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Old 07-23-2004, 04:33 AM
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Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northeast coast, USA
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LOL!!!!! Yep, I gotta admit you're right Sharni.....

the oily skin, the acne flare ups, the headaches, the mood swings, crying for no freaking reason, the backaches, the bloating, the weight gain, the cramps, spotting on a brand new pair of panties, the nausea, the diarrhea, the food (chocolate) cravings, the swollen ankles, the over-all bitchiness, having to carry tampons/sanitary napkins around in your purse, having to find restrooms where ever you go so you can change them, the ruined plans.....

I'm sooo ready for the change!!!!!!!!!!
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