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Old 07-29-2004, 08:16 AM
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ChinesePussy ChinesePussy is offline
ThePower of Chinese Woman
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you got it sis

In an adult blue whale, the penis is about 5 m long (16 ft) and the testicles weight about 10 kg (22 pounds).
Mostly, the penis of a blue whale is over 10 feet long and is kept rigid by a bone. saw it on some show...they had the whales ding a ling like in a was it was very interesting. think it was called the muesum of penises or something like that..i just remmber it had the world penis, and the world muesum in it...this old guy was gona donate his penis to the musuem when he dies...i think he says that he was gona try and make it erect before he dies...i onoz...but he was around 80 something...

oh i found this

found that guy...

Penis museum fills its last space

The world's only penis museum is hoping to fill its empty human section now that an 85 year-old man has volunteered to leave his sexual organs as a legacy.

The Icelandic Phallological Museum in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, houses specimens from most of the country's 40 mammal species and eight from other countries in its "foreign section." But no human exhibits - for now.

The 85 year-old Icelander Pall Arason has written a letter that formally bestows "my reproductive organs - penis et scrotum" to the museum. The papers have been legally witnessed.

According to museum director Sigurdur Hjartarson, Mr Arason has aksed for it to be removed while his body is still warm, allowing the museum the opportunity to exhibit it erect.

A 41-year-old German photographer Peter Christmann has also made a written offer, Time magazine reports.

Among the exhibits hanging on the museum's wall are a tanned bull's penis that was once used as a whip on the country's farms and a smoked horse's penis said to have been a favourite snack for a 1930s gourmet.

An anatomical drawing on the wall next to the metre-long blue whale's dried penis shows that it represents only around half of its full length.

The museum, whose gift shop sells skipping ropes with phallic handles and coat-racks with penis pegs, attracted 3,500 visitors last year.
In other countries like Far East Asia women are still held in LOWER esteem BUT in China, it’s a different story. Chinese women are much more aggressive and outspoken and held in Higher esteem.” I love Communist that provides males and females Equality and WOMEN’S Rights in China.
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