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Old 07-20-2004, 02:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Misteria
what purpose will it serve to tell her about your affair.

I'm glad it worked out well for you, Misteria, but personally I would be honest with my ex. Women aren't fools, and if she suspects something, you can guarantee that she'll find out sooner or later. The least you can do is give her the respect of being honest with her.

I split up with my ex, for many very good reasons, but we split when I started communicating with someone I worked with and he made me realise that I was not getting what I needed out of the current relationship. I'd never even met this guy in the flesh, so when my ex asked me if I was seeing someone else, I said 'no'. When he found out a few weeks later, by reading my e-mail (he was in the processing of moving out of our house, and still had access to my computer) it caused so much trouble. I should have told him how it was from the beginning - it was wrong of me to be deceitful.
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Fruit flies like a banana"

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