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Old 07-20-2004, 11:18 AM
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Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Talking Roflmao!!!

OMG! Too funny!

I just love this line from "Alzheimers Jezebel!"...

'Husband my ass! I think I'd remember if I had a goddamned husband! Especially if he was a lousy lay colostomy bag-wearin' bastard like you!'

And I'm betting the 3sum in "Scottsdale Nights!" are or were Pixies! LOL!!

"Sensing her hesitation, Prescott implored, 'Don't you see, Delores? It doesn't matter that our children don't approve, or that our medication schedules aren't entirely complementary — or even that I'm allergic to the polymer shells of your bladder control pantaloons. It doesn't matter at all - because you make me hot! That's right, hot like gravy on pork chops, hot like a van without air conditioning, hot like Sanka in an insulated travel mug. And if I make you hot too, then come with me now - right away! Come with me to Marguerite Volpare's condominium, where the three of us can make hot funky music together!"

'Hot like gravy on pork chops'.... Spoken like a true Pixie! LMAO!!!!!!

Thanks Lil!!
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