07-21-2004, 01:55 AM
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: England
Posts: 3,635
OK for solo Pixies, erm.....do something sexy you haven't done in ages!! LOL
When I was single, occasionally I would treat myself to a night of love rather than just a quick orgasm before sleeping. I'd use massage oil all over my body and breasts and would spend ages teasing myself and experimenting with new positions and using improvised toys before finally allowing myself to come. Was great fun and made me feel loved by me, if no one else!
As Jenna says, variety does keep things exciting and I think that goes for singles as well as couples. A change is as good as a rest, as they say. 
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"
M Y - N A U G H T Y - P I C T U R E S ! !