Thread: Intro yourself
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Old 08-02-2004, 03:36 PM
Fireguy1222 Fireguy1222 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Missouri
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Exclamation Intoducing ME

I'm Jason most people call me J. 6' 190 brown hair, flat top, and eyes. I am going through a divorce right now, so I guess I am between women-haha. I am a firefighter and a dispatcher. I have three dogs and one cat. I also have 2 pups that the soon-to-be-ex dropped off because it was interefering with her partying. So if anyone wants a rot mix pup, let me know.(must know how to take care of rots. i am very picky.) One interesting fact I am a practicing buddhist. If you would like to know anything else about me ask. I am an open book, sort of, sometimes you have to pry the pages.

hugs and kisses to the women
handshakes to the guys, you did wash your hands right?
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