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Old 07-18-2004, 04:51 PM
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i cant beleive all this.

hows this for a different scenario, lets go back to the beginning of this whole thing. he's not happy, he meets another married woman who is not happy. he needs advice.

well i'm in a similar situation only i've a married woman having an affair with a married man and have been for 2 years, comdemn me all you want but i live for the passion we feel.

i left my husband a few months ago, not in the hopes that my married man would leave his wife, but for myself. the marriage was over a long time ago.

my man, well, his wife had been having a suspected affair for a few years now and this suspected affair only recently became proven as fact.

he was going to leave prior to finding out but didnt want to look like the ahole in this, (this would of been his way out but she broke down and told him everything,) he hasnt told her about us mind you, but has decided that he needs to give her another chance. he has all but ended our relationship.

now who would of figured eh?

guess who the devestated one is?

anyway, look theres more than just one person involved here, not only his family, but hers as well, maybe for her this is just a fling, maybe his wife isnt happy either, maybe shes having an affair as well. who knows.

its time to go to your wife, without saying anything about the affair right off the bat, and talk, talk a lot. find out why your not happy, can changes be easily made?, does she feel the same as you do? and if she does then ask yourself what purpose will it serve to tell her about your affair. If she thinks its over too, becasue she is not happy. let it go. walk away friends.

if it turns out that the things wrong in your relationship are easily fixable, and you discover that deep down after this talk that you really love your wife, walk away from this woman, she will understand, shes already committed.

if i were in your shoes i would never divulge the affair, until you are sure of the new friendship you have developed.

(which in my case i didnt until my husband and i had been separated 3 months and were on the path to being good friends. i was so devestated the night my man broke it off, my husband was the one who held me together as my best friend, because he knew me best.)

of course theres that chance she wont want to be your friend, then who gives a rat's a** tell all!!

either way,..good luck!
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