with a woman before, so this shouldn’t be making me nervous, especially since I had spent so many nights masturbating, thinking of this woman. Something inside me said that I should stop her, even though all I really wanted to do was let her keep going.
“Shut up, or you know who I’ll be talking to,” she said, and went about doing whatever it was she had in mind.
Within seconds, I found out just what that was. I felt a tug, and felt her hands unbuckle my belt. After a few seconds of fumbling, she had my belt unbuckled. She took my zipper in her fingers, and slowly slid it down. Another tug, and she had unbuttoned my pants. I felt cool air flow into the confines of my pants.
The only thing that separated my member from her was a thin layer of the cloth of my boxer shorts. I trembled as she again gripped my member in her hand.
“Have you ever been with a woman?” she asked. I simply nodded my head.
“Who?” she asked, her voice quiet.
I stammered.
“I asked if you had been with a woman,” she said, laughing a little bit. “You’ve been with a girl. I want to know if you’ve been with a woman.”
I shook my head.
“That’s just what I wanted to hear.”
Her hands gripped the waistband of my boxer shorts and pants, and she pulled them down. My mind raced. I couldn’t believe that this was happening. My mind had finally caught up with my hormones. She was planning on doing something to me. I shivered slightly as the cool air conditioned air brushed against me. For as long as I had fantasized about this, it was actually happening.
Her hand gripped my bare penis. I felt as if I had been lit on fire. My skin felt hot, and it felt as if my crotch were on fire. Slowly, her hand began to slowly tug on my manhood. Her hand felt so good, stroking me.
“I want you to open your eyes now, and look at me,” Robyn said, her voice still soft.
I opened my eyes, and turned my head to look at her. She had taken her hair out of the bun that it had been pinned up in. Her clear green eyes looked at me, and she was biting her lip slightly. I said nothing as I looked at her, and I couldn’t have even if I wanted to. Tears unspilled filled her eyes.
“I’ve been so lonely since my ex left me,” she began. “It has been a long time since I’ve felt like a man wanted me. I have been waiting for this to happen for so long. I knew one of you would finally try something silly, but I thought that it was too much to hope that it was you.”
I didn’t know what to say, but after what happened next, I guess it didn’t matter if I did have something to say at that point. Robyn sat up, my cock still in her hand, and leaned over. Without warning, she took my penis in her mouth, and at that moment, I felt like I was going to explode. Her hand continued to work at the shaft, as her tongue and lips danced and slid around the head of my cock.
My eyes closed on their own, and I basked in the feeling of her warm mouth swallowing my cock. I had had blow jobs before, but not one like this. As she raised her head up, her hand stroked and curled around me, and as she lowered her mouth back down around my member, she splayed her hand out against my pelvis and cupped my balls slightly. I was in heaven.
As she did this, she swung her leg over me, and positioned herself above me. I opened my eyes, and found myself staring at her moist pussy. Her lips glistened with lubrication. My hands snaked up of their own accord, and spread her lips. Knowing that touching her would encourage her, I began to pull her crotch to my face. I heard a faint whimper from her, and she willingly lowered herself to my face.
My tongue slid out of my mouth to caress her lips. She tasted sweet, and she was very wet. Even through the feeling of her mouth and hand, my cock throbbed. As I probed her slit with my tongue, I was completely unable to think of a time when I had been more turned on.
Emboldened by how strong she had come on, and by her story of loneliness, I thought to myself that I would do everything and anything to please her. As I licked at her clit, I slid my fingers inside her and began to work them in and out. Robyn stopped sucking me as I did this, and let out a long moan.
“John,” she said, her voice cracking. “I can’t believe how good this feels. I couldn’t have imagined.”
Rather than talk, I let my fingers and tongue tell her how I felt. I continued to lap at her pussy, and fucked her with my index and middle fingers. She gasped slightly as she seemed to remember that my dick was swaying about unattended, and took the whole length into her mouth, pressing her nose into my pubic hair. I moaned against her pussy.
...continued on next post...