04-26-2002, 10:04 AM
Long Member
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Mississippi, USA
Posts: 466
My political statement on porn is that if somebody wants to fuck on camera and others want to buy it, then be my guest. The tapes I have all appear to star willing participants who earn their paychecks. .
I have several (20)VCR tapes, since my comp is a POS and is too slow to do any videos. Besides, I like the tapes better anyhow.
My favorite people are
Female: Devon, Chasey Lane, Tera, Amber Lynn & Tori Welles(oldschool), Szylvia, and a host of others that I only know by face and not name.
Male: Bobby Vitale, Billy Glide, Alex Sanders , Mark Davis
Hats off to the Adult Actors!! They do what we only dream of, and do it well.
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