09-23-2004, 09:24 PM
a-dick-ted to oz
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: in a fairy tale
Posts: 1,363
I bought one of those little intensely powerful vibes with the clit stimulator on the end......i figured it would feel good but i had noooooo idea just howwwwww good.......a couple, twelve quick orgasms, and i'm so slippery, just feels good to slide it back and forth over me and let the little stimulator thingie vibrate against the entrance....OMG!!!....orrrrrr to carefully slide it in if i'm real wet and the stimulator is doing it's thing deep inside......orrrrrr it feels wonderful teasing my ass with the little stimulator........orrrrrr use it to tease my ass while i slip my fingers deep inside......oh yeah and that little wonder tool feels pretty good on nipples too.......
(and y'all keep wondering why i wander off to buy batteries)