10-14-2004, 09:47 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: ontario
Posts: 1,140
a guy boards a plane to find he has a row of seats to himself,but just before the door closes another guy with a dog gets on,and take the two seats,the dog owner then say's i'm an airline employee and the dog is a snifer,after take off i'll show you how he works,once in the air the dog is set to work,he walks up the aisle for a few rows then returns and sits by the handler and taps the handlers leg twice,the handler takes out a note pad and begins to write,the passenger ask's what it's all about and the handler replies there is a lady two rows back with crack in her purse,the handler set's the dog off again,after a while the dog is back,sit's be side the handler and yaps five times,the handler makes a note and explains there is a passenger five rows back with cocaine,again a note is made and the dog set's off a third time,soon the dog comes rushing back,jumps up onto the seat and procedes
to crap all over it,the passenger is not impressed,what made him do that he ask's the handler,who replies with a white face 'He smelt a BOMB"
you can alway's tell a limey,But Not Much
I'm so miserable with out you,
It's almost like having you here